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Return of Team Rocket Sign-Ups

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I am making a new RPG with my new co-owner, Chaimee1. It is about Team Rocket after Fire Red/Leaf Green and before the anime. Here is the sign-up sheet (It is pretty long):
Rules: (These are for the RPG itself, too.)
1. Use Your imagination
2. NO SWEARING! If you absolutely HAVE to, use *** and put spoiler tags on. We do have 6, 7, and 8 year olds here, you know.
3. No sexual content. There can be shipping and kissing in the RPG, but no sex, ect.
4. No spamming please.
5. No double posting. Only I can double post here, and it is usaully by accident.
6. No bashing.
7. No going off topic, for instance, Jay was preparing for a Gym battle in a town in one post, and in the next he is somewhere in Africa, fending off cannibals! If it does happen, ignore it and continue where the person before the person who went off topic left off and continue as usual.
8. You can post more than one character, so long as it is in a seprate post.
9. No killing off other people.
10. No bunnying. (bunnying is taking someone's character and making do things without their permmision).
11. You can make posts to continue the story in the RPG, but you have to be accepted here first.
12. If you and another character are having a disscussion, PM them first to see what they want to say. If you don't, and just say what you wanted to say, that is a one line post. That is against the rules and I will report you and/or kick you out of the RPG. If you take control of another person's character, even for a short conversation, you are bunnying.
13. I will not consider a match where a character is refereeing bunnying, so long as they do not act out of personality.
14. No Spam (Stupid pointless annoying messages).
That's all for now. Any person breaking these rules will be kicked out of the RPG and, depending on the seriousness of the rule-breaking, reported. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Ever Wonder what happened to Team Rocket?
What did they do after Fire Red/Leaf Green?
If they all blended in with us, wouldn't the urge to steal be too great?
And since they had hunreds, if not thousands of members, would the crime rate go up Higher and higher?
What happened to Geovanni? Did he blend in, too?
Maybe. But then again, Maybe not. What happened to Team Rocket Headquarters? Where was it?
All these questions have answers, and all those answers have more questions. They were never meant to be revealed. Or were they?
If they were, why am I going to tell you?
Because I want to, that's why. That is also your first answer.
But why do I want to? See what I mean? Okay, I'll stop. These are getting silly.

The RPG starts out following the story of a young, white, freckly (is that a word?) boy named Jay with black hair who had just started out on his journey in Daseno (pronounced DAS-EAN-OH) with his Pikachu, nicknamed Pika. His mom left on her Pokemon journey and was never heard from ever again, of course making him very nervous about the journey he was about to make himself. His dad gives him a Pokedex/Pokenav, and a hat with a "M" on it (This is for anime reference. He does turn it sideways when catching Pokemon, after all). He gets two friends for company, and for protection. What more can he ask for?
Meanwhile, Geovanni, desprate for the power of controlling an infamous and powerful crinimal organaztion, plots his comeback. The world had brought him down to a mere shadow, and that shadow wanted revenge. He calls up his friends to help him with the huge task of creating the huge organization again. He will not give up.
Jay and Pika have some great battles together and win all eight badges. But his encounters with the slowly-growing Team Rocket gradually turn him closer and closer to becoming evil, and his friends try to pulll him away from it, but after battling the Elite Four, the champion gets ambushed by Team Rocket. Instead of helping the Champion, Jay joins Team Rocket, causing his best friends and his rival to become his sworn enemies. Team Rocket makes off with 6 Pokemon, and Jay follows. Geovanni gives him his approval, and Jay starts his Team Rocket Training.
He becomes the key to making Team Rocket better than ever. In Kanto, he finds four members of a bike gang, who help him in stealing a high-tech device called a Snag Machine from a 17-year-old boy in Orre, and learning how to artifically close Pokemon's hearts, turning them into battle machines. When he tests it out, he snags a Meowth, who can talk! He goes back to Kanto to present the Meowth to Geovanni. However, since the Meowth gave up Pay Day to talk, he is useless. Instead, two of the bike gang members volenteer to take the Meowth. Geovanni gives it to them, and gives them the Names Team Rocket Admins Jessie and James. Meowth gets the honor of being Top Cat. They start their training right away. Later, Jay gives the Snag Mahine to Geovanni, who starts working on mass-producing it. Jay then travels the world with the two new members of Team Rocket, who were the other two members of the bike gang. Geovanni figures that the best training they could get was to follow Jay. They bring new recruits for Team Rocket, all the while being chased by his former friends. The new recruits make Team Rocket's name known throughout the world once more. Jay also aides an organization in Orre named Cipher with their Shadow Pokemon plan, also catching a Lugia for the key of the plan, called XD001. Jay remains loyal to Team Rocket, and rises in power. Then the RPG ends on a cliff, leaving people waiting for the sequel.
Will Jay turn back to the Light side? Wait for the sequel. If you do, have a cookie.
His Current Team of Pokemon is:
Pikachu (Pika) Level 5 ;025;
Munchlax level 10 ;munchlax;

These two are the pokemon he has as of my recent update to my story, which I am writing on Microsoft Word. I will release it in segments.

Rival: Cid Woodsher.
Jay's original Followers: Luis Brightsun and Luana Kawaii.
Jay's Team Rocket followers: Dawn Yukoru and Cody.

Here is the Gym Leader/Elite Four Members so far:
1st Gym: Gretta Paho. Specalty: Ice. Holds the Cube badge.
2nd Gym: Ozzie. Specialty: Bugs. Holds the Crawly Badge.
3rd Gym: Trevor Diggs. Specialty: Ancient Pokemon. Holds the Shovel Badge.
4th Gym: Samarusa Niedermayer. Specialty: Dark. Holds the forgotten badge.
5th Gym: Blaze. Specialty: Fire. Holds the Burning badge.
6th Gym: Meteor. Specialty: Psychic. Holds the knowledge badge.
7th Gym: Jonathan Hashbury. Specialty: Water . Holds The Hydro Badge.
8th gym: Kor. Battle Along-side Pokemon . Holds the Warrior Badge.
Elite Four 1: Victor Lidérc Specialty: Ghost/Dark
Elite Four 2: Kate Lullaby. Specialty: Electricity
Elite Four 3: Ian. Specialty: Normal
Elite Four 4: Jamie Snegum. Specialty: Balanced
This can change and will be updated. I need this information to get the Serbii Seal of approval and for me to start my RPG.
Things You Need to Know to Understand My RPG:
Pokemon: Our Friends and Partners who enjoy battling and have a wide range of attacks, Types, and abilities.
Levels: These show how powerful a Pokemon is. After aquring a certain number of levels, the Pokemon may evolve.
Evelution: When one Pokemon changes into another, more Powerful Pokemon. This can be with happiness, levels, trading, or with element stones.
Element Stones: These are rare stones with a mysterious power that makes certain Pokemon Evolve.
Trading: To switch one Pokemon with someone else's. Some Pokemon evolve right after this.
Types: What makes certain Pokemon learn certain attacks. Also, One type's attacks can be super-effective against another's, or not very effective.
Super effective: If an attack is super effective, it does twice as much damage.
Not Very Effective: If an attack is not very effective, damage is cut in half.
Abilities: Abilites determine effects that happen in and out of battles.
Experience Points (exp.) :What causes a Pokemon to level up.
Pokedex: A device that records a pokemon that you saw.
Pokenav: a tool used for navigation that doubles as a cell phone.
Team Rocket: an evil orgaization that uses Pokemon like battling machines.
Cipher: An evil organization that artifically closes the doors to the Hearts of pokemon, making them evil and willing to attack humans.
Rival: A pokemon trainer that is competing with you for number of Pokemon in the Pokedex, levels, ect.
Follower: A person who follows you everywhere you go.
That's all the basics on Pokemon.
This is the template for people wishing to become characters:
Name: (character's name)
Gender: (male or female)
Age: 10-30
Are you a random trainer, rival, Gym leader, Elite Four Member, or do you follow the main character around? (2 Rivals, a contest rival and a battle rival, and 4 followers please.)
Physical Description: (what they look like. Should include description of hair, skin eyes, build, height, weight and clothing)
Personality: (how the character acts, and are you good or evil? If you are the rival, don't list if you are good or evil.)
History: (the character's background, what their life was like, where they grew up, when they left on a journey, etc.)
Pokémon: (Six or less.)
Gym Leaders and Elite Four: (Note that there is only one of each of these, and no ledgendaries unless approved. Put what you specalize at, also. This has to coorespond with your pokemon (In other words, you have to have the type you specalize at be the type your Pokemon are.)
Other: (If it doesn't go anywhere, put it here, but it has to be humanly possible.)
(Optinal) Other People's names: (If you have suggestions for the names of Newscasters, people, daycare people, Champion, ect., put it here. It does not have to have anything to do with your character.)
Note that I am not very strict about this, and so long as I can understand it, I will okay you.
Levels of Pokemon: level 1-10 to be between the beginning and the first gym, 10-15 to be between the first and second gyms, 15-20 to be between the second and third gyms, 20-25 to be between the third and fourth gyms, 25-30 to be between the fourth and fith gyms, 30-35 to be between the fith and sixth. 35-40 to be between the sixth and seventh, and 40-45 to be placed between the seventh and eighth. Anything else will be placed after the Elite Four. If you have ledgendaries, you will be placed farther back. Rivals, list five Pokemon without levels. They must be first stage and NO Ledgendaries, you will be placed after the Elite Four. The 6th Pokemon You get is your starter, Daisy (A.K.A. the Little Flower Pokémon). It is that way to make the RPG move along, for Jay starts out with Pikachu.
Pokemon: You can use Pokemon from any region, and you can make up a few, but say their attacks (Please, don't put extremly powerful attacks on a level five or stuff like that), abilites, and type. No abilities like no hit, or stuff that will give you a large atavantage over your opponent. Also, list if it is a ledgendary, but no ledgendaries until after the Elite Four. If it has an evelotion or pre-evelotion, list it and how it evolves (Who knows, I might like it and make Jay catch one later).
Gym Leaders and Elite Four: 1st gym leader, Pokemon level 12-15. 2nd Gym Leader, Pokemon 18-20. 3rd Gym leader, Pokemon 22-25. 4th, 28-30. 5th, 33-35. 6th, 38-40. 7th, 43-45. 8th, 48-50. Elite Four 1: 52-55. Elite Four 2: 55-60. Elite four 3: 65-70. Elite Four 4: 75-80. Champion has no Pokemon. He is ambushed. I will pick the Gym Leaders/Elite Four members who have the best Description.
Rival and followers: Once again, I will pick the five that want to be followers/the rival who have the best Description. If you do not specify if you are good or evil, you will be placed in the next avalible spot for followers.
These sign-ups will remain open until the end of the RPG, and will accept late people. When this Sign-up is closed at the end of the RPG, I will open a new one for the sequel. If someone better comes along and wants your spot, I will pick out the poorest description and send you another Presonal Message informing you of the bad news. If I do, you have about two days to edit your post to make it better. However, if you don't you will still be put in the RPG, just as a random trainer. Check back here for updates often. If this is closed and there is no RPG, a moderator was the one who closed it, and I will let everybody in this know about the bad news by Personal Messaging you. I Hope that doesn't happen, but who knows? Thanks for reading this. Have a cookie. I needed to edit it a lot.

We still need gym leaders!
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Name: Alex AKA pokemorph Alex
Rival: Pikapika
Pokemon: i can trasform into any pokemon


That's good, but can you have Pokemon you actually caught?
Edit: Okay, now it's not good. Can you follow the new rules?
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Really and truly
Please for the love of all that is good read the rules before posting in the RPG section.

This is not an RPG. This has barely any plot. You weren't specific enough and barely gave us any hint as to what this RPG is actually about.
I am making a new RPG. It is about Team Rocket after Fire Red/Leaf Green.
Ok...but what is is ABOUT? A furthur explanation as to how this RPG relates to Team Rocket would be nice. I mean, are they trying to steal the world's rice supply to make a statue of Ryhorn made out of steamed rice for Pidgey to feast on?

It also follows the story of a young boy who eventually turns away from his dream and makes his best friend become his worst enemy.
Who is this boy? Where is he from, what does he look like, what kind of person is he?
What are his dreams? Who is his best friend?

Your Sign Ups are absolute crap. THIS is what there SHOULD be on a Sign Up Sheet:
Name: (character's name)
Gender: (male or female)
Age: (make age restrictions here)
Physical Description: (what they look like. Should include description of hair, skin eyes, build, height, weight and clothing)
Personality: (how the character acts)
History: (the character's background, what their life was like, where they grew up, when they left on a journey, etc.)
Pokémon: (what Pokémon they have. restriction and limits should be placed here, as you may or may not want fully evolved Pokémon, shinies, fourth generation Pokémon and so on. Also you may want to limit how many Pokémon a trainer should have)
Other: (if it doesn't go anywhere, put it here)

Do you understand now? THAT is what a sign up sheet ought to look like.

Also, you should place restriction on the characters. Because PokegodWielderAlex is going to be a god/power player. This means that PokegodWielderAlex is going to have a huge advantage to the other RPGers because he/she has special powers, making it VERY unfair for everyone else.

Yes, you need a REAL plot. Either make one or this will be closed by a Mod. I'd strongly advise reading the rules for this forum.

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Psychic said:
Please for the love of all that is good read the rules before posting in the RPG section.

This is not an RPG. This has barely any plot. You weren't specific enough and barely gave us any hint as to what this RPG is actually about.

Ok...but what is is ABOUT? A furthur explanation as to how this RPG relates to Team Rocket would be nice. I mean, are they trying to steal the world's rice supply to make a statue of Ryhorn made out of steamed rice for Pidgey to feast on?

Who is this boy? Where is he from, what does he look like, what kind of person is he?
What are his dreams? Who is his best friend?

Your Sign Ups are absolute cr*p. THIS is what there SHOULD be on a Sign Up Sheet:
Name: (character's name)
Gender: (male or female)
Age: (make age restrictions here)
Physical Description: (what they look like. Should include description of hair, skin eyes, build, height, weight and clothing)
Personality: (how the character acts)
History: (the character's background, what their life was like, where they grew up, when they left on a journey, etc.)
Pokémon: (what Pokémon they have. restriction and limits should be placed here, as you may or may not want fully evolved Pokémon, shinies, fourth generation Pokémon and so on. Also you may want to limit how many Pokémon a trainer should have)
Other: (if it doesn't go anywhere, put it here)

Do you understand now? THAT is what a sign up sheet ought to look like.

Also, you should place restriction on the characters. Because PokegodWielderAlex is going to be a god/power player. This means that PokegodWielderAlex is going to have a huge advantage to the other RPGers because he/she has special powers, making it VERY unfair for everyone else.

Yes, you need a REAL plot. Either make one or this will be closed by a Mod. I'd strongly advise reading the rules for this forum.


Sorry Psychic. I read the rules, but did not understand them.
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Really and truly
Well, then, istead of just pretending you never read them, DON'T POST. Isntead, PM a Mod and ask for help. It's called 'commun sense'.

If you see a cigarette lighter and you don't know what it is, are you going to play with it?
If you don't make an effort to even read the rules, you probably will. Then your house will go down in smoke. Looks like you loose.

And what part of 'plot' do you not understabd? I'd be happy to spell it out for you. Just make the damn effort. If the rules were hard to understand then why can everybody else follow them? Do you have a learning dissability? If not, then you have no other excuses.



Psychic said:
Well, then, istead of just pretending you never read them, DON'T POST. Isntead, PM a Mod and ask for help. It's called 'commun sense'.

If you see a cigarette lighter and you don't know what it is, are you going to play with it?
If you don't make an effort to even read the rules, you probably will. Then your house will go down in smoke. Looks like you loose.

And what part of 'plot' do you not understabd? I'd be happy to spell it out for you. Just make the damn effort. If the rules were hard to understand then why can everybody else follow them? Do you have a learning dissability? If not, then you have no other excuses.

Thanks a lot. I'm new, and a little nervous. I've been to the newbie lounge, and someone told me to go write a RPG. I'll make sure to do that next time. Now, Back to my RPG. I am taking requests again, (I hope) and be sure to follow my edited rules at the top. Thanks.
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Power Shot

Reignited with Ego!
Psychic, stop rent-a-modding.

PikaPika, this has the potential to be a great RPG, but like any other great RPG, you should make sure everything follows the rules. Expand the story, explain details, and please make people work for their place here.


Name: Daker
Age: 23
Pokemon: Mewtwo, Celebi, ect.

Don't have people use all powerful stuff, just go with common sense as stated above, and have fun. Just make sure there is a genuine level of reason as to why a person would have a legendary, and things of that nature.

You can do it.


Power Shot said:
Psychic, stop rent-a-modding.

PikaPika, this has the potential to be a great RPG, but like any other great RPG, you should make sure everything follows the rules. Expand the story, explain details, and please make people work for their place here.


Name: Daker
Age: 23
Pokemon: Mewtwo, Celebi, ect.

Don't have people use all powerful stuff, just go with common sense as stated above, and have fun. Just make sure there is a genuine level of reason as to why a person would have a legendary, and things of that nature.

You can do it.

Thanks. I've been taking a lot of beating today. In the example above, be sure to list the levels of the Pokemon. If I can't intrest you so far, here's a small sample of the RPG:
10-Year old Jay Stevens was racing down the stairs. He couldn’t believe it. He was about to get his first Pokémon from Professor Acorn! He wanted to be the very best. The best there ever was. He ran down the stairs, hoping to get there as fast as possible.
That's all for now. Look, Pikachu's Surfing the web! :surfpika:
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I bet they're all 100.

Plus, PikaPika, you should put a rule of which Pokemon can be in your party and what cannot and what level they are going to be when they start the RPG.

Normal trainer

If you could answer some questions I would have a chance of joining.
Can we use evolved pokemon?
Can we have pokemon in Box?
Do we have to use pokemon from FR/GL?

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Power Shot
Psychic, stop rent-a-modding.



You're calling someone trying to help this idiot, a rent a mod.

Well anyways, this piece of crap-er, rule breaking RP has happily been reported by me.



Normal trainer said:
If you could answer some questions I would have a chance of joining.
Can we use evolved pokemon?
Can we have pokemon in Box?
Do we have to use pokemon from FR/GL?
Yes, you can, but they have to be the apropirate level for their evelution, Yes you can also have Pokemon in the Box, but try to keep the limit at six, and yes, you can use Pokemon from other games (but no Shadow Pokemon, well,at least not yet.)
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Normal trainer

Name: Luis Brightsun
Gender: male
Age: 17
I am a follower
Physical Description:He is tall,thin,slim,he has brown eyes and long blond black hair. 1.90m.I have a green hat with an image of an egg in the front of it, a white t-shirt and a pair of dark-blue jeans.
Personality: He is a kind guy that likes to protect his friends from any trouble.He is very dedicated with all the things he do.He is shy and sometimes touchy.He rarely gets angry.
History: This trainer has been a pokemon coordinator since he started his journey.He loves normal pokemon since he was given a Kecleon as his starter.
Pokémon: Slakoth,Chansey,Kecleon,Girafarig,Nincada and Porygon(All level 10)
In box:Castform,Zangoose and Snorelax.(All level 10)
Me have finished.


You are accepted, Normal Trainer. Once this RPG gets approved, IF it gets approved, you will be one of the first to join in.
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Name: Jamie Snegum (Instead Of Ketchum:D)
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Job: Elite Four
Physical Description: Black Curly Hair, Tanned skin, 6"2, Well Built, Green Eyes, Wears A White Hoody And Black Tracksuit bottoms.
Personality: Thinks Of Pokemon As Friends And Partners, You Have to Love Pokemon And treat Them as Humans, Always Wants To fight someone Strong.
History: Started Journey at age Of 7 With Bigger Brother, That's why He's Elite Four At Such Young age, Grew Up with Bigger Brother And single Mom.
Pokémon: Typhlosion, Kingdra, Electabuzz, Espeon, Umbreon, Because Your Creating this I'm just Giving U An Idea But Could I Have the 5th Pokemon to Be A Latios That Is His Friend And Appears When He Only Has 1 Pokemon Left??, Otherwise: Gengar

Gym Leaders and Elite Four: Elite Four
Other: Used To Be Friends With Main Character Until He Joined TR, turns Into Sworn enemy(That's Why The Latios Thing).
Or could He Not Be Elite Four, And Be The 1 That Ambushes The Champion Because He thinks He's the Only 1 That Can Beat The Main character.
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