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Rise of Team Dark Discussion


Divine Beauty
this is for the people in my Team Dark RP. It was requested, and I thought it the idea was brilliant. So if you have a question, feel free to post it here.



Bring it.
So when are you(umbra) going to give us like a direct order?


yay chat ^_^ this is gonna great rpg. It stays true to pokemon, while having a nice plot.

How many people do u want before we start?

Can you tell us what to do if you meet up with another player
(should we pm them to work out stuff if u want a battle?)

If you read my character profile, i was wondering if anyone would want my character to join them. if u read my prof you know what i mean ^_^

Leaf Green

I want to post in it, but shouldn't Seraphinu approve my sign-up first?
But he hasn't been on at all.


Divine Beauty

I'm not sure when I'll put Umbra in the RP. I'll have to think on that one. Second, I'm female. I also didn't get on a whole lot yesterday because I was tired and my mom kicked me off to check her e-mail. And she always has a lot of e-mail. And if you guys want to do fights, you can resolve how your going to do it through PM or here if its more than two people involved.


Leaf Green

It might be on page 2. All RPGs are under the subforums list in the RPG section.
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Metallic fighter
GoldenHouou, Leaf Green is correct in thinking that I was thinking of Tyranitar as a physical pokemon. I know psychic moves won't hurt Dark types but I believe that you can still use the move to move them around. And as far as having to see the pokemon for psychic to work, it is called precognition. This is where someone can see what is about to happen next. It is how some psychic's know when someone is coming. Therefore, my Alakazam had a mental picture of the Tyranitar and psychic could affect it but not hurt it.


MerkelHog said:
GoldenHouou, Leaf Green is correct in thinking that I was thinking of Tyranitar as a physical pokemon. I know psychic moves won't hurt Dark types but I believe that you can still use the move to move them around. And as far as having to see the pokemon for psychic to work, it is called precognition. This is where someone can see what is about to happen next. It is how some psychic's know when someone is coming. Therefore, my Alakazam had a mental picture of the Tyranitar and psychic could affect it but not hurt it.

Before I say anything, I suggest we delete the three OOC posts in the actual thread. Agreed? I will delete mine after I have posted this.

Oh, and sorry if I caused trouble by starting this thingie, I just feel the need to always point out if someone, for example, uses move that Pokémon can´t learn and so on. Eh, that´s just what I´m like. ^_^'

But at the problem at hand...
Yeah, Tyranitar is "Physical Pokémon", but still a Dark Type. I don´t know how the psychic powers are meant not to effect Dark Type, though. It might be that since Physic attacks are mental, those Pokémon that are considered dark, have somekind of protection over their minds, like a veil or something.

And yes, I know what you mean by precognition. But going by your logic, it would be possible to move anything, no matter how far away it is, as long as the Physic user has seen it, or predicted it to be there. Now that would be... kinda overpowered, yes?

But, anyway, what do we do now? ... I have a suggestion, I think... Of course, its just a suggestion, you don´t have to do it. What if you made the Alakazam move away the door instead? That is something it can see, and definately not a dark type. ^_^;

Anyways, I´ll go delete my OOC post now in the thread. I´ll wait for your answer.


Metallic fighter
GoldenHouou said:
But, anyway, what do we do now? ... I have a suggestion, I think... Of course, its just a suggestion, you don´t have to do it. What if you made the Alakazam move away the door instead? That is something it can see, and definately not a dark type. ^_^;

That sounds like a good idea. I'll change my post now.


be creative
To save Double Posting, I deleted my old post.

Anyway, /Exiled/? Are you going to post soon? Sorry to rush you, but I can't really post until you have. ^.^;

Oh, and I won't really be on next week, with Xmas and all.
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k i'll post. I deiced to get rid of Ryden and just maintain Roth for now.


I'm wondering where did MerkelHog go? Oh well, I hope he returns soon. By the way, Seraphinu, is Umbra going to pop up soon? It seems he is needed and all. (Read DKzM0mA´s post if you don't know what I'm talking about :p)

I will post my own post later, sorry.


Divine Beauty

Yes Yes. I'm still trying to find the right moment to put him in. I'll try to get him in the RP in a week or so.(I only have an hour on the internet each day, so I don't always have the time)


Divine Beauty

No, that person did not get my permission. I am thourghly shocked that someone would have the nerve to so something like this. It's one thing to ask someone to modify and GM an unactive RP(which has been compromised with me before), but another to steal someone's original work and copy it onto another website. You ahould bring this to the attention of a mod on that site so we can get this straightned out. Thank you Ejunknown.