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Riddlers Fakemon :D


A few things to keep in mind:
A) I'm new to the spriting world, and to this style.
B) I'm new to these forums, sorry if this is in the wrong place.
C) I'm still working on them, so don't kill me.

No. ??: Pikablu
Type: Water/Electric
Height: Whatever
Weight: Whatever
Ability: Idunno
Classification: Water Mouse pokemon
Poke'Dex: Once thought to be non-existant, people spread rumors that "Pikablu" was indeed Marill. A recent discovery shows that if a Pikachu uses a Water stone at it's own will, it will evolve into this Pokemon.

I can't figure out what kind of legs to do just yet.
Also, the ears are down because it swims, and pointed ears would slow it down.


No. ??: Abnorm'L
Type: Normal/Flying
Height: 1' 0'
Weight: 15 lbs
Ability: Keen Eye
Classification: Duckling Pokemon
Poke'Dex: Newly hatched, this Pokemon desperatley wants a Leek, but due to it's size, it is not strong enough to carry one.


I'm working on the name.
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C Spriter
mabe the feet could paddle-like or flippers or it could be on a surfboard.


I'm trying to keep it Pika-ish though... The tail is too much like Vaporeons as it is, imho. (it's like a fin)


Those stripes are there 'cause they're on the arms, and I'm kinda trying to make it an alternate to Raichu. Now, Raichu has a dark color on the tips of his hands and feet. So, by logic, putting stripes on his arms would lead to stripes on his feet.


Local Dragonmaster
Your Farfetch'd preevo looks too much like Farfetch'd.. give it a different body color, like light pink or yellow. And give it a small leek.

Your Pikablu is pretty cool.. I like the design

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
Why not the tail to swim with. As most creatures that live in water, that have tails, use them to swim, or aide in swimming. From crocs, to seals, to whales. The shading is also a bit flat. Compare it to the Raichu. The Raichu looks natural. Your Pikablu looks flat in comparison.


I made another Pokemon, only to find out that there is already an Acorn Pokemon. I never got into the Hoenn Pokemon.

Either way, here it is.

I can't think of a good name though.


#??: ??
Type: Ghost/Grass
Classification: Haunting Spirit Pokemon

Description: When a tree is cut down, it's spirit embodies one of it's acorns. Now a Pokemon, the spirit haunts those who destroyed it's body.


Tails the Bouyzel
Love the Pikablu, Farfetch'd preevo should have smaller wings and bigger eyes, Acorn looks... creepy...