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RMT: Competitive

1=poor 5=Awsome

  • 1

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • 2

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • 3

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • 5

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


dragon rider knight
Dragonite: Mild Nature- Leftovers- Inner Focus
Attacks:Thunderbolt, Ice-Beam, Substitute, Focus Punch
EVs':atk 144, def 16, s.atk 172, s.def 20, speed 160

Arcanine:Lonely Nature- Leichi Berry- Intimidate
Attacks: Extreme Speed, Flamethrower, HP(fighting), Howl
EVs':hp 4, atk 252, s.atk 96, speed 160

Marowak: Jolly Nature- Thick Club- Rock Head
Attacks: Bonemerang, Rockslide, Areal Ace, Swords Dance
EVs': hp 4, atk 252, speed 252

Scizor: Jolly Nature- Salac Berry- Swarm
Attacks: Silver Wind, Steel Wing, Batton Pass, Swords Dance
EVs': hp 4, atk 252, speed 252

Jolteon: Hasty Nature- Magnet- Volt Absorb
Attacks: Thunderbolt, Agility, Batton Pass, Thunderwave
EV's: hp 4, s.atk 252, speed 252

Gengar: Timid Nature- Shell Bell- Levitate
Attacks: Sludge Bomb, Giga Drain, Thunderbolt, Destiny Bond
EVs': atk 60, s.atk 200, speed 252
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type in the following format PLEASE

Pokémon @Item

Marowak: Double-Edge > Aerial Ace

Jolteon: Substitute > T-Wave. Magnet sucks, use Leftovers or Petaya Berry.

Scizor: You may want to make it a Reversaler instead. Marowak already has Swords Dance and Arcanine isn't a good recipient since it doesn't get physical STAB.

Gengar: Ice Punch/Hypnosis > Sludge Bomb. It won't do much good with a Timid Nature. Leftovers > Shell Bell.

Your team has almost no Special Defense so special sweepers like Starmie and Alakazam can wipe out most of it. A Snorlax would do well, and you have no Fighting weaknesses so it can fit nicely. You can put it over Arcanine and if you make it a Sleep Talker, you can have it absorb Sleep.