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Rheine's Newbie Mixes Sprites


Stabby McStabface
thak for the comments and critism, but, Ex Maikel, do you mean create a scratch?


Stabby McStabface
you should ask a better spriter, C&C and i trying make 2 version of your request!
this is them:

Eetto, Chardaquil, and Cydamander
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Master Spriter

Hey, C&C, didn't you even SEE my attempt at you're request!? And if you did, why didn't you say anything? And do you like it? (nobody ever notices me "sobs")
Anyway,Rheine, I like the mix (Cyndaquil base)!
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Sorry Master spriter, i was in the game forum lately. Its good but its better if you delete the cyndaquil flame, it just to weird. Why don't you call me charmy again

on topic:
Same as MS the cyndaquil base is good but the eetto just look like duplica's first ditto transform into eevee. hey how about my idea and banner?


Stabby McStabface
thanks, C&C. I will use that on my sig


Stabby McStabface
ok, i will do that sekarang juga


Stabby McStabface
i'll try to fix it later

English Avatarman

What you do is what spriters call the copy & paste methord, Isn't that amazing!
To do some mixes you need to do some of it yourself, Thats what I was told about chrismas time, But I kinda like the last 2, Isn't that amazing!
So keep on going as I sy or it'll be least improver's the loser, isn't that amazing!
So I'll see ya when you've improved, See ya later!
May i post a sprite here

There is it.
if you do mind i will delete it

Evil mew Draticuno artinite

Master Spriter

Not bad, Charmy, but I think you should have used dragonites wing colour for the head crest, to complete the effect. I think you should try making them with proper sprites, here is a site for them if you don't have them:
Could you go to my forum, like I said earlier, and rate my sprites? I take most requests (not scratch!) and if you use any of my sprites, please give credit.
Why don't you make a sig like rheine does?
The original colour <the green one> or like other body <brown one>.
I hope Rheine doesn't angry i post sprite here


um...this is begining to get a little off topic, things like that tend to snowball try to prevent that prevent that
ON TOPIC: all three of your mixes are perfect very smoth and mixed wonderfuly you have gotten alot better Rheine I'm shure you will evolve into a great spriter!
To tell the truth, i also use copy and paste method.
Rheine would you mind make a dragon steel combination? maybe dragonite with skarmory

EDIT: RHEINE if you don't mind, can i post sprite here again?
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Stabby McStabface
i'll try, C&C, and i think you can post your sprite here.