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look! a shiny dragon
Has anybody played Riviera: The Promised Land?

It's quite fun, if you so choose to invest in it..


Super Gamer
Well I played it (the rom). I didn't like it very much - it got kinda annoying and wasn't like a usual RPG. I don't like to invest in games that are hard to get into.


Seijiro Mafuné

Got it. I found it pretty awesome, although I think it'd have been better if using Overdrives didn't spend an item point.


look! a shiny dragon
exl. skills are awesome, though i wish ecthel and ledah aren't the only ones that have it...

if someone else has one, i dunno because i'm in the nelde ruins

Pokemaníaco Desesperado

Normal Coordinator
ClowSui said:
exl. skills are awesome, though i wish ecthel and ledah aren't the only ones that have it...

if someone else has one, i dunno because i'm in the nelde ruins
Well, last lv3 OS are as good as exl OS, but they don't shatter the overdrive.

Seijiro Mafuné

Funny, I swore it did. Except for Einherjar, but...

By the way, is it me, or Ein's voice change between his normal attacks and his Lvl. 3/Exl. Overdrives?


Flannigan's Ball
I own it, but haven't played to much of it. I bought it becasue I knew it was hard to come by. It's one of those games I'll play when there's a game drought. (Read: Not right now)


Ski > You
Hmm... Fia gets Banishment, a move that auto-ends every random battle, but completely destroys the item in question. (Rosary.)
Recommended against Slimes.
Their acid is pure ebil. Destroyed my Fanelia in practice mode, thankfully I had a save file... :D

Fun, but unbalanced. Lina is far weaker than the other four characters, and Serene gains 9 freaking strength for each Scythe mastered. 9.
Ein gets 6.

To answer Sejiro, Ein's voice does change, from a more basic voice with Swords to his Grim Angel seriousish voice with Disaresta.
"This should end it, Mimic Ray!"
"This is the will of the gods, Disaresta!"

Oh, and Disaresta is overpowered to no end. Did more than 4k damage to the final boss.

Seijiro Mafuné


Oh well. And I've checked: you do lose a point when you use an Over Drive Skill.

Also, when is a good time to fill up the Over Drive Bar and let loose with Disaresta on the Accursed? That is, how much HP should they have? I keep messing up and shattering the bar without killing them...


Well-Known Member
I liked Riviera bought on first day was worth it. Rose is my fav' character I collect kittys with wings statues and plushies if I can find any hehe. ;259;
I wish they'd release more games like that like the tales of forgot the name lol
,but it's really good and has voices and awesome video on it.