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Rock gym overused?


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Unknown Trainer
Do you think there being a rock type gym is overused in the games? It's in every handheld game (except G/S/C) and if it's used, it's always the 1st gym. Do you think it being the 1st gym is overused, too?

Dragon Champion

Smogon sucks.
I think it's overused.


Elemental Warrior
Well it is overused but they should at least make them use other rock pokemon. I mean come on, All three rock gyms have Geodude.


Wind Dragon
Mwar, yeah they're overused but at least they [mostly] give you Grass-types that can pretty much singlehandedly wipe them for Fire-enthusiasts like me XD except in R/B...that really sucks >.=.> but eh, I've done it so blah XD


Well-Known Member
yes. well, i dunno if johto has a rock gym tho.


Well-Known Member
3 generations use Rock-type as first gym... Haiz... Can use Flying-type also ma...
johtos sorta unique the steel gym used to be a rock gym but that doesn't really count


Drowns in Cultness
Alhtough I like Hyouta a lot, I was dissapointed to find out that another first gym had rock pokemon...... :-(


Best. Rank. Ever!
Yes. And the fact that every rock gym is first makes it even worse.


Don't Blink
Yeah, it''s hell boring, and for this gen I thought 'hopefully they'll be original with Gym one this time', and of course they couldn't be arsed, as usual. I don't mind rock, but I'm sick of it being first. If it is in gen 5, I'll get real...[CENSORED]
