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Rivalry of Blood



Rivalry of Blood

For many years now, the tribes known as the Whiteclaws and the Blackfangs (more commonly known to humans as Zangoose and Seviper), have had a rivalry, which ran through their blood, and was passed on to each new generation. At first, their skirmishes were mearly over territory, in which case one of the tribes may beat down the other. But now, over the years, their feuds have grown much more violent. Humans have found large battlefields, littered with the corpses of the deceased Pokemon. It seems to have been caused by a mutation. A mutation which fuels their energy to kill the other. Now, the two tribes have gathered together on a new island, known as Gaea, to annihilate the other side, and finally end the war that has ran through the blood of these rivals for centuries.

This war is fuel not only by hate for the opponent, but by a prospect. The prospect that they may spread their tribes across, not only the island, but the entire world. Not even the interruption of humans, nor the idea of invasion shall stop them from their goal. This war will not only include their sometimes violent battles, but their alliance with other species, their invasions to other islands. I will let you know when something is about to happen. This something will be called an event, and the events will be listed in the first post. The event number will also be told in the beginning of the post that I state it in.

The island itself is not too large, about as big as Rhode Island state (look at a map of the US if you are unfamiliar with Rhode Island or its size). To the south lies a long savannah, with large bonzai style trees. This is the home of the Whiteclaws. It is frequently visited by thunderstorms, and sometimes, flash fires, caused by the extreme heat of the area. On their coast lies a beach, where they sometimes enlist the help of friendly (or unfriendly) Water Pokemon to help them in their needs.

To the north, there is the forests, where the Blackfangs call home. It is a dense place, where only the Seviper's use of all their senses lets them survive. It is almost always dark, and little light ever makes its way through the treetops. Many a dangerous Pokemon make their home here, including such lethal predators as Scyther. These are allies of the Seviper.

On the eastern coastline, a large mountain range, called the Unpassable Lands, where the great Dragon Pokemon lair. They are neutral, and will only help out at all if they feel that one side is being completely overtaken, or if the battle reaches onto their own lands. They are powerful; much more powerful than any of the normal Pokemon of the lands.


1. Don't spam.
2. This thread is strictly for RPing. Any questions, concerns, otherwise should be PMed to me.
3. No more sign-ups, so don't ask.
4. Follow normal RPing guidelines.
5. All posts should be at least a paragraph long.
6. Unless you have signed-up, do not post here. Under no circumstances are you allowed to post here otherwise.

Current Event
The Eve of the First Battle:
In between the lands of the Seviper and Zangoose, there is a light forest, where the trees are spread apart. The Whiteclaws have seen this, and have decided to take these lands for themselves. The Seviper, however, think this is an attack on themselves, and have decided to fight back. It is the evening now, and the battle is set to start in the morning. It is the eve of the battle.

Event List
Event 1: The Eve of the First Battle

Participants In This RP


Sketch - Wrath - Seviper
Psychic - Scyclaw - Scyther
Skrusti - Ferahgo - Scyther
extremegunner - Black Lotus - Seviper
GoldenHouou - ScarBlade - Seviper
Zerodius - Roleo - Ekans
Knightblazer - Lucifer - Scyther


Sketch - Pride - Zangoose
DeadlyMighty - Mighty - Mightyena
Scrap - Misery "Rose Eyes" - Zangoose
Psychic - Darkfeather - Sneasel
extremegunner - Night - Mightyena
GoldenHouou - Razor (Grudge) - Zangoose
katiekitten - Black Feather - Sneasel
Summer Wolf - Crescent - Mightyena
Civic Avenger - Pyrotalon - Manyuula

Note: I would like a lot more Blackfangs. If you are interested in joining, you are no longer allowed to be a Whiteclaw (there are too many as it is).
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Well-Known Member
The sun baked the savannah into an unendurable heat, and the temperature soared into the mid-hundreds. Shimmering, rippling waves of heat rose from the ground's surface, creating halluncinatory mirages.

The withered grass stretched out in all directions for what seemed like eternity, and only a lone shadow moved across the smooth, blank expanse of the sands-- a single Zangoose.

The Zangoose’s lean and wiry frame was well suited for the harsh conditions, her thick white coat an effective shield against the sun’s heat. Her legs were depectively small and stubby, but in truth they were quite powerful and capable of carrying her across a considerable amount of distance in a short, rapid burst of speed.

But for now, the beast was walking at a reasonable pace, for she was in no hurry. Why should she be? She had already picked up the trail of her quarry, and could follow it easily enough. Misery "Rose Eyes" passed the miles stolidly, not hurrying or loafing. The mongoose's claws were covered by layers of dust and dirt, their once-polished surfaces now clouded over with the hardships of traveling in the savannah.

The Zangoose breasted a gently rising dune and saw the remains of burned grass and weeds, in a dead semicircle.

Rose Eyes could see that her quarry had burned the devil-grass, of course. It was the only thing out here that would burn. It burned with a flat, greasy light, and it burned slow. It was said that devils lived within the flames of burning devil-grass, and if one looked into the fire long enough, the devils would hypnotize you, beckon you, draw you into the flames. And the next beast foolish enough to look into the fire might see you.

The burned grass crumbled away to gray ashes under the gentle brush of the Zangoose’s probing talons, and there was nothing in the ashes except a charred scrap of meat, which the she ate thoughtfully.

The remains of her quarry’s meal was cold, as all the others had been. Yet she had gained on them. She knew she was closer, but did not know how she knew. A kind of smell, perhaps. That didn’t matter, either. The Whiteclaw clanbeast had followed the Rapidash herd across the endless, screamingly monotonous wastes for days. She would keep going until something changed, and if nothing changed she would keep going anyway.

No other trace; the wind, razor-sharp, had of course filed away even what scant clues the hardpan might once have held.

Rose Eyes gazed about coldly, her eyes blank with the cold, polished walls that a killer wore around their souls like a mask. The only remains of the day were a gently cooling heat in the ground beneath her paws and a sardonic orange line across the blurry horizon.

Above, the stars glittered in the stark blackness, pearls of the velvety dark ocean in the sky. They burned with cold fire, in every primary hue. The moon tonight was thin and furtive, only a slice of crescent light.

Rose Eyes settled herself down, anticipating a night's rest. She had heard whisperings that there was to be another battle in the morning, but it mattered little to her. The only thing that mattered was tracking down her quarry and bringing the fresh kill back for the tribe to feast on.

Every now and then, a malicious downdraft would send dust whirling and puffing towards her, and she breathed some of it in. It built dreams in the same way a small irritant may build a pearl in a Cloyster. Occasionally, the clanbeast moaned and twitched, but the stars were as indifferent to it as they were to wars and death.


Pride stood upon the rock, which protruded from the savannah like a lump on someone's face. That obvious. He threw his hands into the air, and shouted to his fellow Whiteclaws. "My friends, brethren, brothers in arms! Tomorrow, we claim new land for the Whiteclaw tribe!"

Cheers were heard, and many Zangoose dropped anything they were doing to listen and cheer along.

"Tomorrow, we shall take yet another territory for the glorious Whiteclaws!" he shouted.

Meanwhile, Wrath, deep in the forest, contemplated his next move. A Kecleon scout had told him that the Zangoose were planning something. With their blunt heads it was probably an attack. To the nearest creature, Wrath said, "Please. Rally up our troops. We must get ready for battle by dawn."


Hyper Coordinator
I made a seviper in the sign up thread. So yea, i think you missed it.

Night's Story. (WhiteClaw)
A stream of black and grey flowed through the sparse forest under the golden shine. The Mightyena trudged on along the forest with a pack of handful other Mightyena and the Poochyena.

The forest was almost barren with trees growing apart from each other, little patches of dead weeds found lying scarcely on the burning hot ground and small heaps of decayed leaves.

The glaring rays of the evening sun across the horizon were blinding him and his pack slightly. He looked back and saw panting faces, slugging under the unbearable heat. His dark fur was doing a good job of making him tired. Puffing away in exhaustion, Night decided its time to take a rest. He signal to his men with a low growl and slowly brought them to a big tree which had enough shadow to cover everyone.

Night was resting casually, unlike the rest of the pack. He opened one eye lazily to check on his pack. Some were restless and was jittering with excitement. Some were trembling with fear, fear of dying in tomorrow’s battle. Some had a lost expression on their faces, deeply thinking of a way to keep themselves alive. Weaklings they were in Night's eyes, but he would not blame them for their cowardice and hesitation. It was the very first battle for most of the Poochyena.

Night, unfortunately, had led a pack of new recruits. The only experience battlers are the few Mightyena. His hardcore and battle hardened team of Poochyena and Mightyena have been lead to another location in the forest. Night wasn't afraid even though he may have a group of greenhorns. He was confident that he alone would be too much for the slithering scum and with his skills; he could keep the new recruits alive.

He gave a weak smirk closed his opened eye, resting and thinking at the same time. How many more fools was he going to slaughter tomorrow? The thought made his battle vibes itch with exhilaration...

Black Lotus's Story. (BlackFang)

Her voice rang across the outskirts of the forest. Her subordinates flinched at her angry cry as they hasten their speed to organize themselves. She could not believe this slow bunch were experience soldiers. When she was at their ranks, she was working faster and with higher efficient. What a bunch of fools... She thought; glaring at her minions, making sure none of them were working at normal speed but at their tops.

Soon the platoon was formed up in rows of three. She slithered slowly in front of the platoon, her face masked with scorn. The Seviper hated her guts, but they were afraid of her. They gulped as their eyes met with Black Lotus's.

The Seviper hissed with disdain and addressed her platoon to be prepared for a battle tomorrow. Piercing words and sarcastic remarks were slapped across the soldiers’ faces. However, their fighting spirit was raised, confident of wiping out the savage rodents that will be invading their territorial space.

She dismissed her fighting forces back to their nesting areas, which was positioned near the forest, and looked up the darkened skies. She was ready to slice and dice even though the order had not been issued...
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One might expect the leader of an upcoming battle to be preparing, gaining forces, but no. Wrath slept. He was afraid. Very afraid, in fact. A wound that a certain Zangoose, Pride, had given him, had become infected, and Wrath feared that it might be fatal.

But thoughts of illness and death pushed aside, Wrath dreamt of himself consuming a Ralts. Such a beautiful dream ...


Razor stood still, her eyes closed as she listened, trying to hear even the faintest sounds. The other´s breathing or heart beats. Anything that could give her a hint of their location.

She was standing in the middle of a bunch of other Zangoose, more unexperied than herself. Even she would have opened her eyes, it wouldn´t be much of a help to her, for the night was dark, pit black, in fact. The only source of light was a camp fire couple of feets away from all of them. The moon was covered by clouds. Clouds that would give no rain.

It hadn´t rained for ages, which caused few of the tribe to just want to rest in shadows during day time, evading sun as much as they could. Thunderstroms haven´t came for ages, and even though few were afraid of them, many would appriciate cool rain on their fur.

The days and eveb the night were hot at that area. There were no wind, which was a problem tp Razor, for she could get the other´s scent with it.

She looked like a statue as she stood still. She had her arms crossed in front of her face. Soon, they would attack. Anytime.

Then, one of the Zangoose in the ring nodded slightly to the others and soon they all leaped at Razor.

Razor opened her blood red eyes, and with few simple, yet fast slashesh, the attackers fell on the ground. Not dead, but exchausted. Razor wouldn´t kill one of her own, as long as they were no obstacle for her seek of revenge.

She lowered her arms, gazing down at the Zangoose. One of them got up, sweeping dust away from his fur. He faced Razor who nodded as a sign that the practice was over.

The others walked away and sat next to the camp fire they had lit up earlier. Razor turned to look at the savanna, sighning deeply. In the distance, she could see others training or just sleeping peacefully. She didn´t understand how could they sleep. Tomorrow was a fight. That fight was the only thing that ran in her head. Maybe, maybe in that fight she could finally see the one whom had escaped. Maybe, maybe finally she was able to get her revenge.

She turned to look back at the others. The ones she had wwith her were just a bunch of newbies, good for nothing like she had said. She was trying to train them to be fast, and move quietly, like Strike had taught to her once. She preffer being alone, not in lead of a large group of newbies. Sure, she had some she consider as friends, but they were not in this group. They haad their own bunch to train.

Sighning again, her red eyes glowing, she turned to the chatting and laughning bunch, shom apparently had began telling jokes. She walked up to them, giving them a glare that reminded them of their mission; They had to practice troughout the night.


The Compromise
Black Feather

A shadow skirted over the trees and landed softly on the ground, black ears swivelling this way and that alert for the tiniest sound. White teeth flashed quickly in a grin and the shadow moved on. The trees of the light forest swayed peacefully in the breeze, their groping fingers casting distorted shadows on the lushious beds of ferns and sedge below. The wind whispered past the dark figure, telling tales of Stantler ahead. Yet again white teeth flashed and a gentle clinking was heard, the sound of claws being unsheathed. The patch of darkness was illuminated briefly as a stronger gust tipped the boughs of the forests many native inhabitants, allowing a brief ray of sunlight to penetrate its interior and alight upon the Sneasel below. Covering her eyes, the Sneasel snarled silently and dived behind a knurled tree trunk, blinking furiously. Soon the white spots dwindled away and she was able to see once more. Raising her pointed snout to scent for her prey, she caught the delicious smell and was off, darting through the undergrowth.

The light sound of peaceful grazing soon reached her sharp ears. She slowed and carefully approached, picking her way silently through the branch littered ground. There was a clearing ahead, that was the home of her prey. She was deep in the heart of the forest now, in the middle of the great expanse of green. Ducking behind an oak, she peered into the clearing, squinting to stop the sunlight hurting her eyes. Briefly stepping back, she reached for her neck where on the end of a jagged rope were her sunglasses. Slipping them on and praising the WhiteClaw gods for them, she peeked again into the clearing, analysing the area. It was a reasonably big clearing, sparse of vegetation from the amount of grazing that had occurred there. To the far left trickled a bubbling brook that merrily danced over the smooth stones and trickled back into the forest. A herd of Stantler were settling down, lying on the ground or grazing. A twig snapped under Black Feathers feet. She winced, cursing herself under her breath and keeping as still as possible, trying to blend in with the shadows. A nearby stantler lifted its head up at the sound and it intuitively gazed towards origin, thankfully not seeing her. After a while it flicked its ears and bent down to graze once more. Sighing quietly, Black Feather scanned the nearest of the herd and chose her target, a healthy young buck that was playfully sparring with another. A slight limp in his back leg sealed the deal; it looked to have been caused by a twisted ankle sometime in the past. She smiled to herself, choosing the best option of approach. This would be an easy meal.

She snuck through the undergrowth until she was just over a foot away from her quarry. She hid herself in a honeysuckle bush, knowing that the small would disguise her distinguishing scent. Bunching her legs beneath her, she waited until the stantler had lain down before springing up and pinning it down. His enraged squeal echoed through the clearing, sending stantler bolting in different directions. Several similar cries alerted her that her troop had followed her and was taking advantage of the situation. Her stantler struggled fruitlessly, kicking out and tossing its head, trying to shift her off of him. She grinned down at its madly rolling eyes and ended its misery with a swift swipe at the throat. The buck shuddered, and kicked out one last time. She was not prepared and a thrusting antler cut by her cheek, slicing through her delicate skin and drawing blood. She sprang off and bit a lip to prevent herself from crying out. It was only a scratch, nothing too serious. When she returned to the camp she would go straight to the healer, she promised herself. Feeling relieved after her quick moral booster, she grabbed the still corpse and began to drag it back out of the forest. She was soon joined by others in her pack who greeted her before subsiding into silence. This was the most dangerous part of the whole venture. Getting back while avoiding letting the enemy know they had ever been there. A cloud covered the sun, giving her temporary relief. Her sunglasses had fallen off in the midst of the turmoil and hung limply on its string. She couldn’t put them back on, her hands were full. Putting on a brave face, she began a loping run through the forest, pack behind her. They were careful to take the animal trails that crisscrossed the whole forest, it was best to avoid detection and they might attract unwanted attention by barrelling through the forest. The sun was beginning to set as they emerged out of the forest; the body on her shoulder had lost its warmth. A plain of white creamy sand stretched out before them as far as the eye could see. She relaxed, feeling the wind play across her face. This was home.

Uchiha Obito


He just stood ther in awe. He looked at the many bodies of the dead whiteclaws and blackfangs. He thought to himself, "I should have been here...helping them!" All of his friends...dead! A vortex of sadness was within him, but yet he burned with rage!! He ran into the forest yelling "Maanyuul!!!!!". Within the forest Pyrotalon started destroying trees and rocks with his Combustion Claw. He had to avenge his clan demise. So from that moment on he took a vow that he will kill any blackfang, even if it is a female or child, or the old and disabled. He marked his vow by giving him a scar on his right eye. And then he took off with an agility attack.

Summer Wolf

Crescent groaned unhappily at the burning sun that heated her black back. She was out hunting in the Savannah, something she rarely did in the morning.

Her crimson eyes scanned the area with her body hunched into a pounce position. There were a pack of Tauros snorting together, walking onto the field to chew grass, and some Stantlers running in the morning light. Comparing the size of the Tauros to the Stanlers, Crescent decided that she would try to kill one of the Tauros for food.

The female Mightyena's eyes turned a dark purple color, nearly black, and a mist of ebony sprung from her fur. She knew that some of the Tauros would run at the sight of the mist, mostly the young, and the older, more experianced bull like Pokemon would stay and eat 'till they were content.
When Crescent opened her eyes again, she saw that a large number of the pack had run and that only two Tauros remained, eating grass like nothing had happened.

Two is enough, she thought, spitting posion on the ground and coating her claws with it. Crescent disappeared into the dark mist, and later reappeared behind one of the Tauros, pointed, white teeth grinning, having used faint attack. Her claws immediately plunged into the Tauros' skull, making the bull cry in pain before falling with into an endless sleep.

Crescent's eyes quickly looked around the savannah, scanning for the second Tauros. She knew the other bull had heard the dead Tauros' last sound and would probably be rampaging now. Her ears picked up hooves pounding at the dry dirt underneath the grass from a distance and she knew exactly where the beast was.

She looked behind her and saw the lively Tauros charging blindly as she coated her teeth with a new layer of posion. When the bull was feet away from Crescent, the hyena jumped to the right to dodge the attack, than ran forward and implanted her teeth into one of the Tauros' shoulders, using posion fang.

She was hanging on for her life because the Tauros was running too fast for her four legs to land on the ground safely. The charge was so wild that Crescent had to dig both her front claws as an extra precaution to make sure she didn't fall.

The posion works quickly, Crescent thought thankfully as the Tauros' rabid charge slowed, and Crescent was able to release the bull. The Tauros' rampage continued to slow until the beast finally collasped, wincing and making grunting noises of pain. Crescent silenced the whiny bull with a slash to the throat, than sat silent and ate.

After having her share, Crescent howled for some hungry young Zangooses, Poocheyenas, and Sneasels to take if they please. The next moment, Crescent found herself sitting in front of the river she always sat at after a kill or battle.

Tomorrow, I feel battle will ensue, Crescent thought, picking up her claw and licking the last of the blood from it. The taste will be fresh in my mouth again. Crescent dipped her head into the water and freed her teeth and tongue from the taste and feeling of blood.


Midnight had come. The full moon was now at its peak in the sky. Wrath stared upwards, watching Selene's great beauty. How would the battle tomorrow progress? Wrath was ready to fight ... yet, something told him that it would not go as planned.

"Master," said a voice from behind him. A small Seviper, the size of a mere Ekans, looked upon him with doleful eyes. "They say we don't have enough men. They say we will lose tomorrow. I do not want to die."

Wrath slithered over, and placed his tail on the Seviper's side, saying in a wise manner, "Do not worry. Whatever the fates deal us is what is deserved. Be free of fear, child."

"Yes, sir," said the Seviper, still unconvinced.


Crack! Crack! Crack!

The sounds resonated around the fields, and could be heard nearly a mile away around the tree, as the moon came down.

Pride whacked at the tree with his claws, hacking it to bits. With a meager 10 hits, the trees gave out a loud groan, and plunged to the ground.

The moon began its descension through the sky, and Pride looked up at it. It was time. He picked up a nearby horn, constructed by a Houndoom's bone. He put his mouth to it, and blew. The loud sounds echoed across the plains, and well rested Zangoose and Mightyena woke, and ran up to Pride. He gave a grin and shouted, "Prepare yourselves! Gather your armor! Arm yourselves! It is time!"

And with that, he blew the horn again.


Hyper Coordinator
Night's Story(WhiteClaws)
The Poochyena pack bolted themselves as they heard the series of noise. Glaring about their surroundoings, one of the brown coloured Mightyena approached Night with light but worried steps.

'I heard the signal.' The scarred Mightyena said lazily; he was the only one resting on the grounds.

'We await your orders sir.' The brown hyena said respectfully, taking a step back.

Night took his time to get on fours while the others stared at their leader with much anxiety and anticipation. His dark fur glimmered under the moonlight; his eyes narrowing into the ebony ahead of his crew.

'Sir, is this... right?' One of the young poochyena sounded out through the grave silence. The rest of the pack looked at the little pooch with puzzledment.

Night fell silent. How is he going to answer this? He heaved a sigh and paused for shor moment before the same pooch cried again.

'Its their home, isn't it?'

'We're soldiers. We don't ask so much.' Night got to the front of his pack, back facing them. 'Right or wrong, you'll find out for yourself when you're not a soldier. Now, let's move.'

With a forceful bark, the pack prowled dangerously behind their commander, scowering the forest for hostility. The pack had the put on a muderous face, as they howled ravenously for the BlackFangs flesh and blood. Night's face was masked with calm. His eyes blazed with a ceratin determination to destroy anyone who stands in his way.

Black Lotus's Story(BlackFangs)

A Crobat fluttered down the night sky and and gave seried of soft and broken screeches. They were messages made out of different pitch and frequency of the supersonic waves. It was dead and night, however, the purple bat was flapping silently.

'They'll be attacking soon, be prepared.'

The Seviper spat in disgust. This is the BlackFangs' territorial space, nobody can take it away from them, not even some lousy bunch of rats. Black Lotus nodded in apprehension and dismissed the Crobat impatiently and hurriedly.

The moonlight shone on her. Her red markings were glimmering brightly; it was almost blood-like. A spur of adrenaline, Black lotus swiped her tail blade across a rows of skinny trees, slicing them without much effort. The trees toppled down one after another. Black Lotus gave a snort, taunting her unseen opponent. The battlefield will be painted with WhiteClawss blood, like the red on her body; her enemies will fall consecutively, like the brittle trees...

(oh man, we seriously need alot more fangs...)
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Razor swiped a tree, cutting it to half. She had trained the young Zangoose, Sneasel and Manyula the whole night. She was panting as she turned to them, and ordered them to do the same. The newbies wwent on, trying to cut the tree, but their claws were not strong enough.

Razor looked to the horizon. The moon was setting peacefully, dissapearing behind the horizon, marking the beginning of a new day. A day of the fight.

Just then, Razor heard sound echoing trough the whole savanna. Its source was a might horn, blowed by their leader. Razor imidiately turned her gaze to the direction it came from. He looked down on her claws, smiling.

Then she walked to the others, sho were still trying to cut down the tree. Razor pulled back her arm, and gathering her powers, she struck at the tree, cutting it half again.

Then she faced the young battlers.

"It is the time", she said with a cold voice, her blood red eyes shining in exitement. With that, she started her run trough the savanna, towards the forest they were supposed to be attacking, the newbies following her. Maybe now she could get her revenge to the BlackFangs. Maybe now she was able to find the one who had escaped.

"Not this time. This time you shall pay", she swore quietly, increasing her speed a bit, still trying not to leave the newbies behind.


The Compromise
Black Feather

She spun around, ears pricked as a bugling call echoed through the camp, bouncing off the small roundish huts that had been skilfully built as an outpost against the nearby forest. She smiled in anticipation she had waited a long time for this moment. Sunlight filtered through the small hole in the ceiling, reflecting off the glass sculptures that depicted heroes in victorious postures that were carefully placed on an oaken desk. She was at home, in one of the round huts near the center of the camps. It had one room that was sparsely furnished, a dull sandy colored rug was on the floor, made of woven reeds. There was a low bed opposite the door so that she could see if anyone entered during the night. To the right of that was the oaken desk, slightly dusty from not being used. Light played on the walls, reflected from the sculptures. Over the bed was a simple, tatty piece of parchment, framed in an expensive gilt lining and placed with loving care exactly center above the bed. It had a black paw print on it, small, as if it came from a child. She never told anyone about it, and as it was rare for anyone to enter her quarters, no one asked. She stretched and rose, she had been resting from the hunt the night before. Walking through the doorway she shut it with a slam, looking towards the origin of the trumpet that still called, ordering her to rally to the standard. A brisk wind fluttered by her feet, whirling around her and causing many sand devils to rise briefly, until they subsided back into the sound. Breaking into a trot, she raised her head and gave a Noctowl call. Pausing at the center of the camp, she was soon joined by those of her pack, who were grinning like happy dogs. A few of them shifted impatiently as she conversed with her lieutenant, a Sneasel called Fleet foot.

He had the usual colourings of a Sneasel, except for a dull grey mark on each of his feet, like what humans had named “socks”. At birth he was extremely fast, he still was, and he was one of the only people Black Feather could trust. They had known each other a long time; his black eyes glittered as she approached. He stretched leisurely, yawning like a cat and began to idly sharpen one of his silver dagger claws.
“Hi, Teak,” He greeted her, calling her by her childhood nickname. Only people she trusted did she let use that name.
“You bet,” She replied, grinning. He had a cheery, open, friendly voice, deep and confident. “Ready to go?”
“Nearly,” He gazed over the pack. They were a motley group of Sneasel and mightyena. Each had proved their worth to her a hundred times over. She only let the best join her pack. “Just waiting for Tello”
Tello was a young poochena, one of the best hunters Black Feather had ever seen. She had been a runt of the litter and he would have been killed as was custom, but after being able to sneak in between his brothers and sisters and stand up for himself, his parents had let him live. She was glad they did, because Tello was the pride of her pack. The whole group doted on her. She was small for her age, five years old, and still had her puppy fur. She had an adorable face with big eyes that could melt even the hardest of hearts. She was able to trick, weasel, and sneak into any guarded barracks, she could fool guards to let her have treats, she was a clever pup. She came tumbling down the main road now, landing on her back in the middle of the pack. She rolled over and smiled apologetically.
“Sorry for being late,” She apologized to everyone. “My mother had to groom me again,”
Everyone chortled. Tallo’s parents were very protective of their youngest daughter. Black feather pretended to be miffed, but one glance at Tallo brought a smile to her lips. The young pup was doing acrobatics, trying to stand on her head. Managing, she looked at Black Feather and grinned mischievously.
“Hi Teak!” Tallo was another of her trusted friends. Black Feather walked over and gently pushed her over, catching her and setting her on her feet. She barked and began to chase her tail.
“Tallo!” Tallo stopped, sat and attempted to look serious. She didn’t succeed. After five seconds she cracked into a smile, but she kept sitting.
“Thank you,” Black Feather shook her head to conceal a grin. “Now can we leave?” She asked Fleet. He nodded. “Finally,” She turned around and started running to the gates of the camp. They were opened by Mightyena guards who wished them luck and they came thundering onto the plains.

The Light forest was a distinct smudge on the horizon. She headed towards it, pack in tow. The sun was at its highest, smiling down on her as if it was too wishing her luck. They soon reached the temporary camp at the forests foot and skidded to a halt. A lieutenant nodded to them and pointed at a an empty space, motioning them to sit down there. They complied and sat, waiting for the battle to begin.
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Summer Wolf

Crescent was woken from her sleep by the sound of the horn, sleeping under a tree. When her eyes focused, she realized that the other Poocheyenas she had been training had already disappeared, no doubt to prepare for the battle. At a lazy speed, the female Mightyena stretched her back and paws.

The horn sounded for a second time and Crescent felt that she best leave now. With eyes half-open, Crescent ran through the clear area of grass, crushing blades of them with every step she took.

"Look! It's Crescent!" A bunch of young Poocheyenas she had trained for a short period of time shouted, pointing at Crescent. She just nodded in acknowledgement, and went on her way. Soon, she'd arrive at the place Pride was, crowded with other Mightyenas, Poocheyenas, Manyula, Sneasel, and Zangooses, all prepared to fight for a new claim on land. And soon, the sense of killing would be filled in the air as the Whiteclaws and Blackfangs clash once more.


Well-Known Member
Ferahgo crept silenty through the brush, tracking the small group of Whiteclaws that had entered the territory. He had started over two days ago, not daring to get any closer, because they were so alert. They hadn't yet realized it was all a game. The Zangoose leader stretched, and pointed to a small clearing in the forest, where they would plan their next move. Not a good idea to head in the open.

The Scyther, for that is what Ferahgo is, had become much more crafty then any of his hunter counterparts. He had been planning this for two days, the exact way the three Zangoose would die, and where it would happen. The group crept closer to the clearing, and stepped out, all as one.

This was their downfall.

Ferahgo sped from his hiding place, a whisper of a wind following his wake. His wings beat swiftly and silently as he took off the head of the leader. The other two cried out loudly, and tried to strike back, but Ferahgo was already gone. The two looked around wildly, trying to find their assailant, and both turned to look in different directions.

Ferahgo spat the lovely poison he could so easily concoct onto his blades, and then, after making sure it wouldn't fall off, flew in between the two from behind, making at least a dozen small cuts on each body. The poison worked quickly, and soon, the two were howling in pain and agony as it ate them from the inside.

Satisfied by their deaths, Ferahgo was about to pack up and leave, when a bone arrow flew past his head. Spinning around more quickly than a normal Scyther gave him the chance to deflect the second arrow. Loud warcries shook him as he realized finally what the group he had just slain was doing.

An advance party.

Ferahgo sped away from there as fast as he could, as he heard even more cries of war. The Whiteclaws were everywhere, and Ferahgo had to fight many on his way back. Luckily, the poison was still coating his blades, and he was able to injure or kill most of those he fought.

After a couple miles of this, Ferahgo finally reached Blackfang territory, and saw that they were under attack. Or at least, a section of it was. The clearing was a battlefield as many different species battled their way through it. Not stopping, Ferahgo flew past, determined to make his report of just how many there were.

He wasn't sure if they were going to be able to stop them this time. Especially if his counting was correct. The main camp of the Blackfangs was drawing near, as Ferahgo hoped the leader, a Seviper, was still there...


The Compromise
OOC: Sorry everyone, I will not be able to post, or come on this site at all, until October 30. Sorry! My last post for a bit...


Black Feather.

“Holly section, fall out!” A stern general shouted over the murmur of talking to address a small advance group composed of mostly Mightyena. Their leader, a bulky Zangoose nodded and headed away into the forest, the others trailing after him passing back the signals of single file, and spacing of ten meters. The spacing was a safety precaution created in the earlier days of the tribe. A clump of warriors could be taken down a lot easier by arrows then a spread out line. The humans had copied this tactic and used it in their army. There was a brief moment of silence as al present watched the departing squad, wishing them luck. Only once the last warrior had been swallowed by an early morning mist did they resume their conversations. Black Feather was talking to Tallo and Fleet.
“Good hunt yesterday, wasn’t it?” Asked Fleet, stretching back and relaxing against the wall.
“For the most part, yes,” Replied Black Feather, running her finger over the long scar that ran across her cheek. It was noting serious, but she would carry a reminder of it to the end of her days. Fleet noticed, reached over and patted her on the back, eyes twinkling.
“Don’t worry about that, Teak. You still look as ugly as ever,” He ducked and dodged sideways to avoid her swiping claws, laughing.
“Oi!” She complained, folding her arms and looking away haughtily.
“Only joking, only joking,” He sat back down, still shaking with laughter. Tallo lifted her head, dragging her eyes away from the rolled up hedgehog she had been idly batting at with her paw. She cocked her head to the left, puzzled.
“What’s this?” She wondered aloud. “A fight? I’ll join in!” With that she leaped at Fleet, claws tightly sheathed as she landed on his belly. He had not been prepared and air rushed out of his lungs with a sigh.
“Oof,” He pushed her off and got up hugging his chest, winded. Black Feather laughed as he staggered around and helped him to his seat.

OOC: That is all I have time to write at the moment, see you all around the 30th. 


IC: Bye, Katiekitten! Sorry for thr short post, by the way >_>
Razor speeded trough the savanna, her claws sinking in the sand, only to be ripped up again as she ran. The others were still following, even though they had been left behind.

Soon she saw a huge amount of other WhiteClaws, moving towards the forest. There were huge amounts of Zangoose, Sneasel, Mightyena and Poochyena.

Razor stopped to halt and faced towards the forest far away in the horizon. She began running there, leaving the others behind. Only one thing rang in her mind as she reached the lush, green forest; Revenge.


Wrath stared at the battle before him, and then, with a quick movement, rushed forward, ready to fight. He coated his blades with his lethal poison. His greater size gave him an advantage. He growled as he unleashed sting after sting of venom.

Then, Wrath saw him. A tall mad looking Zangoose, mostly black.

"Let's finish this," said Pride, smiling.

"Agreed," replied Wrath.

In a sudden movement, Wrath leapt into the battle, and swiped at Pride, who quickly dodged to the left, out of the way. He took the chance and threw his claws at Wrath with the speed of a jet. Wrath took the hits, however, and came right back. He bit into Pride's shoulder, but Pride's immunity took hold. The wound bled, and Pride, in anger, grabbed a nearby log, and tossed it with might at Wrath. Wrath dodged it, and the log hit a tree behind him. With a groan, the tree began to fall. Wrath slithered out of the way, but Pride was not so lucky. The tree fell upon his left shoulder, and with a sickening crunch, he fell to the ground. He hobbled towards a nearby Zangoose, and said, "Get me out of here."

Wrath smiled, and continued fighting, glad he had dealt a blow to the Whiteclaw leader.

Summer Wolf

Crescent looked aorund the battle, frowning slightly. It was not hard to see that the Blackfang group had a smaller amount of members. The battle was not far. However, there was no such thing as unfair in war.

Sighing, the Mightyena entered the field with claws covered in posion. Many Ekans came to her attention and attacked her, but she just struck them where she thought their throats were and pushed them aside, figuring the Poocheyenas could take care of them. She was looking for a Seviper to battle and when she found one, it was looking at Wrath admirably.

Crescent looked around for Pride, wondering why Wrath could have such a smug look on his face and when she saw Pride's condition, she glared at the leader Seviper. She made a jump towards Wrath but was intercepted by that admiring Seviper. And she found herself in a battle as Wrath went on to fight another Whiteclaw.


Hyper Coordinator
Black Lotus vs Night

Night’s pack was alone. They had already been surveying the area almost three days. Night had been killing lone or paired Blackfangs without having to use his troops. They were still healthy, at least on the physical department. Softening the battlefield for the last three days was tiring, it was time his tribe began its attack.

His pack could hear dashing steps in the forest. The rest of the WhiteClaws had arrived. Finally, he could get a good night’s rest at the base. He gave a soft growl, signalling it was time to change course. He led his pack for a U-turn; time to head home.

But to the pack’s dismay, a Seviper appeared in the way, red patterned Seviper. She had a crew of other Sevipers and Arboks behind her, hissing dangerously at the back. It seemed as though they had been waiting for the pack behind the berry bushes.

‘Going some where, Night?’ Black Lotus asked sarcastically. She swished her tail, displaying her prowess. Night yawned, he doesn’t feel like fighting.

‘I’m not in the mood, Lotus.’ The Mightyena just strut towards the direction of the base, ignoring her completely. The rest of the pack exchanged looks and began to follow their leader in distance behind.

‘What do you think you’re doing? Do you think you can just run away?’ The Seviper hissed furiously, feeling ridiculed by the Mightyena. She whipped her tail up and blocked his way.

Night stared at the tail and nodded with a certain ‘understanding’. He took a few steps back and glared at the Seviper.

‘Why must it be you…?’ Night sighed; he seemed unwilling to battle this Seviper. ‘But for old times sake, let my men off.’

The Seviper shook her head in dismay. ‘We may have been pals for almost eight years. But a battle is a battle, this concern not you, not me, but both of our tribes.’

‘Tribe’s honour comes first.’ Night replied lazily and the Seviper nodded.

The Mightyena took a few more steps back and got into a prowling position, snarling ragingly at the group of Sevipers and Arboks. The sudden stance took the Seviper by surprise.

‘Isn’t this what you wanted, Lotus?!’ The scarred Mightyena growled. ‘Well, you got what you want...’ The rest of the pack were influenced by their leader’s action and got into battle stance as well.

‘Yes indeed…’ Black Lotus smirked, as she swished her tail blade into the air. Her assault force, too, bore their fangs at the smaller pack of Mightyenas and Poohyenas.

(anyone wanna help my mightyena?)
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