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Request a custom!



here you can request your own customs made by me! you need to say what type,name,classifacation, evo line( if any)
(eg Mudstish,greenishgray,steel/water, mudfish pokemon)

Hero of Legend

Advanced Missingno.
Can you make my a Normal Deoxys sprite that has the same pose as the attack deoxys sprite and can the deoxys have all four tentacles please and a similar face to the attack deoxys please?


Sorry, i didnt make it clear, i do FAKEMONS ^^ sorry i cant do that i've tried.


ok i'll get on them both! i'll ry my best for the mewshangout one ok dan?


Well-Known Member
;330; OK, heres a challenge. Make this Pokemon:

Name: Gyragon
Element (s): Dragon/Flying
Type: Loyal
Ability: Guts
Description:This 6ft long Pokemon walks on four bird like feet. It's body is covered in very course feathers and has two bat-like wings coated in similarly course feathers. 4 long elegant feathers extend from around it's slanted eyes. It has a long feathery tail with a feathery flair at the end. Salamence blue on top, with orange around it's eyes and an orange underbelly, it's large bill with teeth like formations in it give it a ferocious appearance. It is incredibly loyal. If it's trainers is threatened, the threatener's life is on the line. It lives atop huge mountains. Only the toughest trainers are none to encounter them, and then capture them successfully. Most prefer to raise them from Pestrals. Either way, this Pokemon remains immensely loyal.
Evolution: Pestral-lv30-Dralcon-lv50-Gyragon

If you can make this, you'll have another 39 requests.


Two tailed wolf heres the mewhangout thingy, i'm really embarrased with this one since im normaly much better^^thingy
im currently doing all the others ^^
shinyfliygons will take a while since its three^^
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Well-Known Member
;330; I just want Gyragon, ignore Dralcon & Pestral.


Can u make a sprite of this?



Well-Known Member
;330; I'm afraid to say that looks very little like Gyragon. I guess it's harder than I thought to sprite. I'll come back if I ever somehow manage to get an image link.