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RPG Super-Slam!

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DS Diamondboy

Sinnoh Trainer
This is my 2nd RPG (The 1st one never started). It is a tournament-RPG and PM-based RPG (like The New Holon Saga. in fact it is alot like The New Holon Saga.), and contains elements from the Super Smash Bros. game. This RPG is basically a tournament where various team based on RPG in Serebii.net Forums compete in a series of games, from races to Fighting Rounds and even sports games like soccer, basketball, volleyball and even hockey. Teams are made up of the owner of an RPG (Leader) and six RPers that are part of the Leader's RPG. The Teams compete against each other until only one team remains and will be crowned RPG Champions. To sign-up please sign-up like this:

Team Name: (The name of the team. Team name must be based the RPG they represent)
RPG based on: (The RPG the team represents)
Leader: (The owner of the RPG)
Members (members):-







Of course each member has to show their stats, That means you have to show the stats you have as in which RPG you are representing like this:

Pokemon In Hand: (please put type aswell)
Occupation: (Trainer, Breeder, etc.)

or if part of a Pokemon Mystery Dungeon RPG:

Pokemon form:

or if part of a Non-Pokemon RPG:

Species: (if non-human)

These were only examples of sign-ups. Sign-Up ends at November 30th 2006. Competitions start at 25th December 2006. And there are also rules aswell. And they are:

1. No cheating
2. No spaming
3. Once joining this competition, there is no turning back.
4. No insulting or vulgarity

I will announce the competitions through the RPG Cafe. And I am also joining this tournament aswell (I know I may be cheating, but it won't be easy co-ordinating as well as competing) as Leader of a team that will represent this RPG called Team Super-Slam, which is a Pokemon Team made up of Pokemon Trainers, Co-ordinaters and Breeders. For those who want to join my team you guys may have compete in the team as well as administrate this tournament. So to join my team sign-up in this format:

Pokemon In Hand:

and like team registration, sign-ups end at November 30th 2006. And I want to see even number of team by the time the sign-ups close. The Competitions may last between 2006-2007.
So join if you have what it takes!

EDIT: I am adding a plot here so here's the plot:

In a universe called the SerebiiUniverse, there are multiple worlds of Role-Playing. But the Worlds soon grew hatred against each other, they settled with a tournament where they can decide which World is the greatest and the best of the best. So now it's a race to the top of the universe!

Sorry if it is really short but I'm like a ***** of **** when it comes to writing a plot so please, just this once, pardon me.
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RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
You can still write a plot around it.

DS Diamondboy

Sinnoh Trainer
You can still write a plot around it.

Sorry that it doesn't have a plot but this RPG is mainly a tournament rather than a Role-Playing Story. So sorry but I'm not very good in writing a plot. It would be appreciative if (for once) anyone, including you, can write a plot for this RPG and whoever wrote the plot I picked as this RPG's plot will have the choice to join my team in this RPG.

RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
We are not a plot writing service. It's not hard to write up some kind of story surrounding a tournement. Look at your key points:

  • Different Teams from different RPGs means that you have characters coming from a million different realms.
  • A single place for battle means a converging point within a thousand universes.
  • An event filled with 'Earth' games, many of which would not be known to a Gnoorgifik Demon from Planet Gnork. The RPG set on Planet Gnork that sign up are stuck in a shitter unless you provide information.
  • You are crowning people, but why? What sort of gratitude will people receive if they win?
  • Most importantly, how on earth are you going to properly judge and how ill people participate in organised sport?

DS Diamondboy

Sinnoh Trainer
We are not a plot writing service. It's not hard to write up some kind of story surrounding a tournement. Look at your key points:

  • Different Teams from different RPGs means that you have characters coming from a million different realms.
  • A single place for battle means a converging point within a thousand universes.
  • An event filled with 'Earth' games, many of which would not be known to a Gnoorgifik Demon from Planet Gnork. The RPG set on Planet Gnork that sign up are stuck in a shitter unless you provide information.
  • You are crowning people, but why? What sort of gratitude will people receive if they win?
  • Most importantly, how on earth are you going to properly judge and how ill people participate in organised sport?

I'll edit my post with a plot within the week (hopefully).
EDIT: I did the plot but once again, like every essay, story and plot, it is too short. What is wrong with me?!:( :mad: :redface: :confused:
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RaZoR LeAf

Night Terror
That's pathetic. It really is. That's barely two lines. Sorry, but I just don't think you are cut out to be creating RPGs yet. Get more experience taking prat in them before you try to make your own.
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