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Rule Regarding Fan-Games!

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And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Right, over the past few weeks I have noticed an ever increasing amount of Fan Games cropping up in this forum

Well I have to tell you that we cannot allow this.

For legal reasons fan games are a bad idea and have caused many sites shut down and people threatened with prosecution

This could wind up bein either me, you or both.

So any fan game threads will be closed from now on

If you continue to post it even after it has been closed then I am afraid a banning may be in order.

Sorry guys


Fan games?

Er. Sorry for my ignorance. But what exactly are they?


Old Coot
Serebii said:
This could wind up bein either me, you or both.
Only the person or persons running any sites to fan produced games or providing links to their own fan produced games can be prosecuted. You have absolutely nothing to do with it, so you can't get in trouble for it. o_O The most you'd get is to not allow people to post about them.

I think you should also be a little more specific, since I can see this getting out of hand. Anything involving COPYRIGHT characters, including any that bare resemblances to existing characters (tough luck to all you cheap recolor spriters), is not allowed. Original games made by users with the aid of their own programming or use of RPG/Fighter Maker are allowed only as long as they have nothing in likeness with an existing franchise or characters.

In other words, you can't make hacked ROMs of Pokémon. Nor can you link to RPG Maker Pokémon games. In fact, hacked ROMs aren't exactly allowed to begin with since they're still ROMs. You can, however, take stuff from say the old Final Fantasy games or Chrono Trigger or Dragon Quest and edit the sprites up enough so they don't look like any copyright characters. This means, talented spriters only. >_>

Solid Kirby

Back, I guess.
God, I thought you were talking about the Games forum for a second. o_O;

Other than that, I don't have a real opinion on the subject, because I haven't Seen any of those topics (Maybe i don't look in the right forums).


Many of these can be found in the Other pokémon games discussion, you could also do a google search for it. Anyway I don't hame much of an opinion about it... but who got in trouble for this?


Well-Known Member
You should be able to find one easily in someone's sig if you search hard enough. A good idea would be to look through any of the pokemon games forums.


I'm not sure about the British legality behind such things, but generally forum owners aren't liable for what's posted on their forums in America so long as the rules are there to enforce a law-abiding environment. AKA, if you're the heado your average forum and terrorists show up and SPAM you, you can't be sued for what they say. But if your forum is designed to host terrorists, you have a problem...


Unleash your Phantom
So it's all fan games, none of the text games like the pokemon riddle game or never ending cheat game will be affected, right?


I'd never been that bothered about fan games, but I'd thought they'd be illegal. looks like i was right


I never really payed much attention to fan games anyway, so it's no big deal for me...


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Galatica Phantom said:
Woah...are you sure about this? I mean...I know of a person who is making a Zelda OOT game in LTTP grafics. He never got inot any trouble and had his game in some Nintendo Spanish Magazine. They even had a interview with him. Even though I can't find it (happened about 6 monthes ago..). Here is his profile.. http://www.zfgc.com/forum/index.php?action=profile;u=242
I too saw that, they got a cease and desist order from Nintendo's Lawyers about it


iirc that "Cease and Desist" letter was faked because the guy running the project wasn't willing to go foward with it and needed a way out so he didn't have to deliver. I'll have to Google more information on it, but there was a post on a forum explaning what really happened. If I find it I'll post it for hilarity's sake.

No comment on this new rule - I don't play fangames anyway.

Avenger Angel

Warrior of Heaven
To me, it's understandable. I've seen dozens and dozens of fan games never get even near completion. But, I honestly didn't think there would be legal problems as long as you don't make any money off of it and you give the original creators credit for their work and copyrights.

Better safe than sorry I suppose...
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