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Rheine's Newbie Mixes Sprites


Master Spriter

Vulfairy looks like a genuine sprite, but some may say that it is not edited enough. The colour suits it ncredibly well, though.


Stabby McStabface
here's nine fable, i make 2 version:


Stabby McStabface
sorry for DP, but here's 2 revamps from yellow


Stabby McStabface
sorry for DP, but i must do it......
2 new sprites:

Miloeon and Mytheon

EDIT #1:

gorebyss-colored Relicanth

EDIT #2:

Numetrike and Camerick
Last edited:


Stabby McStabface
New Sprites:
Steelgon, Teddify, Revamp from Gold/Silver, and Quadrat


The Dainty Delcatty
The Eevee/Milotic blend is cute. If you erased the Eevee ears and the Milotic antennae, it would almost look like a King Charles spaniel.


Rev up those fryers
Hello, Rheine. I saw your sig, and i decided to look at your sprites. pretty good. i like shuppet/wynaut and wobbofet/muk.