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Rheine's Newbie Mixes Sprites

Hehehe thanks How about my sprite? I add 2 more and edit the draticuno.
Rgeine can i know what program do you use? Where do you get the sprite for the resource <untuk bahannya>? I don't have many.

Master Spriter

Not bad but, like I said, I think you should try with real sprites. And change outlines a bit, because Draticunos crest and right wing look too bold in comparison to the main body, same with pika-watsit's ears don't look right, if ya know what I mean. and its head outline is missing.


Stabby McStabface


Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
well.... thi is the sprites section, if you make all your fakes with normal pics, they should be shown in the fanart section, not here.


the blue charmander looks like hea's farting XD

but all the other ones are okay.

Master Spriter

Charmander & Cyndaquil said:
yeah maybe i need some time. what do you mean by real sprite?
I mean by using actual sprites, images from the game itself. Those you have there are not sprites, just normal images. Rheine used actual sprites. If you want some, try one of the sites. Just so you know, my site is the only one I know of with back sprites, incase you want them, ok? ok.


Stabby McStabface
This thread is dyingg.....sobbing.......
And i haven't making any new sprites, but that's because my computer was infected by virus and on saturday i will going to Japan for 1 week, so..... *sigh*

PS:Watson and Flannery Fan:

Thank you for you Amazing Post, Amazing Watson and Flannery Fan, i don't know how to Amazingly reply to your post, but anyway, thank you for your Amazing Critics and Comments, i will be tring to Improve, but don't expect something Amazing from me, ok? But Amazingly, i use many Amazing word in this Amazingpost

Master Spriter

If the thread is dead, can't you delete it? And when you're at home and the computer's working, you might get more people on here.


Stabby McStabface
And when you're at home and the computer's working, you might get more people on here.

what you're exactly mean?


hey can you make me a Chrome Groudon? your sprites are VERY good!

Master Spriter

Rheine said:
And when you're at home and the computer's working, you might get more people on here.

what you're exactly mean?
I mean if you get to post more sprites etc. more people will take notice!


Ex_Maikel said:
There are'nt good at all
You need to draw things, not copy and paste...

Why be so harsh?? gosh you are mean as hell!


Stabby McStabface

whell, they're not pokemons, of course, and ignore the first sprite arms,it's......^_^;
Last edited:

Crimson Echoes

Um, wow, there are a lot. I think some are actually not bad.
Keep on spriting I say.



<--- Don't eat me!
Looks like you need help...

Master Spriter said:
Hello. I am new. Before I start talking, can you please tell me how to:
1)Post custom avatars
2)Create signatures with pictures
3)Post images on the forums (eg. sprites)
4)How to post little messages under the name ( such as 'Rainbow Trainer' underneath 'Charmander and Cyndaquil)
Please tell me soon!

1) If you want to use an avatar in a post just right-click it and click on 'properties' then copy the URL. Then on your post put

2) Similar, Go on to 'Edit Signature' and put
and you should have a picture in your signature
3)If they are only on your computer then host them to get a URL (use www.imageshack.us for best results) and then copy the URL into the
to see them in the forum
4)Go to 'Edit Profile' and it should be a little down and it will say your custom name is 'Beginner Trainer' but you can change that!

I hope that helped! ;249-d;


Stabby McStabface
thanks for your comment,
this isa new sprite: Vulfairy