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RS Dub Titles

Should the dub titles be on Serebii.net?

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Well-Known Member
I have on hand the NEW CY dub titles, and PMed them to Coronis. For those with the CY print of Vol. 22, it's right after the end of the Fourth Chapter.

Here we go...
Volume 15-A New Story
181-A New Story
182-A Rival, A Friend
183-80-Days Challenge
184-Training For The Contest
185-Close Terror
186-Ruby And Wally
187-The First Capture
188-Inside The Fountain
189-Clash With The Team In Blue
190-Gym Challenge With Roxanne

Volume 16-From Dewford To Slateport
191-Break The Magnetic Spell
192-Sea Vagabond
193-Unknown Strength
194-Deceptive Cuteness
195-Secret Of Ju
196-Champion In The Cave
198-Another Evil Presence
199-Double Battle Onboard
200-The Team In Red, Once More
201-S.S. Kaien 1

Volume 17-Battle Of Father And Son
202-Shadow Of Fire
203-Rampaging Robot
204-Underground City
205-Fight The Generator
206-Fighting And Escaping
207-Ferocious Battle
208-Determined Pursuer
209-Three Choices
210-Uncrossed Hearts
211-Father's Love
212-Ropeway Trap
213-Suffocating Attack
214-Volcano No More

Volume 18-The Warriors Gather
215-Unlikely Savior
216-Setting Off Again
217-Verdanturf Contest
218-Disaster Premonition
219-Rumbling Rusturf Tunnel
220-Seductive Flames
222-Gym Leaders Gather
223-Super Rank Contest
224-King Of Beauty
225-Master And Disciple Of Beauty
226-Fortree Reunion

Volume 19-Fighting The Evil
227-True Feelings
228-Hidden Strength
229-The Two Jewels
230-Fighting The Evil
231-Eye Of Revival
232-A Sorrowful Hyper Rank
233-Arrival At The Deepest Sea
234-The Ancient Monsters Awaken
235-To The Rescue
236-Messenger Of Truth
237-Memories Once More
238-The Only Path

Volume 20-The Third Journey
239-Pokemon Association Afloat
240-Granting An Old Wish
241-Training In The Sky
242-Betrayed By The Leader
243-Multiple Battles Begin
244-Battle As One
245-Three On Three
246-The Other Pokemon
247-Burning The Illusions
248-Prowess Of The Jewels
249-Powers That Attract

Volume 21-I Want To Let Him Know
250-The Champion Returns
251-Take The Cloak
252-That Important Person
253-Joined Message
254-Old Engravings
255-Mirage Island
256-The Final Training
257-What The Jewels Seek
258-Rude Awakening
259-Confession During Battle

Volume 22- Land, Sea And Sky
260-Adventure Records
261-Land, Sea And Sky
262-Go To Him, Bubble Balloon
263-Roar That Subdues
264-Crime And Punishment
265-The Ultimate End
266-Beautiful Heart
267-Goal On The 80th Day

Coronis replied this...
Orginally Posted By: Coronis

Thank you for the list. I'll discuss with Serebii to see where we shall put these on the site.

So what do you think of them? Should they be on Serebii.net?
You may vote now.

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
i like them...they make sense...


Well-Known Member
the names are from the chuangyi's translation... maybe should add viz's vol 1-7 and chuangyi's from 8 onwards


No matter how die-hard of an "original Japanese stuff" fan I am, the Japanese titles just don't make as much sense as the English ones. With the English ones, it's easier to know what the heck the chapter is. So my answer is yes.

EDIT: Except for the FRLG chapters, that is. "The New Journey", "Beast Warrior Trio Enters", "Deoxys Decends"...They're straightforward enough.


Turnabout Pokemon
I think they should be included. They really do seem to help the reader understand the content of the chapter. So, yes, I think Serebii.net should include them. :D


Moose with the Pen
Hmm, maybe.
Looking at them, they seem like good titles, and they'll probably help me to recongise the chapters better


Say NO to dub titles. They are meh!


Old Skool
I don’t understand, why did they put them all at the end of Vol. 22 when they used the “VS ____” titles throughout the series?


Pokémon Capture Pro
Only if the Viz dub titles are displayed as well.


herd u liek mudkips?
What Viz dub titles? They only got up to Yellow's series.


Pokémon Capture Pro
Yeah, the titles for the first seven volumes. That's what I meant.

~.:Southern lights:.~

X~.:Water lord:.~X
yeah they should be included