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RPG review: ragnarok online!



i would just like to review the last but the first philippine MMORPG (Multi-Media Online Role Playing Game). if you have played this game before it died away, how far did you go? did you reach amatsu or kun lun before it officially died? did you become the job youve always wanted to?
well, me, i only reached a swordsman rank! i didnt even got the chance to be a pure-bred VIT knight!. and my mage was my richest job in the whole server! almost 30m! too bad it got hacked by some sneaky guy! damn!
to refresh your memory, here are some screen shots of the game:



I Still play Ragnarok i am a swordgirl :) but i gonna be a knight my brother plays also Ragnarok but he is stronger than me and he have friends there Well its a Great game i love it!


Ps: The Porings are cute!!