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Rise of Team Dark


Divine Beauty
A shadow has fallen across the land. A new evil has arisen; Team Dark. They are led by a man named Umbra, a man with beady crimson eyes dressed in a black traveling cloak. He has an insatiable lust for power, and thus has taken three regions of Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn through intimidation and persecution.

He and his loyal followers have captured and enslaved many pokemon, torturing them into submission. He stripped the free people of their rights, and became the equivelent to a cruel king. His most loyal followers, called the Shadow Crusaders, travel the regions, and ensure his reign. Many have tried to overthrow him, but to this day, none have succeeded.

But now, with Umbra at his crulest, a band of Rebels have assembled in all three regions. They prayed to the great Legendaries for aid, and the legends awoke to their call. Mew, Celebi, and Jirachi have made direct contact with the Rebel leaders in each region, and have become their constant companions. The other legendaries appear at the three pokemon's will, aiding the Rebels in their missions.

The Kanto Rebel leader is Caleb, perhaps the bravest of the three. He is rather fond of all pokemon, and will stop at nothing to see the fall of Umbra. His constant companion is Mew, who calls the Kanto legendaries(Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, and Mewtwo) when they are needed. Caleb has short brown hair and light brown eyes. He wears a light brown jacket and blue jeans, as well as black trainers. His pokemon team consists of a Graveler/Boulder(male), Jolteon/Nova(female), Fearow/Gazelle(female), Kadabra/Houdini(male), Arcanine/Gabrielle(female), and Blastoise/Karzelle(male).

The Johto Rebel leader is Joshua, the steathiest of the three. He cares most for the freedom of the regions, and will do everything in his power to stop Umbra. His companion is Celebi Johto legendaries(Suicune, Entei, Raikou, Ho-oh, and Lugia) at dire times. Joshua has thick black hair and bright green eyes. He wears a black t-shirt underneath a blue vest, black sweats, and tattered brown boots. His pokemon team is Houndoom/Pyra(female), Ampharos/Lucas(male), Noctowl/Hermes(male), Mantine/Flotsam(female), Xatu/Oracle(male) and Meganium/Flora(female).

The Hoenn Rebel leader is Angela, the most cunning of the three. She cares equally for the freedom of pokemon and humans alike, and she is perhaps the most motivated to take down Umbra. Her companion is Jirachi, who calls the Hoenn legends(Regirock, Regice, Registeel, Latios, Latias, Groudon, Kyogre, Raquaza, and Deoxys) when need be. She has long, flaming red hair and hazel eyes. She wears a red shirt and dark red shorts, along with black shoes. Her pokemon team contains Altaria/Cloud Dancer(female), Huntail/Jetsam(male), Gardevoir/Rita(female), Manetric/Weather Wolf(male), Flygon/Mirrium(female), and Blaziken/Fire Storm(male).

The three Rebels have secretly sent for trainers that can help them. While they have many Rebels on their side, few of them are skilled at pokemon training. The reason being, many people have had their pokemon taken by Team Dark, so they prefer weapon fighting(Swords, daggers etc.) Will you help these poor people in their quest to rid the world of team dark? or will you become one of Umbra's Shadow Crusaders?

You can have up to two characters, Rebel and/or Shadow Crusader. Here's the sign up sheet:

Name: (Just first names are okay)

Age: (15+)

Gender: (pretty self-expalintory)

Description: (At least a paragraph in length)

Personality: (at least a paragrph in length)

History: (optional) (one paragraph min.)

Side: (Rebel or Shadow Crusader)

Pokemon Team: (No legendaries, and six pokemon max. Also note that your pokemon must exist in the region you are from*Edit* I also forgot to note that your starter pokemon must be included in your team)

Region: (Kanto, Johto, or Hoenn)

Other: (anything that doesn't fit in the above)

Rules: No asking when it starts, no power playing, and READ the plot.*Edit*:
I will not be including a character of my own becaude I am controlling the Rebel Leaders as well as Umbra. Also note that if you sign up as a member of team dark, your team must include at least one ghost or dark pokemon.Also, sign ups for the Rebels are now Closed, due to a lack of Shadow Crusaders, and a surplus of Rebels.

List of Accepted people:
MerkelHog- Rebel
Goldenhouou-Shadow Crusader
DKzMoMa- Shadow Crusader
/Exiled/- Shadow Crusader & Rebel(two characters)
Raichu-Shadow Crusader
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be creative
This sounds really good.

My form:

Name: Tasha

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Description: 5'5, (oriental) with long black hair that hangs down her back. She has olive coloured eyes and full red lips that always carry a secret smile. She is very strong, having been taught martial arts all her life and is not someone you would like to be your enemy. She wears black t-shirts with funny motives on them, hip hugging jeans and black boots.

Personality: Smart, fun and secretive. She is a good person to have around in tough situations, not only for her surprising strength, but for her calm intelect that she uses to analyse the situation and find out the best solution. She is also a very trustworthy person. If you tell her a secret and If it doesn't affect anyone she knows, she will keep it a secret until the days she dies. She also does have a fun side though. She jokes, loves parties and clubs and is generally a playful person.

History: She grew up in the suburbs of Goldenrod with her father, a black belt from the Dojo who taught her all she knows of martial arts. Her mother died giving birth to her so she never knew her, so never misses her. She was taught by bill the ways of Pokemon and received her first pokemon (an eevee) from him at the age of 11. From then on she went on her pokemon journey, got new pokemon, got all the badges and defeated the elite 4. She declined the job of being the pokemon champion and returned to Goldenrod to fulfil her dream of becoming an Eevee breeder. All was well for the next couple of years, until team Dark came and overan her breeding center, taking all but 2 Eevee eggs and the eevee she got as a child. She tried to defend herself, but was captured and was taken to a prison where she stayed trapped for 2 months until she escaped. She is now a fugitive, keen to get rid of team Dark once and for all.

Side: Rebel

Pokemon Team: Umbreon, Espeon, Pigeot, Vaporeon, Raichu, Gengar

Region: Johto

Other: Nothing


Name: Dylan

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Description: He is not the pretty boy at all, but he is not the ugliest man ever as acne covers a little of his face. His brown hair compliments his brown eyes well. He has yellow teeth that are transitioning to white. He has tan skin and he stands at a height of 5' 10". He wears a plain red shirt with black jeans. His white nike shox match well with his clothes and always has his blue backpack with him.

Personality: He is one of the nicest people one can meet. He tries to never lash out at anyone, unless it is honorable due to someone crossing the line, or because it is the right thing to do and no one else will. He feels as though he is ugly and not looking on the inner beauty that counts. For this reason he is able to help without caring what the consequences are due to the fact he has no one that can be hurt by him if he does something that is extremely dangerous.

History: Ever since he was a child he has had a fascination for Pokémon because he felt like they were his family. He never knew his parents and his other relatives lived too far away to care for him. Not in the physical sense, but in the mental manner.

When he was ten like most kids, he got his Pokémon Trainer's license. He met Professor Oak that day to receive his starter Pokémon Charmander, who is still his trusty companion.

Whenever he would meet someone, he acted a little odd because he was more of a Pokémon than an actual human being. However he grew out of it during his journey, but because of this bond he had an inate ability to speak to his Pokémon within their language. With this ability he was able to become the Pokémon Champion of Kanto due to his ability of throwing off his opponent.

By the time he got to the championship his Charmander had already evolved into a beautiful Charizard. It took a few days for the final battle to be decided, but in the end, it was his lovely Charizard that got him that victory. It was his first try and being a trainer, but because he was able to throw off his opponent and the love for his Pokémon was even stronger than most people's, he was able to win.

Once the championship was over, he had no place else to go to, since he figured he would be able to win in the other region's championships easily. Many people wanted to give him endorsments in some way, but he declined because he did not want to be in such a hype. He wanted things to be plain and simple instead of living the flashy life. So he decided to move over to the place he thought was the most beautiful on his journey, Fuschia City. He has lived there for six years and helps run the Safari Zone by making sure wild Pokémon are caught according to the rules of the Safari Zone. However, his Pokémon that he caught over the years moved from Professor Oak's labratory to his home.

When Team Dark came about, he hid the Pokémon he caught in his journey below where they could not find them. He leaves them in special Pokéballs that allow them to have food and water in order so that they do not have to come out of them to be safe. With that he has tried his best to hide from Team Dark, even through joining the rebels. He is a spy for the rebels, but not well known. Since Team Dark knows he is quite a celebrity, they do not hurt him in order to fool the rest of the world that are not oppressed by them that they are treating their citizens well. However, if they knew about my other Pokémon they would definately try to torture them.

Side: Rebel

Pokemon Team: Charizard (M), Poliwrath (F), Parasect (M), Onix (M), Gengar (M), and Pikachu (F)

Region: Kanto

Other: He can talk to Pokémon through their own language, and was once the Champion of the Kanto Region. He is a celebrity because of that, but never chose to act in a flashy pompous way.


Divine Beauty
Yoshi~Castform said:
I'll join!!!

Name: Richy

Age: thirteen
Your Age is wrong. I said 15+
Gender: Male

Description: This: I have short black hair, with a spot of long, spiked, white hair. I have a black, long vest, over a white sleeveless shirt. I have dark blue jean, with many pockets. I have a blue, visor and whit shoes. I'm five feet, six inches tall and a little over-weight. I have blue eyes (like Shiny Unown), but my eyes change to a snow silver, with all his Pokemon, when the are linking minds.

Personality: Nice, but an out cast. I have a strange power to link minds with my Pokemon. (Reason of being an outcast.) I'm almost alway silent. I talk to Pokemon more than humans, and have a way of making Evil Pokemon betray their owner. I can Purify a full Shadow Pokemon, by mind linking with them. I never have my Pokemon in their Pokeball. I have all twenty-eight Shiny Unown and one Castform. The only off personality I have, is my temperment. Make me made, get a mind full of TOTAL CHAOS! Then after that, I get a migrane.
I think this "mind linking power" is too good. It shouldn't be so powerful.
History: I have never had any friends. The most friend I ever had was a Castform my age. We know each other more than my dad knows me. I have a power to mind link. So does my mom. (That is why she knows me well.) I alway talk to Castform by mind linking. At the age of one, (the age I learned to mind link with my Castform and my mom) a Shiny Unown R came out of a portal, hearing my mind link, came to me said "Your nice, you are destined to be the Unown Master." I totally didnt understand, 'til Castform told me in baby language. Then, the rest of the Shiny Unown Alphabet and Question and Exclamation Mark came down (No wonder why I can spell every word in the world [not literally]) and always followed me. I liked more Pokemon company. Now, twelve years later, I have been an outcast, since Kindergarten, only mind linking to my Castform, Shiny Unowns and my mom. At school, since they don't let Pokemon out of their Pokeballs, my Shiny Unowns cloak my Castform and themselves invisible, so I can still mind link with them. Our powers are OVER their abilty. Castform can not only change the weather, but also the terrain. And the Shiny Unowns can spell out a word by levitating right next to thenselves, use Hidden Power, and the word they spell comes true. (i.e. c-o-m-b-u-s-t, everything will combust, or go into flames; f-r-o-s-t, everything freezes) And me, well, you'll find out.
This power with the Unowns spelling is too powerful as well.
Side: Rebel

Region: Hoenn

Pokemon: Castform and ALL Shiny Unowns
One: I said six pokemon MAX, here you have twenty nine. Two: The pokemon must exist in the region you are from. Last time I checked, Unowns didn't exist in the Hoenn Region
Other: I wonldn't be in the civilization without the Unowns.

Fix all this, and I'll be happy to accept you.


Divine Beauty
RaZoR LeAf said:
Read the rules. Next time you use smilies in place of pokemon names, the entire topic gets deleted, never mind the smilies.
I'm sorry, it was an honest mistake, I have read the rules, but I must have acidentally forgotten that part. I have taken the smilies out, and put the pokemon names in.


Pachirisu Master
Seraphinu said:
Fix all this, and I'll be happy to accept you.

Never mind, i won't join.

(The only good RPGs doesn't like my ideas)


Seraphinu said:
Name: Topaz

Age: 15

Gender: female

Description: Topaz has long black hair that falls to her waist. However, it's thick and straight. She has a shirt on that has a blue heart, but broken in two. The background is just a light blue, and she has blue navy jeans, and white SAUCON sneakers with blue strips scattered around them. She's Caucasian.

Personality: Topaz is often a cold, mean person who doesn't need friends and often hangs out alone. However, if she sees that her friends need help, she'll lighten up and help them, giving her all to save them.

History: When she was three, she was visited by the legendary Pokemon Lugia. However, Lugia had taken the form of a white-haired boy with feather-like parts curving around his neck. He had a black jacket on (like one of those sports ones) and long blue jeans on, and no shoes. He told Topaz she had been chosen from birth, and then resumed his normal form outside the window. She watched Lugia's eyes closely and suddenly she fell asleep. That was the only time she had ever seen Lugia. When she was six, she started getting short visions of the future, and could sometimes transform into Pokemon, but unexpectedly. She couldnt control this and now she still can't control it, though it has been coming less now.

Side: Rebel

Pokemon Team: Fury/Quilava (F), Kingdra (M), Flygon (F), Bannete (F), Xatu (M), Gyarados (F)

Region: Johto

Other: Because of Topaz's powers, she often falls into unconsciousness, and sometimes morphs into Pokemon when she doesn't mean to. Due to this, she can do things such as stop time and use Pokemon attacks, but very unexpectedly. She tries not to use her powers at all, but sometimes loses control. She won't use them unless needed, or for fun.

I hope I get in! And remember, Topaz has been searching for Lugia since she saw him, and her powers are VERY unexpected.


The Dainty Delcatty
Name: Charity

Age: 16

Gender: female

Description: She has long dark hair and deep green eyes, the hair usually being worn in a pony-tail. She dresses casual but smart; her favourite outfit consists of black trousers and a burgundy top. Her footwear consists of a pair of trainers and, on her left arm, there is a tattoo of a Natu. Finally, she has a gold necklace which used to belong to her grandmother.

Personality: Charity is not the sort who takes abuse lying down. If anyone offends her, she will give them a good hiding, usually using her team of Pokemon. But her motives are basically good. She harbours a burning resentment of Team Dark (see below for reasons) and was, therefore, very keen to join the Rebels.

History: Charity is the last survivor from a family of Pokemon Masters, which was wiped out by Team Dark early on in their reign of terror. She managed to hide from them and has been on the run ever since, using a variety of aliases in a bid to hide her true identity. Those she has used in the past include Alice Gold and Victoria Blake. Born in Olivine City, she has since moved from town to town, never daring to stay in the same place for too long. But the desire to find those who killed her parents burns strong and, eventually, leads her to the Rebel movement. Here, her fellow Rebels coax her real first name out of her, although she will never reveal her last name.

Side: Rebel

Pokemon Team: Nidoqueen, Meganium, Ursaring, Noctowl and Donphan

Region: Johto

Other: N/A
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Divine Beauty
X Kazemon: Everythings good, except that Bannette doesn't exist in the Johto region. You'll need to change that. But everything else looks good.

Clare: Very good sign up. *Accepted*


Neither does Flygon...whoopsies!

Two New Pokemon:

Murkrow (M)
Togetic (F)


Um, may I join?

Name: Raymond (Ray)

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Description: He is quite tall at his age, and always wears a black hooded rod, covering his face. He has black hair reaching his shoulders, and poison green eyes. He has a sword always hunging on his belt, and a long, black cape. He also wears brown boots.

Personality: He is cold, not caring about others. Nobody has seen him smiling for ten years, and the people around uim often fear him. He always finishesh the mission he is given to, no matter how hard or cruel they might be. He has no friends, and he sees his teammates as his rivals, wanting to beat them at any cost. He thinks his Pokémons as comrades though, but he is very strict to them, getting angry if they fail in their missions. However they hardly do fail, and they are as cold as their trainer. But his starter which is now a Typholosion, is not evil. He doesn´t like the things his other Pokémon friends do, but says nothing abot it, for he fears them.

History: As a child, he lived in the city of Goldenrod. He lived there for nine years, and at his ninth birthday, he got himself his firts Pokémon, Cyndaguil. He wanted to go on a journey, but his parents told him that he was too weak for that. Ray got hurt by those words, and ran away, deciding to prove they were wrong. But he lost to every gym he went, and one day police found him and transported him to his home, where his parents took away his Pokémon and friend, Qyndaquil. They thought it was the Pokémons fault Ray had ran away, and decided that it would be better if they got rid of it permamently. Having lost his only Pokémon, other started mocking him, telling him that he was evil for letting it happen. Then year after that, the town got attacked by wild rampaging Tauros. Ray was in trouble, almost gotting hit by them, and asked his parents to come and help, yet they didn´t. They ran away, leaving the small boy in danger. That is when a few men dresses in black uniforms saved him, telling that they were Team Dark. Ray joined in the team, and hunted down his parents. Now he is dedicated to the team who had saved him.

Side: Shadow Crusader

Pokemon Team: Umbreon (M), Wobbuffet (F), Typholosion (M), Tyranitar (M), Houndoom (F) and Aerodactyl (M)

Region: Johto

Dark Assasin

Is this thing still open?Cause I want to join Team Dark.

Tauros Rider2

Name: Wes

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Description: He has brown hair.Always wearing his red cooltrainer clothes.He has blue eyes.He is skinny and tall. Wears a red hat with a poke ball marking on it. He carries a red knapsack.Has a smile that will cheer you up.Has black sneakers.He is 5`5 ft tall and weighs 150 lbs.

He is very caring.He will get serious when he has to.He will make sure Team Dark doesnt win.He is protective of those he cares about.He is rarely mad.If he is he will soon calm down.He is kind and very generous.If he is sad he cheers up very quickly.


Pokemon Team: Shiny Charizard(Inferno)male, Dragonite(Dragonus)male, Espeon(Sunrise)male, Umbreon(Shadow)male, Arcanine(Burner)male, Kabutops(Slasher)male
if i am not allowed to have umbreon and espeon even thought eevee exists in kanto also replace them with Flareon(Magma)male and Jolteon(Lightning)male