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Revamps, splices, fakes and scratches by teh spwriter


Just me

You can suggest something, but there is absolutely no guarantee that I will ever do it. I will only start considering your suggestion if I feel like spriting but don't know what to sprite, and even then I'll only actually do your suggestion if I like it and think it will come out good. Okay?

With that out of the way, let's do some showcasing...

My recoloring/remaking/whatever skills have gone through a few periods. During the first one, I made paint-buckety recolors by simply replacing the colors on the original sprites with colors from the Advance sprites. Needless to say, they looked horrible and nothing like Advance sprites.

Then I started my period of copying the Advance sprites' outlining and shading really, really closely. Those weren't too bad and some of them actually don't make me wince when I look at them now.

Then they went worse again, when I decided to start making up shading and outlining. When I did that, the outlining always ended up really bad, and I was also way ahead of myself in making scratch edits. I made unnecessary ones that didn't look too good, instead of necessary ones that would have looked good.

Anyway, then I pretty much stopped spriting, and now I've started again, and have randomly been redoing some of my old recolors, as well as making some new ones. So, if my babbling about the history of my spriting hasn't made you fall asleep yet, some showcasing. You can suggest, but ONLY suggest - I'm only going to recolor sprites I either like or feel are a nice challenge to try.

Oh, and remember that anybody who steals my sprites dies a slow, painful death.

Crystal version Butterfree:

Green version Mew (HEAVILY EDITED INTO ALMOST-SCRATCHNESS, and I've probably shown this one here before):

Yellow version Mew:

Red/Blue version Mew (heavily edited and looking nothing like the original):

Yellow version Pikachu (with R/S tail):

Yellow version Vulpix (with R/S tails and FR/LG head):

Yeah... I think that's all. Suggest away... especially if I made a really bad recolor of that sprite sometime long ago.
Last edited:


I dropped my balls
cool! I really like the butterfree. The mews are edited awesome, i say, a very good job indeed :) could you try the silver version blastoise? loved the pose!


Just me
Hmm... I personally never liked the Silver version Blastoise... besides, right now I have an urge to redo that horrible old Red/Blue version Articuno of mine. *winces*


Just me
*falls over* Why the heck do you spam IN A MOD'S THREAD?

-_- "nice sprites" tells me nothing. It doesn't even tell me you can see the sprites. Technically you could have images off and just copy and paste that into every thread you see for all I know. Maybe you're going to say that you can't think of anything to criticize them on or something, but if you really can't, you can at least either a) suggest or b) say something of worth about what's so "nice" about them. Because really, you're not giving me an ego boost at all. You're making me feel that my sprites aren't worth more than two words, one exclamation mark and no capital letters. That's just sad.

In other words, that's a warning for you, Mr. gengar v.2.

gengar v.2

whatever i mean there just amazing the way you've shaded. is that good enough?


FoxBoi's Partner
Your recolors are teh r0x0rz. =P I should try recoloring.. haven't done it in a while.. >.> Anyway, the red/blue Mew's head is pretty big for its body.. o.0; But I love how you recolored the butterfree. That one is difficult to recolor due to all of the shadow they put on it. T_T


nice. I love the Red/Blue mew. I think the Charizard looks the best. I like the Vulpix's pose as well.
Nice job.
BTW, do you think you would do a Gold version Houndoom?


Just me
Ah, my old Gold version Houndoom... one of my first recolors if I remember correctly... *fixes it up*



Oceanic Legend
Dragonfree said:
Ah, my old Gold version Houndoom... one of my first recolors if I remember correctly... *fixes it up*


EDIT: Can see it now.

Although all your other sprites are excellent, and well done.

Keep up the great work,


You did a very good job on all of them. I really like the Charizard. Keep up the good work!


Just me
This isn't actually a recolor, but meh, I'm including it anyway... it's a Houndoom as I think it should look. Edited from the Emerald sprite...


A trained eye might notice that I turned the whole shading on the body because official sprites face in the direction of the highlight.


Those are really good and very well shaded. I love the Vulpix and the Charizard. do an Electabuzz!


Their pretty good but the one thing that bothers me is that the the mew's head for the red and blue one is 4x bigger then the body and the feet o the yellow version one are huge!


Really good! The Yellow version Butterfree and Charizard are my favourites! The shadings are really good! I like the Mews', too! Great job!

'Don't have a request at the moment-


Just me
Zapper!, since you didn't state a preference, I picked my favorite Electabuzz sprite (the Gold one).
