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Ru/Sa/Em Mono Type Team Challenge

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Okay, PX already has a thread like this in RBY, but I thought I would start a Ruby and Sapphire one because 1.) I havent done it yet, and 2.) A lot more people play the newer versions (unfortunately cause RBY are still the best =P)

Now I'mc just c/p the rules from Px's thread and changing them so they fit with Ru/Sa...so all credit for the rules goes out to PX.

You play through either Ruby or Sapphire using Pokemon of only one type (including Duel types who must share the chosen type)

If your chosen starter is not of the type you picked, you are forbidden to use it.
No matter how stuck you get you must not use any other types.

You are allowed to use only ONE set of TMs. No trading to get TM's either through other Ru/Sa games or for those of you who have FR/LG.

As with TMs, you cannot trade between games for pokemon. This means obtaining level 5 pokemon via eggs from other games.. Trading for evolution is allowed (Machamp, Alakazam, Golem, Clamperl, etc etc etc). You may trade between other Ru/Sa games only. I must state for a final time NO TRADING TO OBTAIN NEW POKEMON ONLY FOR EVOLUTION. Ahem..

After you pass certain events or feel the need to update, you reply to the topic with details on how your progress is going, the status of your team, how hard it is, etc.

A duplicate topic is being placed in the RMT Forum, where you can post if you need moveset help or advice.

If a Pokemon evolves into a Pokemon of your type, you may use it (i.e choosing fighting and using Torchic.) if you use a pokemon who is your type and then evolves out of that type (i.e if you pick water and use Surskit, he evolves into Masquerain which is not water) you can use that Pokemon only if you keep it un-evolved.

The challenge is considered complete upon the reaching, or defeat of Rayquaza.

Now, these are the types you can choose from:


I will be doing a bug team. My neighbor is also playing but his internet is down right now so I will put up his progress. He is doing Normal.

Wing Zero

I'll take up flying, as most of the pokes that I'll be using are one's I like or can stand. *Restarts Sapphire for the upteenth time* Meh, maybe I'll finaly get a female Mudkip for later on in Ruby for breeding.

Picked Mudkip, the first battle with Pochyena was easy. Trained up some and kicked the rival in the rear with ease. Caught my first Wurmple, and then searched for a Wingull. Focused on Mothra's training first. Evolved Mothra. Got a Cascoon. Dumped her in the box, caught another Wurmple, spent another twenty minutes training, got another Cascoon. Dumped that one in the box and caught a third Wurmple. It evolved into another Cascoon. I am starting to HATE Wurmple. Released all three cascoon, and started training Blue up from her low level. Got her up some when another Wurmple appeared. Catched it for a chance for Beautifly. Stopped for today, edit in the rest tomorrow. Decided to edit now. Evolved that Wurmple, and decided that Random Evolution was not in Wurmple's line. As it was yet another CASCOON. Released it, and trained up Blue, was inturpeted in my training by meeting Norman, and helping Wally catch a pokemon, and it was on to Petalburg woods! Blue learned a new attack, and I finaly caught a Silcoon! At a really low level.

Ran arround and ran into a guy, I forgot his name, and a dope from some group called Team Aqua. Kicked his butt with Blue. Ran onwards after being given a Great Ball, and then ran into A Taillow. Female. Like my others... getting a creepy feeling. Ran into another trainer, and beat him with Blue, and it was on to the next city! Leveling up Racer the Taillow and Mothra the Silcoon along the way. Restocked on pokeballs upon entering the city, and headed out past it too see what else I could find, and found a Nincada after searching for several minutes. Learned it evolves into a Flying/Bug creature, giving me a fourth monster. Trained Blue up some more, and she learned Wing Attack, and I decided to halt and rest till the 'morrow or something. Just realized, my whole team are female... Creepy.

Team so far;

LV 13
Water Gun, Growl, Supersonic, Wing Attack

LV 8

LV 9
Peck, Growl, Focus Energy, Quick Attack

LV 7
Leech Life, Scratch, Harden


Normal Coordinator
I'm going to try with grass pokemon if thats alright, i've finally found my Sapphire version so i'm gonna restart with that.

So the only TM sets we're allowed to use are the ones for the type you picked?

Current status:

Play time: 0:18

Pokemon: Treecko: Brave nature, Lv 7
Hp: 23
Attack:14 Defense:9, Sp.Atk: 15, Sp.def: 13, Speed:13

Currently knows:

Just a little info on the start of game


No, you cant duplicate tms or trade them from other games. You can use all 50 tms, but only from one game.


Hey, this sounds neat Dias. I'll take up the Fighting type for my Ruby version. And for those pokemon that evolve into a fighting type like Torchic; am I still allowed to train them?

Progress: Day 1
Picked Torchic as my starter, but I couldn't name it after FT for one of my other objectives because it was a female. Oh well. Defeated May's Mudkip... I forgot how easy that was. Beat a bunch of trainers, ending up in Peltaburg Forest, where I remembered about Shroomish evolving into a fighting type... caught that; it's female. Currently training both Torchic and Shroomish to an appropriate level to beat the first gym leader, but i doubt that should be very hard.

Day 2
Beat Roxanne. Looked for awhile for Slakoth to trade for Makuhita. Beat Brawly & delivered letter while finding out that the IV's on Makuhita aren't very good... continuing to get +0's on random stats. Torchic evolved too. Went to slateport and started training there.

Current pokemon:

Level: 19
Double Kick
Focus Energy

Level: 21
Mega Drain
Stun Spore
Leech Seed

Level: 20
Arm Thrust
Vital Throw
Focus Energy


Yes, as long as you evolve them.


Okay, so, started out with Mudkip just for surfing and the such later, beat the Poochyena (after ten minutes of watching Birch suffer. I wanted to see if he would bleed), and went up, beating my rival with my level 6 Mudkip. Caught me three Wurmples. First two evolved into Silcoon, last one evolved into Cascoon. Yay. Ditched a Silcoon, caught three Zigzagoon for item getting, and ditched Mudkip in teh box.

I spent 5 hours looking for a Surskit. I ended up getting Silcoon and Cascoon up to lvl 12 Beautifly and Dustox before finally finding a level three Surskit, which I baited to raise. I watched Wally catch Ralts and then headed west into the beach, beat the trainer with some Surskit/Dustox business, beat down the lvl 7 zigzagoon d00d with Surskit. hit the forest, beat thr 6 wurmple loser with Surskit, and a few other trainers, including the Magma member with his lame Poochyena.

Got out of the forest with Surskit lvl 8, (learned quick attack at 7) and got bullet seed (for no reason). Headed across the bridge engaging ina 2v2 battle with Surskit and Dustox vs Seedot and Lotad. Poison Sting + Quick attack. I win. Beat Mr. Magikarp Man and headed east, which is where I am currently training.

:283: Shirugi Lvl 11, Male. Sassy nature.

30 hp, 12 attack, 15 defense, 16 sp. attack, 17 sp. defense, 17 speed.

Attacks: Bubble, Quick Attack

:269: Mirougi Lvl 12, Female. Hardy natue.

37 Hp, 17 attack, 24 defense, 20 sp. attack, 29 sp. defense, 23 speed.

Attacks: Tackle, String Shot, Poison Sting, Confusion

:267: Imougi Lvl 12, Female. Quiet Nature.

39 hp, 24 attack, 20 defense, 30 sp. attack, 17 sp. defense, 19 speed.

Attacks: Tackle, String Shot, Poison Sting, Absorb

Currently looking for a Nincada.



Started with Mudkip, beat the Poochyena, beat the Rival, and caught a few Zigzagoon, for item getting. Then got a Taillow for first team member. Used Taillow to capture Slakoth in Petalburg woods, beating up the beach trainer, the rich boy, the bug catchers, and the team magma member on the way, and getting several rare candies, pp ups, nuggets, and full restores from those silly Zigzagoon.

Got into Rustboro, and headed east, capturing a Skitty and a Whishmur. Raised team to about lvl 14 and tried to take on Roxanne. Died. Went to train Slakoth to lvl 19 in order to get faint attack so he actually would have a decent move. Yay. Raised other guys to level 17 and is right now as I speak killing roxanne. Or so we hope.


:288: Shawnmon (wee named after me! Im a lazy bum!), Male lvl 19. Serious Nature.

65 hp, 41 attack, 39 defense, 30 sp. attack, 26 sp. defense, 42 speed.

Attacks: Fury Swipes, Faint Attack, Slack Off, Encore

:276: @ King's Rock (pwnage Zigzagoon), Male lvl 17. Careful Nature.

43 hp, 28 attack, 20 defense, 15 sp. attack, 19 sp. defense, 39 speed.

Attacks: Wing Attack, Focus Energy, Growl, Quick Attack

:293: Female lvl 17. Timid Nature.

54 hp, 22 attack, 13 defense, 25 sp. attack, 15 sp. defense, 17 speed.

Attacks: Uproar, Pound, Howl, Astonish

:300: Female lvl 17. Mild Nature

47 hp, 23 attack, 18 defense, 23 sp. attack, 20 sp. defense, 25 speed.

Attacks: Tackle, Attract, Sing, Tail Whip


If I was to do fighting, could I catch a Slakoth to trade for Makuhita?
Or would I have to wait until dewford?


Normal Coordinator
So far:
Got Treecko from Professor Birch and beat may. Caught a level 4 lotad and battled a few trainers, then i reached Petalburg city and helped that stupid git wally catch his first pokemon. Continued onto the beach where Treecko and lotad were totally beaten to pulp by a Taillow-I'll come back to this trainer later. In the forest Treecko beat the poochyena. Caught a Shroomish and headed into Rustburo city where Lotad battled Roxanne and eventually evolved into Lombre. Treecko battled the Peeko napper and he evolved into Grovyle.

Made it to Dewford and beat every trainer on Dewford, except that idiot Brawly.
Current game info:
Play time: 2:22
Edit as of day 2:
Grovyle, brave nature, Level 22 (New nick= Paine)
57 HP, 44 attack, 25 defense, 48 sp.attack, 37 sp.defense, 45 speed

Lombre, Docile, Level 20 (New nick= Yuna)
55 HP, 30 attack, 29 defense, 33 sp.attack, 37 sp.def, 28 speed

Shroomish, Quiet nature, Level 20 (New Nick= Harukichi)
57 HP, 25 Attack, 33 defense, sp.attack 23, sp.def 33, 18 speed

Roselia, modest, Lv 13 (Akahito)
38 HP, 19 Attack, 20 Defense, 35 Sp.attack, 27 Sp.def, 22 Speed

Now how many troublesome gym battles...ah lets see
Wattsons Magnemite/Magneton
Flannery-Fire- gonna have to rely on Lombre
Norman- Lets hope Shroomish has evolved by then
Winona- Oh hell no, this is gonna be harder than Brawly
Tate and Liza- gotta watch out for the flamethrower attack
Wallace- 'Ze trouble of ice attacks'

Day 2: Beat that stupid git Brawly and all of this ultra powerful Machop by paralysing and leech seeding. Finished it off with Grovyles bullet seed, Makuhita was no problem with the thanks to Lombre's natures power, and Grovyle finished Makuhita since it was healed.
Headed of to Slateport city and beat the whining brats on the beach and totally wasted the pokemon in the hut thing. All leveling up nicely in the process and learning a few skills, including Shroomish's mega drain. Beat Team Aqua and headed of towards Mauville, battling a few tough Plusle and Minums. Battled that freak May with ease, since Lombre's fake out move came in handy. Reaching Mauville I battled Wally, Shroomish used to mega drains to knock out ralts. Finally reached the place to catch Roselia, and did so.

Broken Kaleidoscope

This is a great idea but i have a question...
Can you for example have a water type o your team if you are doing a normal team just for surf and dive etc???
I am planning to have a normal team on my Sapphire but don't want to have to teach them Surf.


To answer the questions..

Yes, Kingdragon, you can catcha Slakoth tot rade. That is perfectly acceptable.

broken Kaleidoscope, yes you may, as long as you do not use the water type pokemon to help you win any battles.


Well, got my Nincada. Go me. Yeah that this is a pain in the 455 to raise ¬¬ Anywho, I went to fight Roxanne at lvl 12-13 because I really needed to progress as the wild Pokemon around Rustboro were giving me no exp.

Shibunu vs Roxanne (Yes me guy is Shibunu, ph33r)

Absorb brought Geodude down to about 1/8 hp, but than Imougi (Beautifly) was taken out in one rock throw. I sent out Shirugi (Surskit) and strategically made Roxanne waste both her potions on Geodude before killing it with bubble.
Nosepass came out and I started to bubble him but Shirugi died so I sent out Mitsirougi (Nincada) and sand attacked its accuracy to teh evul death. Then i just confusioned away with Mirougi(Dustox) to victory.

I went over to the tunnel place and killed the Magma's Poochyena in one shot with a critical hit leech life from Nincada and got the repeat ball and pokenav and the free ride to Dewford, where I imeedietly beat the two fisherman and raised my Pokemon in granite cave to about like 16-18, and then took on brawly.

Machop fell victim to stun spore from Imougi, Sand Attack and fury swipes from Mitsirougi, and just a good beat down of weak normal type moves until he died. I also made brawly use both super potions on machop.

Stun spore from Imougi again on Makuhita, and then a diminishing of his accuracy again, until finally beating it with fury swipes. Quite an easy battle. Got my tm and knuckle badge, delivered my letter to steven, got steel wing, and made my way to slateport.

beat the trainers on the bech; Nincada evolved into ninjask and I got shedinja (who I have now dubbed Diagi) I am currently training to fight Wattson which will be very very tough, and I'm also going to go pick up Volbeat/Illumise.

~*Team Silver Swarm*~

:269: Mirougi Female, level 19. Hardy nature

54 hp, 24 attack, 35 defense, 29 sp. attack, 44 sp. defense, 36 speed.

Attacks ~ Gust, Protect, Poison Sting, Confusion

:283: Shirugi Male, level 19. Sassy nature.

46 hp, 17 attack, 23 defense, 25 sp. attack, 27 sp. defense, 27 speed.

Attacks ~ Bubble, Quick Attack, Sweet Scent, Water Sport

:291: Mitsirougi, Male lvl 20. Hardy nature.

56 hp, 46 attack, 29 defense, 28 sp. attack, 27 sp. defense, 74 speed.

Attacks ~ Scratch, Leech life, Double Team, Screech

:292: Diagi, Genderless lvl 20. Hardy nature.

Attack ~ Scratch, Leech life, Double Team, Screech

1 hp, 46 attack, 29 defense, 20 sp. attack, 19 sp. defense, 26 speed.

:267: Imougi, Female, lvl 20. Quiet nature.

60 hp, 38 attack, 31 defense, 47 sp. attack, 26 sp. defense, 31 speed.

Attacks ~ Morning Sun, Stun Spore, Gust, Absorb


I defeated everyone on the beach after I beat Brawly, raising my team a bit. Then I delivered the DEVON GOODS, then did the trick house... simple. Shroomish evolved into Breloom, and I have changed my view on the little mushroom after training it. Effect Spore is very helpful indeed. Got lazy and used 2 rare candys on Makuhita to evolve it into Hariyama, then I own3d Wattson. Hopefully I don't do so bad when i get to Winona... I then Beat the rest of the trainers up to Fiery path with my new Machop that I caught beforehand.

Current Team
Level: 24
Double Kick
Focus Energy

Level: 24
Mach Punch
Mega Drain
Leech Seed

Level: 25
Arm Thrust
Focus Energy
Vital Throw

Level: 23
Karate Chop
Focus Energy
Seismic Toss


i chose bug type and i jus beat the rocket who stole peeko, the first gym took me like 4 trys, i had to keep going bak to the grass to lvl up.
my pokemon:

nincada lvl:12
leech life
sand attack

surskit lvl:14
quick attack
sweet scent

dustox lvl:13
poison sting

beautifly lvl:13
poison sting

right now im heading to the 2nd gym

Berserk Murkrow

Ok. I took the Grass Challenge.

Firstly I started off with Treecko, who was male. Trained up to Level 8 and beat May's Torchic. Searched for two Lotads, one male and one female. Traded the male to my bro for female Seedot. Trained them all to Level 15, and then challenged Roxanne.


Grovyle Lv. 16 :253:
Mild Nature

Attacks: Absorb, Quick Attack, Leer, Fury Cutter

Lombre Lv. 16 :271:
Rain Dish
Quirky Nature

Attacks: Astonish, Growl, Absorb, Nature Power

Dias said:
Please follow the rules, everyone else is.

Currently in Dewford, training in Granite Cave for Brawly.

~Post#10 :198:


LoL... Another update for today. I'm really into this Fighting Mono team thing o.o

I swept through the trainers up to Verdanturf town pretty well and met Team Magma... who stole the meteorite like they always do at Meteor Falls. I beat a few more trainers before heading up Mt. Chimney. Maxie's Golbat nearly pwn0rzed my entire team... stupid thing. Other than that, my team did well in defeating him. Battled everyone in flannery's gym including flannery, getting the 4th badge. Machop evolves too. Did the same thing at Norman's gym... Focus Punch was evil on my Breloom. I'm currently heading towards to Winona... to make an attempt at least to beat her flying types. Going to get Meditite first though

Current Team
Level: 30
Double Kick
Bulk Up

Level: 29
Mach Punch
Mega Drain
Leech Seed

Level: 30
Arm Thrust
Focus Energy
Vital Throw

Level: 30
Karate Chop
Focus Energy
Seismic Toss


well about my bug team a funny thing happened, all my bug types are also flying types, i jus beat the electric gym which was extremely hard because all my bug types are flying too. i had to train my ninja until lvl 31 so i cud get slash with swords dance, after i had that i ohko'ed all his pokes, im now in falaborow town tryin to raise my surskit.


Suskit lvl:19
bubble, quick attack, sweet sent, water sport

Dustox lvl:23
tack, confusion, gust, protect

Beautifly lvl:26
tackle, gust, stun spore, mega drain

Ninja lvl:31
slash, flash, double team, swords dance

Manectricity Overlord

Question, even though im not really parcipating, I just thought of something wrong with the game. Say you pick to use fire type. Well i dont think any fire pokemon are able to learn Surf. How are you suppose to progress if you cant use Surf?

YamiRyu: This is Spam ¬¬'. Anyways if you READ the FIRST POST. You would see catching HM slaves like Zigzagoon are within the rules as long as you don't use them. But, since there aren't enough fire types for a mono team, you can't have all fire types.

Actually I did read the first post. Several times. It says nothing about HM slaves


Normal Coordinator
Time for my update:

After catching roselia, I fought the trainers outside of the breeding centre where finally Shroomish evovled into Breloom YAY!. Then i went to challenge Wattson and it was easier than i first thought, Breloom owned this match. One mach punch knocked out Magnemite, two mega drains against Voltorb and two Mach punches against Magneton. Then Battled the winstrates and trained Roselia some more and then battled the tv crew. Continued onto the firey path and battled more trainers, reaching Fallabor town. Went to mount Chimney and defeated TA, but the leader nearly beat me with Golbat. Then i headed to Lavaridge where i healed and then went to challenge Flannery. The trainers in the gym were no problem but Flannery used Torkoal which wiped the floor with my pokemon.

Edit: After FINALLY beaten Flannery with the help of poisoning, i headed to the desert and picked up the root fossil. I also caught a Cacnea which i called Megumi, and headed for Rustburo. De-fossilised Lileep and named it Junouchi. In Petalburg gym, I used Brelloom in every battle and won with ease. I got HM surf and taught it to Lombre.

Paine- Grovyle- Lv28
71HP, 55 attack, 31 defense, 60 sp.atk, dp.def 47, 57 speed
Fury cutter
Bullet seed
Rock Tomb

Yuna- Lombre- Lv 29
76Hp, 41 attack, 41 defense, 47 s.atk, 52 s.def, 38 speed
Rock smash
Nature power

Harukichi- Breloom- Lv 31
84 HP, 93 Attack, 61 defense, 48 s.atk, 49 s.def, 47 speed
Mach Punch
Mega Drain

Akahito- Roselia- Lv 25
66Hp, 35 Atk, 35 Def, 62 s atk, 48 s def, 40 speed
Mega drain
Magical leaf
Leech Seed
Stun spore

Megumi- Cacnea-Lv21
53 Hp, 42 Attack, 21 Defense, 47.sp.atk, 29 s.def, 25 speed
Leech seed
Sand attack
Pin missile

58Hp, 26 attack, 41 defense, 33 sp.atk, 44 s.def, 15 speed

Berserk Murkrow

Oops.. sorry. I just realized I did that... O.O;; Sorry, again...

Well, now with Nuzleaf in the box, I went to Slateport. I took care of the Museum and then headed north. It then took me a few tries to take care of my rival and then moved north. Battled Wally, easily beating him. Looked for about ten minutes to find a female Roselia and a male Oddish. Now, I am training for Brawly.


Grovyle Lv. 23 :253:
Mild Nature

Attacks: Fury Cutter, Screech, Absorb, Quick Attack

Lombre Lv. 22 :271:
Rain Dish
Quirky Nature

Attacks: Fake Out, Nature Power, Absorb, Growl

Roselia Lv. 17 :315:
Natural Cure
Sassy Nature

Attacks: Mega Drain, Growth, Poison Sting, Stun Spore

Oddish Lv. 16 :043:
Bold Nature

Attacks: Absorb, Sweet Scent, Poisonpowder, Stun Spore

Sorry.. again.

~Post#13 :198:
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