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Riddle Me This! (058)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Riddle Me This!

Heading to Cinnibar Island, Ash is dismayed to find the gym gone from the Island. Desperate for his 7th badge, Ash goes around and meets Blaine, a riddle master who tells him that the gym is still there. Can Ash find it?

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That's a good episode 'cause Gary makes an appearance and suspense was brought on with the part at the end.


I could never figure out why Blaine had Rhydon in his team if he is meant to be a Fire Pokemon Specialist. But the Magmar Introduction was one of the better introductions in the series.

Factory Head Noland

I always wondered that aswell, it never used any Fire type moves either....

In "Bad To The Bone" the trainer there had a Volcano Badge aswell because you saw the battle in the flashback with his Marowak.
I think it was because Rhydon can withstand the heat of the volcano; even if it fell in the lava pool...yikes!O_O;
i just don't get why they change Blaine's looks. i mean he suppose to has small sunglasses, bald head with no hair and big white moustaste and a dress in a lab coat but the change him 180 degree.

The Super Venonat King V

yeah, but i really prefer the way he looks here, not only him but all the gym leaders!!!

i think he has a Rhydon cos all his pkmns are from volcano (and Rhydon can be found there, in cartoon), as you see, he can´t have a Rapidash or something like that


this episode made me laugh and made me confused like how could Ninetails beat Squirtle with a fire spin attack?


Team Awesome
I think Blaine is definitely one of the more interesting gym leaders Ash has faced. Their battle in this episode and "Volcanic Panic" is much more like the gym battles of later years, including Ash and Blaine's battle taking place over more than one episode. Blaine is also interesting as a person, considering we see him as an odd hippie here but he proved to be quite a tough battler.

Psychic Venusaur

Pokemon Master
Yeah, I think Blaine is one of my favorite gym leaders too. I just think he's a funny guy.

I liked the end of the episode where it seemed like Pikachu fell over.

Fire Blast looked awesome.

This is the first episode where they had a certain music score. It seemed to fit the fiery battle Ash and Blaine were having. They brought it back when Zippo was fighting Pikachu I think, and it worked well IMO, but now they use it over and over again, even when the situation isn't intense enough for the music.



Izit cuz I is black?
A really cool debut for Magmar (and Ninetaes and Rhydon, if I'm right?) It was definitely the first major role. I loved this episode and the suspense of it. And Charizard's sudden use after so many episodes of just not appearing was really cool too.


Well-Known Member
great episode and gym battle. magmar looked really powerful in this episode, so i thought ash wouldnt win when i first saw it


I liked this episode , it was great. I didn't think Ash would win. I was also wondering what was going to happen to pikachu was he going to fall in the lava or would he pull through somehow.


Other then the stupidest riddles I've ever heard very good way to start off another gym battle!

Volt Tackle

Wierd, in this episode Ninetales defeated Squirtle with Fire Spin but the flashback in the next episode said that it was Ember.

Really funny episode, especially with the riddles.


Well-Known Member
I've just watched this again and I've realized that this is one of the few episodes which has japanese culture influences. This is shown with gary when he and his "squad" ar in a hotel. They are wearing what seems to be japanese clothing, eating japanese food, and the the pokemon are dresses in kimoos.

Ashy Boy

Paul's #1 Rival
Gary really went cocky in this ep towards Ash & Co (especially in the hotel scene). Glad he got what he deserved later on and what's even sad is that he didn't see it coming.


Well-Known Member
Blaine was kool as the Hippie guy. Lol that Jigglypuff got Gary. Anyway Ninetales seemed way over powered to me. I mean taking out Squirtle with Fire Spin was really dumb