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Roll On, Pokémon! (122)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Roll On, Pokémon! (122)

Roll On, Pokémon!

Proud of his new Capture, Heracross, Ash sees a Donphan, thinking it's wild he battles it with his Heracross...but finds out it's owned by a trainer who is looking for Amber. Team Rocket however want to get the amber and steal Donphan. Can Ash get it back?

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Team Awesome
Again, this episode wasn't all that great (not a whole lot of season three episodes were), but Brock at least makes this episode watchable. He may never get the girl, but the way he keeps on trying is always fun to watch. I like when he takes about what a perfect gem Rochelle is, and Ash thinks he's talking about the amberite. :D


Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
Now that I've just seen this episode again on Toonami, it raises a question.

Though the odds are really high, what are the odds that Ash will train his own Donphan to find amberite? Is he smart enough to relise taht his Donphan can make him a load of money?


Contaminated KFC
CyberCubed said:
I always found it amusing that Ash seemed to have a thing for Donphan...he might just get one of his own someday.
Don't you just love comments like this? :p

Lupin said:
what are the odds that Ash will train his own Donphan to find amberite?
About equal to the odds of the writers actually remembering what amberite is.
In other words, zero.


Zephyr Trainer
Lupin said:
Though the odds are really high, what are the odds that Ash will train his own Donphan to find amberite? Is he smart enough to relise taht his Donphan can make him a load of money?

Not to mention that the writers have forgotten plenty of more important stuff than a Johto-filler mineral.

And it seems Ash has never had much of a need for money anyway. Where does he get all his travel funds...? o_O;


I own the 5th gen
I just saw this episode in Japanese, and I noticed something interesting. Apparently, "amberite" is a dub invention. In the original version, the mineral they were searching for wasn't fictional, but actually exists in real life: agate (メノウ "menou" in Japanese).
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Lol, Ash has encountered Donphan alot and now he has one of his own


Well-Known Member
A good episode, I always love the ones where they show Pokemon being used for something other than battling. Heracross definitely di dwell in it's first battle as one of Ashes Pokemon and did exceptionally well against Rochelle's oldest Donphan. Also liked how the Donphan rammed against the rock walls to get Amberite out.

Mr. Smile

Active Member
Nothing really important happens in this episode. Yet, this episode was entertaining to watch. I really thought that Ash was going to capture a Donphan in that episode. 7/10


kiss my greens
Well, Ash may have a Donphan now, but did he ever take it out to look for Amberite? I daresay not.

Pretty boring episode, though :( Not that looking for buried treasure isn't fun, but the fact that the episode didn't have much else to offer is what gets me.

pokemon fan 132

Well-Known Member
Not so great episode,but it had some interesting moments in it.We get to see Donphan and Rochelle using them to find Amberite.The battle between Ashs Heracross and Donphan in the end was good and even though Ash lost Heracross put up a good fight.Its interesting how later on in the series when he finally got Donphan he never though of using him to look for Amberite.

Another good moment was with Brock trying to impress Rochelle.Poor guy no matter how much he tryes he never have luck with girls.