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RMT please.


Rock/Ground trainer
I'm entering a tournament pretty soon. The rules are no legends or wobbuffet, no same hold item, no OHKO moves, no same pokemon, and no AR or gameshark pokemon. The tournament is a 6 vs 6 double battle. Here are 5 of the 6 pokemon I might use:

;310;Manectric @ Focus Band/ Focus Sash?
Bold nature 252 Def 252 Sp. def 4 hp

Thunder wave
hp bug

;226;Mantine @ don't know
brave 252 atk 252 def 4 hp
swift swim

Aerial Ace
Rain Dance
Ice Beam

;475;Gallade @ don't know
jolly 252 Def 152 Hp 106 Speed

Psycho Cut
Close Combat
Leaf Blade
Swords Dance

;445;Garchomp @ Life Orb
Adamant 252 Speed 252 Atk 4 hp
Sand Veil

Fire Fang/ something else maybe?
Dragon Claw
Swords Dance

;471;Glaceon @ Metronome
Calm 252 def 252 speed
snow cloak

Ice Beam
Shadow Ball
Mirror Coat
don't know fourth move

I intend to use Manectric and Mantine as a combo to prevent mantine's greatest weakness and put rain dance in effect so that mantine goes first and Manectric hit's 100% with thunder. Be advised that Mantine's Sp. A is nearly equal to his ATK.

Please don't Remove Manectric, Mantine, Gallade or Garchomp from my team. Just add better moves or better hold items to them. I need help with a sixth pokemon and I don't know if I should use Glaceon. Feel free to remove glaceon from my team. Please don't add Snorlax, Blissey, or Slaking to my team as well.