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Resident Evil 4!


Jonathan Davis
How many time have you guys beaten it?

I'm on my 4th playthrough. Currently going through mercs to get the handcannon. So frustrating >_<


Manyula Trainer
Only once. It's my little bro's and he would never let me play it on the second playthrough.


dragon rider knight
Did you unlock the Italian suit for Leon or the armor suit for Ashley?


Well-Known Member
I've beaten that game alot of times,over 10 on the GC and over 5 on the PS2(I forget the exact number).

I'll played the Mercs for fun,never really tried to get the Handcannon.
I feel if that if I were to use that weapon(or the Infinate Rocket Launcher and Chicago Typewriter) it would make the game a bit too easy for my liking.

Other than the Handcannon,I pretty much unlocked everything else.


Cool Lander
I've beaten this game like 6 times and it still never gets old. I want to try and unlock the alpha 360(the super awesome laser gun thing) but it might be too hard and using infinite launcher and typewriter is way more fun. But then again it makes the game a little too easy. The handcannon looks tight and fun, but mercanaries is just way to hard.


Aim for the Top.
Beaten it twice, got bored, mercenaries mode is entertaining for a short period of time.


Well-Known Member
I want to try and unlock the alpha 360(the super awesome laser gun thing) but it might be too hard and using infinite launcher and typewriter is way more fun.
That's true,the game was kinda fun with just blasting things with the IRL and the Typewritter. *lol*


Twilight of Aquarius
I...haven't even beaten it yet. I got as far as that huge guy in the flaming building (I believe his name is Mendez). I have no healing items and I'm low on ammo. I don't think I can do this, so I'm going to start over.


Well-Known Member
I...haven't even beaten it yet. I got as far as that huge guy in the flaming building (I believe his name is Mendez). I have no healing items and I'm low on ammo. I don't think I can do this, so I'm going to start over.
That may be a good idea.
I usually conserve ammo by using the knife at some points,like when the villagers are on the ground geting up.
Kicking them does damage to them without using that much ammo as well.

Ben Kenobi

Well-Known Member
I've beaten it at least ten times on GC. I'm currently going through one file with just the Infinite Launcher, Chicago Typewriter and Handcannon. One time for kicks, I just decided to get a record high score on Mercernaries as Leon in the village and scored over 100,000.

I always find it fun to play through and in fact, it was responsible for the death of my last Gamecube. The most annoying thing about the game is Ashley. She just slows you down.


Natsu no Maboroshi
1st playthrough. It's kinda creepy, but cool.


Thank you Come again
I loved this game. I Played through the GCN version twice on Normal and attempted Professional. Never bothered with Easy, seemed to....well, easy. I haven't unlocked the Handcannon yet... Too hard and I'm out of practise. Should I get back into it again?
Would it be worth buying the PS2 version to see the additional bonuses?
The only gripe I found about that game was that it wasn't scary! Did any of you get scared? Then again, I don't have full surround sound and didn't play on a HUGE wide screen in the middle of the night...
Well, thats my two cents


I've played it once (for 8 hours) and it was amazing. Can't find a gamecube version for sale anywhere though.