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Revenge is for noobs. Vengeance is the real deal.


STalking is a hobby.
Title is inspired for being a Scorpio. In the Book of Zodiacs, the Scorpio is the sign of extremes. It says never to mess with a person under the sign of the Scorpio, for the sting of the Scorpio doesn't go for Revenge, revenge sometimes is not enough. Vengeance is in order; to be dishonored by someone and become their friend, only to stick it to them in the end is much more sweeter.

They never see it coming.

Now that that little lesson is over, here is my Team. My Team consists on beating the opponent down hard, and as hard as I can.


Breloom @ Toxic Orb
Trait: Poison Heal
EV's: 252 HP / 72 Def / 184 Speed
Adamant Nature
- Leech Seed
- Mach Punch
- Substitute
- Focus Punch

Weavile Lead killer. Went with Leech Seed upon people's request because Spore and Sub do not mix imo. I wouldn't have time to use it when I am setting up Sub and using Focus Punch. Leech Seed forces switches as much as Spore and saps HP so I like that idea. Thanks for the help on that one.

Like DMFG stated, EVs distributed for anti-Tar.


Weavile @Choice Band
Trait: Pressure
EV's: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Speed, -SAtk)

- Pursuit
- Ice Punch
- Brick Break
- Night Slash

Another Standard.


Gliscor @Leftovers
Trait: Sand Veil
EV's: 252 HP/252 Def/4 Spd
Impish Nature

- Earthquake
- Aerial Ace
- Stealth Rock
- Roost

Great Hera counter, Stealth Rock set up. Punishes Pokemon for switching in, even more.


InfernRape @Life Orb
Trait: Blaze
EV's: 52 Atk/200 SAtk/252 Spd
Nature: Naive

- Close Combat
- Nasty Plot
- Flamethrower
- Grass Knot

I love unpredictable sets and by unpredictable, I mean he has more than one set he can use unlike Garchomp, Manaphy, Weavile, Heracross and more. Naive Nature so I can go against Skarmory better.


Magnezone @ Leftovers
Trait: Magnet Pull
EVs: 92 HP / 88 Atk / 76 Spd / 252 SAtk
Quiet Nature

- Thunderbolt
- Substitute
- Hidden Power [Grass]
- Explosion

Swampy thinks he can come in on me. Blissey does as well. Advice on how many Atk EVs would kill off Blissey would be greatly appreciated, I think it is somewhere around 100 Atk EVs, but Phuquoph from Smogon said it would need Atk beneficial Nature and EVs to reach 260.


Gyarados @Leftovers
Trait: Intimidate
EV's: 252 HP/252 Atk/4 Spd
Adamant Nature

- Waterfall
- Stone Edge
- Ice Fang
- Dragon Dance

Garchomp/MixApe counter. Intimidate helps and has sweeping capabilities.

Strategy is to basically hit things hard and punish Pokemon for switching in.
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Brains for brawn
This team looks a little fragile, but I suppose that is to be expected, considering that this is a vengance team. You'll need darn good prediction to pull it off.
A Wisher or Rapid Spinner could be helpful.


Neverchanging Avvie
why don't you put Focus Punch on Breloom, since he is sleeping stuffs he is gonna hit the sleeper or a switch in.


Well-Known Member
Make Infernape Naive. You shouldn't use 252/252/6 on Infernape. Use 54Atk / 224 Sp.Atk / 232 Spd.

You might want to make Magnezone Rash, give it some Atk, and give it Explosion instead of T-wave so you can kill a Blissey that wants to come in on you. (You do have Infernape for Blissey, but most likely Blissey won't be staying in when Infernape is out) Exploding Magnezone could help Salamence sweep once Blissey is out of the picture.


Aim for the horn!
Breloom @ Focus Sash
Trait: Effect Spore
EV's: 4 HP /252 Atk /252 Spd
Adamant Nature
- Spore
- Mach Punch
- Sky Uppercut
- Stone Edge

Not a big fan of this with Resttalking Cresselia everywhere, who just lols at you for activating Sleep Clause, being forced to switch out for fear of Ice Beam and having achieved nothing. I actually run my Breloom without Spore, preferring Sub + Seed + FP, though that might not be to everyone's liking.

I also prefer a more bulky spread - I run 252 HP / 72 Def / 184 Speed to outspeed Adamant T-tar and be able to take 2 SEs from Jolly CBTar. Seems like me to be a waste of a poke with such great anti-T-tar typing not to put it to good use. Toxic orb on him if you do this.

Weavile @Choice Band
Trait: Pressure
EV's: 4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Speed, -SAtk)

- Pursuit
- Ice Punch
- Brick Break
- Night Slash


Salamence @Choice Specs
Trait: Intimidate
EV's: 4 HP/252 SAtk/252 Spd
Modest Nature

- Draco Meteor
- Flamethrower
- Hydro Pump
- Dragon Pulse


InfernRape @Life Orb
Trait: Blaze
EV's: 4 HP/252 SAtk/252 Spd
Nature: Mild

- Close Combat
- Nasty Plot
- Flamethrower
- Grass Knot

Don't see where the unpredictability is coming from. I don't see the point in Mild - sure you hit a little harder with FT and GK but you still can't OHKO Starmie with a predicted GK, and you have Weavile to annihilate the Star afterwards anyway. Go with Hasty so you don't find your sweep cut embarassingly short by something you should really outspeed.

To be honest any mix of Att/Sp Atk EVs on mixape is fine. 56 attack EVs for Blissey is just ludicrous - if it's got to the point where a full health Blissey is staying in on Infernape then you've either already won or already lost. By all means EV him to guarantee 1/2HKOs on certain pokes, but make it sensible pokes that might consider coming/staying in on you, not Blissey

Magnezone @ Leftovers
Trait: Magnet Pull
EVs: 192 HP / 176 Def / 140 SAtk
Modest Nature

- Thunderbolt
- Substitute
- Hidden Power [Grass]
- Thunder Wave

Yeah.. as mentioned Explosion would be nice, but then to be honest you may as well just replace him with FT/Psychic/Explosion/NP Azelf

Cresselia @Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EV's: 252 HP/196 Def/54 SDef
Calm Nature

- Ice Beam
- Charge Beam
- Reflect
- Moonlight

Why not

So yeah, you don't really like Heracross do you. Breloom has to go bulky if you want to stop T-tar from ruining you. You also have a huge Weavile weak - don't think you can bring Infernape in on him because as you have no Spinner, with SR damage Weavile is going to 2HKO you with Ice Punch, Night Slash or Brick Break.

In particular, LO'd SD Weavile can come in on Cress and make a horrible mess out of everything. You have no SR and so nothing to really stop him coming in, he can SD on Cress for no risk at all (if you switch out immediately he can outspeed and OHKO anything, and if you stay and Reflect he can then attack, 2HKOing anything that tries to come in). Your only defence is your own Weavile and a coin toss.

At the very least I'd try to get SR onto your team.


Toon link
I don't like that breloom set :/

Trait:poisen Heal
-Focus Punch
-Mach Punch

Substitute is there so once you spore you can use it and feel safe.
Dam seems like when i get my diamond i need to re-train my breloom and get that certain trait.


Active Member
I don't like that breloom set :/

Trait:poisen Heal
-Focus Punch
-Mach Punch

Substitute is there so once you spore you can use it and feel safe.
Dam seems like when i get my diamond i need to re-train my breloom and get that certain trait.

methinks you meant to say Toxic Orb?


STalking is a hobby.
crudent: thank you. I will also find a way to counter Hera.

T-Meister: Thanks for the advice.

Megamiz: Good idea, I will do that, I completely forgot about FP.

Raikou: Good idea. I was thinking of Explosion but wondered if the T-Wave would help for sweeping capabilities. Didn't put to mind that Blissey can help against that, so Exploding is more safe to clear her out of the way.

DMFG: by unpredictability, I mean people have to wonder what set he is using, it's not like Garchomp where you know what moves he is using, some have to set up Sub, use Protect, hope for a good predictable switch in to the correct typing, etc. So I hope that is cleared up.

That set on Breloom seems good, I still like Spore though, 100% accuracy is nice to have for him. Leech Seed seems like a good idea though. By the way, the only way I have a problem with Weavile is if he doesn't lead. Either than that, he stops Weavile Leads with Mach Punch.

I also don't see how I forgot to give him a +Spd Nature, noob mistake seeing how the other set on Infernape I have is Hasty. I'll change that asap. So what do you suggest would be the correct amount of EVs for Infernape?

Meh, I like Magnezone, but I do want to try out Azelf, I just don't think he's a good Sub for Cress and as you said, a Stealth Rocker would be good. I'll check and see what would be good for the Team when it comes to a Stealth Rocker.

Thanks for the advice, your help is always appreciated.

Alzi: that was the set I was thinking so I think I'll go with that, except for the Flame Orb which I think you meant to state as Toxic Orb ^_~. Thanks for the help.

Kingdra: Aww, I love you too sweetie ^_~

Lin: Thank you Lin, who is Korean =P I will as stated be going with that for sure.

Extrasensory: Not as predictable as knowing what set Garchomp Weavile Heracross or Manaphy etc. will be using =O

Thank you guys for the help, you're good at what you do, and keep up the good work. Tell me what you think after I made some adjustments. I like this Team a lot, and it just overall makes it hard for people to switch in on me, especially as I have said, when they need to wonder what moveset some of my Pokemanz have.

I'm wanting to scrap the Cress idea for another hard hitter that has Stealth Rocks, but I am wondering what I should use. Any ideas as I search myself would be appreciated.

Edit: Switched Salamence out for Gliscor. Now just need a 6th Slot member.
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Toon link
Doesn't it's effect work with any status??

Edit: Breloom

Because it says recovers hp when under a status condition.

I hope you can see my post Exiled_Sicilian lol.... I just edited because i don't feel like posting one word.
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STalking is a hobby.

Also need to figure out how many Atk EVs it takes for Magnezone to defeat Blissey with Explosion and this Team is finished then.


STalking is a hobby.
Thanks Annhilator Zero it's appreciated. Now if I can only get pictures for them, because my Comp is acting weird and the Pictures are blurred out. I have a problem with the motherboard, unfortunately.

Annhialator Zero

Thanks Annhilator Zero it's appreciated. Now if I can only get pictures for them, because my Comp is acting weird and the Pictures are blurred out. I have a problem with the motherboard, unfortunately.

You missed an a :p, Hera rapes it once Gliscor's gone, but I suppose that true of any team (Including mine O.O)


STalking is a hobby.
Oops, sorry about that, 4:43 in the morning (had a loooong nap this afternoon so I can't get to sleep but I'm just now starting to feel tired) and thanks for the help getting me those pictures.

That's why I save Gliscor for Hera, I'll make sure to be careful with Hera though, thanks for the advice.
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