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RMT, a title as overused as SkarmBliss...


You know the drill

Swampert @ ________
Brave Nature
Trait: Take a wild guess

Mixed Sweeper

Gardevoir @ _________
Modest Nature
Trait: Synchronize

Special Sweeper

Metagross @ __________
Adamant Nature
Trait: Um....
-Return (I dont feel like blowing up one of my best pkmn, even if I do have revive)

Physical Wall/Sweeper

Crobat @ CB
Adamant Nature
Trait: The one that prevents flinching
-Sludge Bomb
-HP: Fight
-Fly (Ingame)
-Shadow Ball


Absol @ Bright Powder
Jolly Nature
Trait: Pressure (Pwnage)

Bright Powder works w/ Pressure and Absol doesnt have the time to be messing around w/ 65 base defenses. Return is there so he can do something with 130 base Attack

For the last slot:


Dusclops @ Bright Powder
Trait: Same as Absol's (Works w/ Pressure, BP & Below set)
-Confuse Ray
-Shadow Ball/Random attack move

Works best with a BPed Spider Web or Mean Look (I can get Smeargle over Absol if needed)

Trap. Infatuate. Confuse. Paralyze. Then laugh in their face when they cant touch you. In the 12% chance they attack, there's a slim chance it'll get through cause of BP. Then Pressure pwns their PP while you own them with your attack move. :)


Sceptile @ __________

Originally, the standard set for Scepty was Leech Seed, Protect, Leaf Blade & Sub. Then when Emerald came out, T Punch repaced Protect. Because Subs are passed from 'Sol, he can have Protect. Yay.

I mainly need help with Items, though.


.::Escalator::. said:
You know the drill

Swampert @ ________ Leftovers
Brave Nature
Trait: Take a wild guess

Why not try Cursepert? Swampert lacks sweeping speed.

Gardevoir @ _________ Leftovers
Modest Nature
Trait: Synchronize

I s'pose, but Fire Punch is better if you're looking for weakness coverage.

Metagross @ __________ Leftovers
Adamant Nature
Trait: Um.... Clear Body
-Return (I dont feel like blowing up one of my best pkmn, even if I do have revive)

Go figure.

Crobat @ CB
Adamant Nature
Trait: The one that prevents flinching Inner Focus
-Sludge Bomb
-HP: Fight
-Fly (Ingame)
-Shadow Ball

I have HP Ground. Use a separate HM slave for Fly and look for Aerial Ace instead.

Absol @ Bright Powder Leftovers
Jolly Nature
Trait: Pressure (Pwnage) Not when you don't have a way to utilize it.

That strategy of Brightpowder-Pressure doesn't work. Hax items are cheap anyways.

Sceptile @ __________ Leftovers

I question the point of Protect. Sceptile isn't designed to stall. If anything, try HP Ice.

I mainly need help with Items, though.

It's there to be adhered to now.
Comments are in bold. I didn't rate Dusclops since my suggestion would be Sceptile.

Obiwan Shinobi

You could Theif them from wild Snorlaxs, but there are onlytwo Snorlax :/


Obiwan Shinobi said:
You could Theif them from wild Snorlaxs, but there are onlytwo Snorlax :/

um... first of, they're holding chesto berries

you can get the leftovers AFTER defeating/capturing snorlax, just use the itemfinder right at the spots where they were