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RMT: 1st Competetive Team, need my 6th

Okay, here goes. Been playing since I got Red for Xmas '96, but have never been much for battling. But ever since I got Pearl, I've been going nuts over it. Now I've got a big tourney in the summer, and want to tune up my strategies. My team is as follows:

Blissey @ Leftovers
Bold Nature (+Defense -Attack)
252 Def/252 HP/4 S.Atk
- Ice Beam
- Light Screen
- Toxic
- Softboiled

Dusknoir @ Leftovers
Careful Nature (+Sp. Def -Sp. Attack)
252 HP/252 Def/4 S.Def

- Will-o-Wisp
- Night Shade
- Confuse Ray
- Protect

Salamence @ Leftovers
Adamant Nature (+Attack -Sp. Attack)
252 Speed/252 Attack/4 HP

- Dragon Claw
- Earthquake
- Draco Meteor/Crunch
- Dragon Dance

Gardevoir @ Life Orb/Leftovers
Rash Nature (+Sp. Attack -Sp. Defense)
252 S.Atk/252 Speed/4 HP

- Psychic
- Thunderbolt
- Grass Knot/Thunder Wave
- Focus Blast

Gallade @ Salac Berry
Naughty Nature (+Attack -Sp. Defense)
252 Attack/252 Speed/4 HP

- Swords Dance/Endure?
- Psycho Cut
- Earthquake
- Close Combat

I think I've covered most of my bases, but I need a suggestion for my last slot. My available pokemon at the moment are: Skarmory, Rhyperior, Tyranitar, Ludicolo, Ninjask, Forretress, Metagross and Drifblim.

Edit: Would be leading with Salamence or Gallade most likely, or Skarmory if I decide to use it. Unaware of what Aromatherapy does, or how Chansey learns Seismic Toss. As much as I would love to have Hypnosis on Gallade, it's not an option. I don't have the time nor the inclination to breed/EV-train/level up pokemon just for a change of Nature or a single gained move. As for Gallade/Gardevoir's weakness to Heracross, like the other person said, everything has trouble with it. If it proves too much for Gallade, Metagross may take its place.
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Natural Cure
Bold Nature (+Def -Atk)
-Ice Beam
-Seismic Toss

Impish/Careful Nature (+Def/SDef -Atk)
-Thunder Punch
-Shadow Punch
-Pain Split/Sleep Talk

Salamence@Life Orb
Modest Nature (+SAtk -Atk)
-Dragon Pulse
-Draco Meteor
-Hydro Pump

Gardevoir@Life Orb / Leftovers
Calm/Timid/Modest/Bold Nature (+SDef/Spd/SAtk/Def -Atk)
-Grass Knot
-Wish/Calm Mind

Rash is bad! Her strongest point is not only Special Attack but Special Defense!

Gallade@Life Orb
Jolly Nature (+Spd -SAtk)
-Leaf Blade
-Night Slash
-Close Combat

As a last slot, you need Gliscor if you wanna keep that Adamant Nature Salamence, Modest covers the Hera weak, but not totally. You could go with Aerodactyl, or maybe even Starmie.

EDIT: If those are your only leads, then go with Skarmory.
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He hasn't mentioned leading with anything else, and he's placed it first in the lineup. Apologies if you did mean to lead with something else, of course.

I never knew that the first Pokemon you post is the one you lead with...I never followed that rule, tbh. Lol.

[Kingdra];6269866 said:
Lol Gardevoir and Gallade

Gardevoir actually has potential. She really does. With max EV's in SAtk and Spd, she can be a bit of a trouble. And Gallade isn't bad if he had Hypnosis.


Well-Known Member
Hera lols at Gardevoir and Gallade.

lold at max def 126 hp on bliss. Max Def/HP.
Seismic Toss>Light Screen, Aromatherapy>Toxic.
Yes, because the whole world is Heracross weak. Except for Gliscor. No offence, but Heracross sounds like Voldemort and Gliscor is Harry Potter, he's the only one who stands a chance.


why are people comparing pokemon to harry potter and chess
if you can predict the world isn't heracross weak
@The Thread Owner, you should change your Gardy's nature.
I may breed for a new Gallade/Gardevoir at some later date, but not right now because new job = no time. I am currently breeding Heracross though, for both Jolly and Adamant builds. I'm sure one will find its way into my team.


I like Sandstorm.
It will find it's way. The way goes>Gallade.