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Rotom or Froslass?

Rotom or Froslass?

  • Rotom

    Votes: 11 84.6%
  • Froslass

    Votes: 2 15.4%

  • Total voters


Loyal Bug User
Both new ghost Pokemon, both with very interesting type combinations...

Rotom's electric side has no weaknesses.
And lots of Froslass's weakness's are cancelled out.

I love 'em both, I love ALL quirky pokemon, but i think i'll go with Rotom on this one.


Loyal Bug User
what are there weaknesses/resitences?

I think they are as follows:

Rotom: Dark, Ghost
Frosslass: Fire, Dark, Ghost, Rock
I like rotom the most. I just think its kinda cool. I like froslass too but not as much as rotom.
i like rotom more cause its cool and creepy