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This is mine and # 1 naterou fans shop Treecko Pochama Master will be working for us only for a little bit.

We do Fusions, Tcs, eggs, pokeballs.

Sorry that there are no examples but I am not able to
Hey i can do fusions, recolors, i-pod, trainer/poke fusions, siamese, headless, floating heads.
Gonna post pics soon.

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
Treecko2040, he isn't even good. Always save them as PNG. They look all blurry........ Trust me, he isn't even good if he doesn't know that. Seriously..........These are terrible. Work better, learn to save as PNG and don't steal. Follow those and you might actually be good.
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Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
It's called critisim. Get used to it. If you're gonna sprite, you need to learn it.

The "I'm a Begginer." Execuse won't work.

The only good thing about being terrible, is people won't steal.

Learn from those. I'm sick of people like you. Look, go and learn and quit working till you can. Don't take a job as a begginer.
ohhhhh like you do! Lets see your stuff before your critisie us. So go get a life. Because I can see you made all of your sig. UUUUU will you make me a sig oh! but I shoild just ask Mega Trickster or ANgelwings. Your pathetic!

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!

I made that. I keep it hidden, but I make blinkies. Much better than his. I'm not saying it's bad, save as png. It looks blury.


Well-Known Member

I see that you are a begginer, good effort! Keep practising!

I will make a request, so that you can practise.

Can I have a mix, of haunter and lapras, please. Make lapras the base pokemon. Lets see how you do on this request.
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