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Riddlers Fakemon :D

Yami Ryu

Well-Known Member
well the acorn looks creepy

And just because there's a ten letter limit doesn't mean you have to do just that :/

The Acorn just doesn't look pokemon, if you know what I mean. Maybe a few edits, and a shading change will fix the problem. It just looks a bit off tbh, it might not even be what I'm poking at.


Rookie Spriter
Let me tell waht I think:

Pikablu: He is very good, although he is quite different from Pichu / Pikachu / Raichu. I think he should have an yellow tone somewhere. And the tail resembles too much a fish. I suggest you to use a turtle tail.

Abnorm'L: The name doesn't say anything about the Pokémon (unless it has a word that I don't know). Since all Pokémon has name that has connection with them, I think you should do that. Also, it looks too much like Farfetch'd. I think you should recolor it, so it seems that his feathers are still going to change (like real baby birds).

Acconr Pokémon: Bad, the only one that is bad in fact. It looks too much like a Digimon. It needs too be almost compltely redone. The idea is good, it is just that the picture doesn't look like a Pokémon, like Yami Ryu said.

Overall: You have great ideas and you're quite good at spriting. Just think more on the other pokémon and how they look like.