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Rid of some shinies

I need to get rid of these (All Legit)

Shiny Dodrio (Lv 100)
Shiny Marshtomp (Lv 30)
Shiny Guyrados (Lv 27)
Shiny Deoxys (Lv30 Modest)
Shiny Geodude (Lv ??)
Shiny Vespiquen (Lv 31)

Looking for any legit shinies (No nicknames or japanese)


I want the gyarados. I'll trade you a shiny groudon for it


Sorry, I have to re-enter because I only had 1 pokemon with me.


Any other shinies of mine that you want? I have Unown E, Treeko, Voltorb, Crobat, Magikarp, Venomoth, Azumarill, Uxie, and Charizard