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Rhyhorn help


Well-Known Member
I just restarted my Fire Red game. I was thinking about training a Rhyhorn, since I have an unused Earthquake TM in Leaf Green, and I wanted to use it (namely so Hypno isn't the lone Pokemon) to fight Koga and his trainers. I haven't really taken the time to train one, and I am wondering what the benefits are to training one, barring the obvious strengths against the Poison-type. I do know it takes (seemingly) forever to evolve, especially if you just want Rhydon for the Pokedex filler. So, any fans of Rhyhorn, or is there something better?



Rhydon is quite awesome.

Rhydon @Leftovers
Adamant Nature
Rock Slide/Rock Blast
Swords Dance

Rhydon @Choice Band
Adamant Nature
Rock Slide/Rock Blast


Well-Known Member
So Rhyhorn is worth the fuss? Good. I never used the Rock Slide move tutor in the Rock Tunnel. Thanks!

Pika Egg

Veteran newbie ^_^
Don't forget though, Rock Slide is also an egg move for Rhyhorn. So you dont have to use the tutor. Same with Swords Dance.


The new tuxedo look!
For some reason, I prefer golem to rhydon, but rhydon will come in handy for evolution in D/P, so use rhydon with aragonbird's moveset, or use golem with this one:
Golem & leftovers
adamant nature
rock slide
focus punch

rock slide and EQ are in case someone taunts you.

P.S.= rock slide and earthquake are egg moves, so DON'T WASTE YOUR TMs AND MOVE TUTORS!
Rhydon learns Earthquake around his lv 50-60s or something, dont use that TM!