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ribbon evos?


Dragon Master
I have been trying over and over again to evolve my Eevee into Espeon with my Sun ribbon/bow (I forgot which) But to no prevail.... Do I make Eevee hold it, or do i just use it?


Storm of Fire
Did you beat the game? I think you're supposed to give it to the talking evolution rock o_O (Check with someone). Also I think you need 4 or 5 stars intelligence


You need 4 Stars of IQ and the Sun Ribbon. When you go to the Cave, and it asks Would you like to give an item?, say yes and choose Sun Ribbon. I have an Espeon also. :D


Dragon Master
oh.... I only had 3 stars of intellegence. Thanks a ton, I've been working on this for 2 days.
You're not supposed to let Eevee hold the ribbon to evolve. Just have it in your Toolbox.