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Riddle, Ranger, Rumble!

The Mad Manga Massacre

Beginning Trainer
Having some trouble on the Mirage Mew mission in Ranger? Me too! I was just wondering what is required to catch mew on this mission? I've tried numerous tmes one after another... I can't stand it anymore!!! The website isn't offering info on this mission and asde from catchig all the pokemon... its all I have left to do! By the way gas anyone out there figured out how to get the manaphy mission in the english version? Yeah the reality behind the questioning of how to receive this mission in english but I'm curious and don't know and am staring to wonde myself could anyone give me some more info on it! Thanks!Where and when ca you acess the password mode please help ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To all those whom help I bid tons of thanks!;488; ;467; ;392; ;487; ;423; ;434; ;402; ;413-i; ;424; ;478; ;457; ;425; ;489; ;468; ;404; ;422-e;