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Ruin Café


Internet Overlord
Ruin Café

;292; Ruin Café

Yup, this would be the place to ask questions and work out history with each other. I’m claiming no responsibility for how the story eventually develops; I left that door wide open for a reason.

Please no bashing or chatting, this thread is for discussion and questions only.

I don't have any special info for this first post, just a couple of request that we have a cafe.

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
will everyone enter the room marked with an 'X' at the same time or will we just wonder in when we want?


black cat, black cat
To clear some things up, since I didn't put it in my sign-up, my character is one of the ones "reborned." His memory is very holely since he can inflict on himself forced memory wipes on things that he doesn't want to remember.

And on the issue of the room marked with an X... We don't have to go there, but it just might as be well. What do we do in there, if we even enter it?



Internet Overlord
er... the X room is on the first floor... you do inside is up to you... It's a place to express your other personality... It can also be used for tatical reason, say Percy might go in there before the full moon so that he changes in there so that he's no a vampire and therefore not in pain.

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
so my character could go in the x marked room and the Alt. form could finally take over and wonder round the ruin in assasin form...beware everyone...

oh and to clear things up, my character is an immortal that has created another personality to hide his true self, but created it to well, so the true self (human) thinks that he is the owner of the body but he isn't...if anyone gats that...

oh, and my alt. form hates angels by the way so...maybe some time, i'll have a fight with one...


black cat, black cat
Wait, so then, does the alternative form come out only in the X room, and then it turns back once the character walks out? Or is it, they can change in there and wlak around the ruins until they decide to change back? o.o What metagrossian fist said got me a bit confused.

Then Art won't even have to go there at all, unless he forgot where it was and just walked in...


Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
oh, soory i got you a bit confused Literate, but it seems like i'm the only one that can change into my alt. form because of personality and ownership problems...
everyone else will change back to normal when they leave the 'X' room...


black cat, black cat
No big deal. Besides, the only change that happens to Art in that room is his appearance and that his cover as a ten-year-old kid slides right off. Nothing big; I was just wondering about that. ^^;;


Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
yeah, my character is a little more complicated than that...so beware...


Knight of Oblivion
mine two....especially with that cool sword, and special abilities...not telling them yet, just know that one is in my sign-up


Internet Overlord
Er... Yeah, for most people your alt. ID only comes out if you are in the X room... I made an exception for meta's character, Jack. When you leave the room you will return to normal, and if you ate or got hurt in the room, there is a 50% chance you will still be full or still be injured... I hope I'm making sense... everyone got it?

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
thats what i'm going to do with mine, have to minds in one body...


black cat, black cat
Mine is just one character. And well, his "transformation" is near painless, just a slight poke. His habits just disappear since some of the only other things that change is just his motivation and some of his beliefs. Others remain the same, just that it's more apparent.

...I'm noticing no one's paying attention to Art's antics. That's fine, he'll just drop the act and investigate further with no one watching.


Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
i did! i did...a little...


Internet Overlord
yeah, you can decide whether or not it's logical for you characters to remmber, in my case it's logical for big Percy to remmber everything, but for little Percy to only remmber what happens to him, not that logic needs to be your guide...

Razor Shiftry

Cynthia = Porn Star
since my character, Xinkc's and alecat's characters are going to the 'X' room...you two might wanna run when we get in there...or fight with me...because my transformation is going to be very very painful...and vicous...


I'm Back!
I'm wondering if we can weave in Tony, too, because he seems to have run into the Fully Released Demonic Lazarix... either that, or maybe it's his imagination? I don't want to cut off whatever /Exiled/ was thinking but currently Lazarix is in two places at once.

And I'm sure Allete can take on Jack, any day ;). Lesse how this works out...