okay guys i just saw the episode. i'll give a summary...
By the way when may uses skitty for the part where she has to do some nice moves to get a good score skitty uses assist and some attack comes out and ash and the gang start to look at munchlax as its sleeping. Looks like munchlax has some good attacks can't wait for may to use it.
first episode was just basically getting registered and harley apologizing to may and some tears came out of his eyes but ofcourse he was faking it. lol. the little fat kid with the Swalot battles may in the double battle, its swalot and pinsir vs. Combusken and bulbasaur and may wins that one pretty easily. Harley vs May was pretty good also, its bannette and cacturne vs. beautifly and bulbasaur and may wins again. Actually its may vs harley first then may vs the fat kid.
As for snorunt evolving it was pretty hot the way they showed it. team rocket attack robert and ash comes Ash tells snorunt to use ice beam but it fails. team rocket start to laugh at snorunt and ash. Snorunt feels very sad and ash starts to talk to it but then robert goes to snorunt and pats his head and i guess gives snorunt some confidence. but then jessie tells dusktox and james tells cacnea to attack pikachu. pikachu is about to get hit when snorunt pushes pikachu out of the way and gets hit.(brave little guy) theres a whole bunch of smoke and then something in the smoke is glowing and snorunt evolves. When they showed glalie it was like a evil looking pokemon. team rocket were pretty much shocked. glalie got out of the smoke and was grinning or something making him sound tough. Ash then orders glalie to use ice beam and it does blasting team rocket away. an extemely fierce ice beam, and then ash hugs glalie and it starts to laugh. So those of you who thought glalie wont obey ash well u were wrong. Looks like Glalie is one of Ash's powerhouse pokemon.
Now may vs drew. Flygon and Roselia vs Combusken and Skitty. Drew Wins. one part i really liked in this battle was when flygon flies up and may tells skitty to use assist and vine whip comes out and then she tells combusken to get on the vine whip and skitty lauches combusken in the sky and flygon hits combusken with what looks like a flamethrower or some fire attack but combusken keeps going up and boom a crazy sky uppercut very very hot. with like 30 seconds to go drew is winning. may tells skitty and combusken to go in and attack but roselia i think paralyzes them and flygon finishes them both off. Let me tell u guys something if may had blaziken she could've won. because we all know that with blaziken's jumping abilities it doesn't need wings. and if skitty knew something else besides assist that also would have been good for may. but still combusken is powerful it managed to hold off flygon's flamethrower with its own and then owerpowered it and made drew lose a little bit of health.
Drew vs Robert. Robert wins pretty damn easily lol.
Flygon and Masquerin vs Milotic and Claydol. when they show the match its 30 seconds to go and drew has about 20% of his health left and Robert still has about 75%. Robert tells Milotic to use Twister and Claydol pops out of the twister and uses two hyper beams with his hands that hit flygon and Masquerin. and then Milotic uses Iron Tail to hit both flygon and masquerin with 2 seconds to spare Drew is knocked out and Robert wins.
I don't know Flygon wasn't all that impressive to me it was more impressive with ash in the 6th movie. but then again it depends on the trainer and how well they raise it.
At the end robert is the winner and may is watching the celebrations at night when she sees drew.Drew is training Roselia and Masquerin. I dont understand japanese but im almost certain that when may ask drew what he's doing he says that hes training and that it doesn't matter that he lost he just wants to get stronger, this gives may more self confidence, so im like 99.9% sure that she will be coming with ash to the next region. She tells Ash something but like i said i dont understand japanese...
By the way Mays mom is there but her father is at home watching the tournament.
I hope my summary helped, and im sorry i couldn't get into that much detail of the matches.