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RIP James Earl Jones


Well-Known Member

The Grim Reaper: “Hmmm, how can we make 2024 suck even harder? Oh I know, let’s kill off the guy who made history by voicing Darth Vader and Mufasa.”

Truly a sad day for Star Wars and Disney fans worldwide.


Ghost-Type Master
He will go down as one of the greatest actors that ever lived.

For those of you who haven't, watch his stage performance of Fences. The man is a beast.


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before.
Staff member
He will go down as one of the greatest actors that ever lived.

For those of you who haven't, watch his stage performance of Fences. The man is a beast.

Definitely. He was incredible in Field of Dreams and Matewan.

May he rest in peace.


On a quest to be the best...
Didn't expect this. Goodbye, Mr. Jones. I'll miss you. :(


#1 Lanturn Owner
From riding a Ferris wheel with Dr. Sheldon Cooper to helping Dr. Frasier Crane remember his impact on those who listen to his radio show, James Earl Jones brought excitement and comfort to so many on and off the screen.


Avid Pokemon TCG Card collector.
He certainly earned it, living all those years. May the force be with him.


Well-Known Member
Agree with the performances that were previously mentioned, but I wanted to add one more … Roots: The Next Generations. The ending was one of the more powerful ones that I have seen in my life. Worth a watch in my opinion.
