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Review of Wii Games

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Thank you, SPPf! :)

shadow for ssbb!! woo
I'm gonna be nice and simply assume you've only played six games in your entire life.

And IGN grading harshly? If anything, they're too lenient.

shadow for ssbb!! woo

Shadow the Hedgehof might have been a great game, but Shawdow the Hedgehog sucked an was an embrassment for anyone who's ever played Sonic games before.


Super Gamer
It should be noted that one shouldn't really listen to the opinions of IGN and Gamespot. One charges you money for content and news you can find online for FREE and judges games harshly, while the other provides videos of themselves clumsily playing games without even really knowing how the hell to play them.

One person's opinion on a game doesn't mean you should instantly deam it a piece of crap based on their experiences. The only way to play a game without having to buy it is to rent it. There's GameFly, and other services that will rent the games.



SPPF's Castlevanic
Shadow the Hedgehog was a horrid game.

Try playing ANY Sonic game before it, except maybe the Game Gear games, as they're all better.

I totally agree. Sonic adventure 2 battle was by far my favorite. And I think shadow is really cool (from sa2b), but when I started playing the shadow the hedgehog game, and found out that he sweard everytime he is shot and basicly used guns, It ruined it for me, because:

a) I could play the game on mute, because I dont want to hear him swear every 5 seconds.
b) stop playing it and do something else

I chose b).

As the thoes reviews, I think they gave mystery dungeon (for ds) way too low of a score, because It really was a great game, and no, you dont need to collect all the pokemon, jeez.. Also, I dont think graphics even matter that much in a game, because it's not the graphics which make the game at all.
I'm going to wait for nintendo power to review these Wii games, and no, they are not nintendo bias.


Iblis Wings
Do you people ever agree on everything? Stop talking about Sonic and focus on the subject at hand! Ahem... I agree with MidnightScott. The only way you'll find out the game or not if you actually play it (The real final product mind you) for yourself.
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Old Coot

One person's opinion on a game doesn't mean you should instantly deam it a piece of crap based on their experiences. The only way to play a game without having to buy it is to rent it. There's GameFly, and other services that will rent the games.

Not only that, but it's much better to get reviews from more than one person in the same section. IGN and GameFAQs assign one person to review a game, whereas publications such as EGM have at least three reviewers giving their honest opinions on the games. Even then, sometimes they don't agree on the same matter.

As Scott said, the best bet is through rentals. GameFly is highly suggested.
People like different genres of games, and that bias in turn affects scores on websites

For example, the Gamespot Star Ocean 3 review. It was written by a woman named Bethany, who openly hates RPG games. Was it ever going to get a great score with her reviewing it? Of course not.

EmberStar the Blaziken

Kung-Pow Chicken
People like different genres of games, and that bias in turn affects scores on websites

For example, the Gamespot Star Ocean 3 review. It was written by a woman named Bethany, who openly hates RPG games. Was it ever going to get a great score with her reviewing it? Of course not.

It was like that because if someone who likes RPGs would 5 it immediatly. I guess they needed to balence it.

Anyway, the reviews I'm waiting for is Zelda and Splinter Cell from IGN.


Old Coot
but io agree that sab2 was the best 3d sonic game
No one here said it was.

The only really *enjoyable* (note: not best) 3D Sonic game was the first Adventure game. And that's only because you weren't forced to play as everyone. Not to mention, it actually felt like a Sonic game.

In regards to what Franky was talking about with the reviewer bias, it's better to have someone more in touch with the games rather than someone who doesn't like them review it. Someone who hates them will obviously pick at every thing they hate (regardless if everyone else thinks it's good) and mark it as a con. Someone more in touch with said games will fairly point out flaws since they're accustomed to the genre.

And yes, a 1 to 5 scale system is retarded. I'm looking at you, GamePro.


Iblis Wings
Why the hell would anyone use a 5 system?

The same reason everyone hates X-Play. Plus the lame jokes and skits but that's beside's the point.

Anyway... I guess the opinion that truely counts is your own and not someone else's. That being said... well I guess my opinion is good to me only really. Same for everyone else.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
Well, IGN just gave ExciteTruck an 8.0, if anyone cares.


Awaiting October.
Zelda Twilight Princess got a perfect rating on GameSpy: http://wii.gamespy.com/wii/legend-of-zelda-wii/745573p1.html

I like GameSpy more than any other gaming review journalism group. Apparently a lot of people there who do reviews show little signs of extreme biasedness. Which probably leads me to believe they have a group for each system who likes that system (so no PC gamer is doing a review for a PS3 game).

Yay for Link..

i agree Gamespy is much better then IGN and the other one..

...wow Aussiefan just wow.

Let me check gamefaqs and all the reviews written by 8 year olds. WOW SHADOW IS SO KEWLS HE HAS A GUN BADASS CONFIRMED!


Well-Known Member

...wow Aussiefan just wow.

Let me check gamefaqs and all the reviews written by 8 year olds. WOW SHADOW IS SO KEWLS HE HAS A GUN BADASS CONFIRMED!

thier not written by 8 year olds and are not like that .i've read plenty of reviews on gamefaqs
The same reason everyone hates X-Play. Plus the lame jokes and skits but that's beside's the point.

Anyway... I guess the opinion that truely counts is your own and not someone else's. That being said... well I guess my opinion is good to me only really. Same for everyone else.

hey . i like x-play because of it's funny jokes and skits .althoughi agree on that last part ,i typically disagree with critics on anything
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thier not written by 8 year olds and are not like that .i've read plenty of reviews on gamefaqs

And most of the reviews are downright HORRIBLE. As in, even worse than professional reviews, which aren't great either.

hey . i like x-play because of it's funny jokes and skits .althoughi agree on that last part ,i typically disagree with critics on anything
XPlay? funny? When did this happen?
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