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Review of Wii Games

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Nintendo Power Zelda 9.5


Awaiting October.

...wow Aussiefan just wow.

Let me check gamefaqs and all the reviews written by 8 year olds. WOW SHADOW IS SO KEWLS HE HAS A GUN BADASS CONFIRMED!

Not really you idiot i just read reveiws on games i have intrested in that a writen by respected members of the forums and that they know what their doing. besides before gamefaqs i check other sites..and then gamefaqs but most of the time gamefaqs is right..for me anyway...

and XPlay the staff are idiots it's only funny because they make complete fools of themselves and bring shame to video gamers across the world..
the only thing good about X Play is the video footage so you can see what the game is like..
Ok sure you go to gamefaqs to read reviews I woudn't be taunting the word idiot there cheif.
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their you go i fixed up your post :) i did you a favour..

You really didn't need to I know what I said, thanks for the editting that said what I didn't want to say...perhaps there's a PS3 thread you can go whine in agian though?

Franky: Yup but Wind Waker got a 10 :\
NSMB was a let down IMO...however I doubt this will be, I'm just posting review scores don't chop my dead off

Korobooshi Kojiro

Well, NP since the redesign has become alot better, as many of the games they hype they seem to have no problem for giving them bad scores.

Their jokes make me laugh though....


Old Coot
I was very critical about NP during the N64 and up days considering their blatant bias at the time. Since the redesign, they actually acknowledge the existance of other consoles without blasting them and they're becoming more fair in their reviews so as not to be bias towards Nintendo titles.


Thank you, SPPf! :)
Yeah, I know Geist received a lot of hype in NP for quite some time, and when the game finally was released, they ripped it to shreds in the review.

I still miss the whole merchandise catalog NP used to offer every few months, though.
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