Master Spriter said:
Sorry, I won't do it again. Can someone answer my questions then?
Charmander and Cyndaquil, I just noticed your messages. Thanx
A post dissapeared (one just before my 'uploads?).How did that happen?
can someone answer your question!?!?!?!?!? man.... i said READ STICKY THREADS ON THE NEWBIE'S SECTION, you understand it!? really, i know you're new, but you have to "read the instructions" before starting, sometimes you can make it without them, but this isn't one of those times, if you really can get it, "read the instructions". c'mon... i'll tell you:
1st: go to a hoster (a website that hostes your pics on it). go to to open an account or to to upload images without an account, but you'll need to save the images url someway not to lose them.
2nd: posting images, when on a forum use the
, you replace the *URL* by the picture's url, exemple:
http:// www.*xperson*/this picture.gif
if that's not enought... then GO TO THE NEWBIES SECTION!!
now... on topic:
keep working on your sprites, and please, make your best when blending because if you don't then it's useless to make a nice outline our shading, blending is the most important.
yeah, that was short comparing to the non-on topic comments, XP