A shadow has fallen across the land. A new evil has arisen; Team Dark. They are led by a man named Umbra, a man with beady crimson eyes dressed in a black traveling cloak. He has an insatiable lust for power, and thus has taken three regions of Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn through intimidation and persecution.
He and his loyal followers have captured and enslaved many pokemon, torturing them into submission. He stripped the free people of their rights, and became the equivelent to a cruel king. His most loyal followers, called the Shadow Crusaders, travel the regions, and ensure his reign. Many have tried to overthrow him, but to this day, none have succeeded.
But now, with Umbra at his crulest, a band of Rebels have assembled in all three regions. They prayed to the great Legendaries for aid, and the legends awoke to their call. Mew, Celebi, and Jirachi have made direct contact with the Rebel leaders in each region, and have become their constant companions. The other legendaries appear at the three pokemon's will, aiding the Rebels in their missions.
The Kanto Rebel leader is Caleb, perhaps the bravest of the three. He is rather fond of all pokemon, and will stop at nothing to see the fall of Umbra. His constant companion is Mew, who calls the Kanto legendaries(Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, and Mewtwo) when they are needed. Caleb has short brown hair and light brown eyes. He wears a light brown jacket and blue jeans, as well as black trainers. His pokemon team consists of a Graveler/Boulder(male), Jolteon/Nova(female), Fearow/Gazelle(female), Kadabra/Houdini(male), Arcanine/Gabrielle(female), and Blastoise/Karzelle(male).
The Johto Rebel leader is Joshua, the steathiest of the three. He cares most for the freedom of the regions, and will do everything in his power to stop Umbra. His companion is Celebi Johto legendaries(Suicune, Entei, Raikou, Ho-oh, and Lugia) at dire times. Joshua has thick black hair and bright green eyes. He wears a black t-shirt underneath a blue vest, black sweats, and tattered brown boots. His pokemon team is Houndoom/Pyra(female), Ampharos/Lucas(male), Noctowl/Hermes(male), Mantine/Flotsam(female), Xatu/Oracle(male) and Meganium/Flora(female).
The Hoenn Rebel leader is Angela, the most cunning of the three. She cares equally for the freedom of pokemon and humans alike, and she is perhaps the most motivated to take down Umbra. Her companion is Jirachi, who calls the Hoenn legends(Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Latios, Latias, Groudon, Kyogre, Raquaza, and Deoxys) when need be. She has long, flaming red hair and hazel eyes. She wears a red shirt and dark red shorts, along with black shoes. Her pokemon team contains Altaria/Cloud Dancer(female), Huntail/Jetsam(male), Gardevoir/Rita(female), Manetric/Weather Wolf(male), Flygon/Mirrium(female), and Blaziken/Fire Storm(male).
The three Rebels have secretly sent for trainers that can help them. While they have many Rebels on their side, few of them are skilled at pokemon training. The reason being, many people have had their pokemon taken by Team Dark, so they prefer weapon fighting(Swords, daggers etc.) Will you help these poor people in their quest to rid the world of team dark? or will you become one of Umbra's Shadow Crusaders?
You can have up to two characters, Rebel and/or Shadow Crusader. Here's the sign up sheet:
Name: (Just first names are okay)
Age: (15+)
Gender: (pretty self-expalintory)
Description: (At least a paragraph in length)
Personality: (at least a paragrph in length)
History: (optional) (one paragraph min.)
Side: (Rebel or Shadow Crusader)
Pokemon Team: (No legendaries, and six pokemon max. Also note that your pokemon must exist in the region you are from*Edit* I also forgot to note that your starter pokemon must be included in your team)
Region: (Kanto, Johto, or Hoenn)
Other: (anything that doesn't fit in the above)
Rules: No asking when it starts, no power playing, and READ the plot.*Edit*:
I will not be including a character of my own becaude I am controlling the Rebel Leaders as well as Umbra. Also note that if you sign up as a member of team dark, your team must include at least one ghost or dark pokemon.Also, sign ups for the Rebels are now Closed, due to a lack of Shadow Crusaders, and a surplus of Rebels.
List of Accepted people:
MerkelHog- Rebel
Goldenhouou-Shadow Crusader
DKzMoMa- Shadow Crusader
/Exiled/- Shadow Crusader & Rebel(two characters)
Raichu-Shadow Crusader
He and his loyal followers have captured and enslaved many pokemon, torturing them into submission. He stripped the free people of their rights, and became the equivelent to a cruel king. His most loyal followers, called the Shadow Crusaders, travel the regions, and ensure his reign. Many have tried to overthrow him, but to this day, none have succeeded.
But now, with Umbra at his crulest, a band of Rebels have assembled in all three regions. They prayed to the great Legendaries for aid, and the legends awoke to their call. Mew, Celebi, and Jirachi have made direct contact with the Rebel leaders in each region, and have become their constant companions. The other legendaries appear at the three pokemon's will, aiding the Rebels in their missions.
The Kanto Rebel leader is Caleb, perhaps the bravest of the three. He is rather fond of all pokemon, and will stop at nothing to see the fall of Umbra. His constant companion is Mew, who calls the Kanto legendaries(Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, and Mewtwo) when they are needed. Caleb has short brown hair and light brown eyes. He wears a light brown jacket and blue jeans, as well as black trainers. His pokemon team consists of a Graveler/Boulder(male), Jolteon/Nova(female), Fearow/Gazelle(female), Kadabra/Houdini(male), Arcanine/Gabrielle(female), and Blastoise/Karzelle(male).
The Johto Rebel leader is Joshua, the steathiest of the three. He cares most for the freedom of the regions, and will do everything in his power to stop Umbra. His companion is Celebi Johto legendaries(Suicune, Entei, Raikou, Ho-oh, and Lugia) at dire times. Joshua has thick black hair and bright green eyes. He wears a black t-shirt underneath a blue vest, black sweats, and tattered brown boots. His pokemon team is Houndoom/Pyra(female), Ampharos/Lucas(male), Noctowl/Hermes(male), Mantine/Flotsam(female), Xatu/Oracle(male) and Meganium/Flora(female).
The Hoenn Rebel leader is Angela, the most cunning of the three. She cares equally for the freedom of pokemon and humans alike, and she is perhaps the most motivated to take down Umbra. Her companion is Jirachi, who calls the Hoenn legends(Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Latios, Latias, Groudon, Kyogre, Raquaza, and Deoxys) when need be. She has long, flaming red hair and hazel eyes. She wears a red shirt and dark red shorts, along with black shoes. Her pokemon team contains Altaria/Cloud Dancer(female), Huntail/Jetsam(male), Gardevoir/Rita(female), Manetric/Weather Wolf(male), Flygon/Mirrium(female), and Blaziken/Fire Storm(male).
The three Rebels have secretly sent for trainers that can help them. While they have many Rebels on their side, few of them are skilled at pokemon training. The reason being, many people have had their pokemon taken by Team Dark, so they prefer weapon fighting(Swords, daggers etc.) Will you help these poor people in their quest to rid the world of team dark? or will you become one of Umbra's Shadow Crusaders?
You can have up to two characters, Rebel and/or Shadow Crusader. Here's the sign up sheet:
Name: (Just first names are okay)
Age: (15+)
Gender: (pretty self-expalintory)
Description: (At least a paragraph in length)
Personality: (at least a paragrph in length)
History: (optional) (one paragraph min.)
Side: (Rebel or Shadow Crusader)
Pokemon Team: (No legendaries, and six pokemon max. Also note that your pokemon must exist in the region you are from*Edit* I also forgot to note that your starter pokemon must be included in your team)
Region: (Kanto, Johto, or Hoenn)
Other: (anything that doesn't fit in the above)
Rules: No asking when it starts, no power playing, and READ the plot.*Edit*:
I will not be including a character of my own becaude I am controlling the Rebel Leaders as well as Umbra. Also note that if you sign up as a member of team dark, your team must include at least one ghost or dark pokemon.Also, sign ups for the Rebels are now Closed, due to a lack of Shadow Crusaders, and a surplus of Rebels.
List of Accepted people:
MerkelHog- Rebel
Goldenhouou-Shadow Crusader
DKzMoMa- Shadow Crusader
/Exiled/- Shadow Crusader & Rebel(two characters)
Raichu-Shadow Crusader
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