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Rules for Contest Cards



First of all, you can customise these anyway you like. I'm just posting this because I kinda came up with the idea.

Now, all placements and sizes are exactly the same with normal HL cards. So, what's different you ask.

1 - Instead of having a normal HP, pokemon now have "ER" or "Energy Rating". Basically, instead of having 50 HP, you'd have 50 ER. Pretty simple.

2 - Attacks are mostly the same, with only a few changes. Gone are the ideas of Paralysis, Confused etc. Now there are only 3.

Judges' Attention: On your next turn, flip a coin. If heads, your attack is doubled. If tails, nothing happens. (Would be put in an attack as "Your Pokemon has the Judges' Attention")

Boring Judges: The next time you are attacked, flip a coin. If heads, nothing happens. If tails, you receive +20 D from the next attack. (Would be put as "The defending pokemon is boring the judges")

Scared: Your next attack's damage is reduced by 20 D. (Would be put as "The defending pokemon is scared")

3 - Pokemon can also have a Combo Attack. These attacks are triggered by either: Having a certain pokemon on your contest team / Using a certain Trainer card / Using a certain attack a number of times, or the order of your attacks. Combo Attacks normally do alot of damage, but may differ depending on the pokemon in question (you choose really).

4 - Your bench is now called your "Contest Team". Just for attack effects really.

5 - You don't need to put "Tough" or "Smart" etc. in the name, since we have the blanks and symbols.

EDIT: 6 - I forgot to mention Weakness and Resistance. Normally, it'd be

Tough - Weak against Cute, Resistant against Smart
Smart - Weak against Tough, Reistant against Cool
Cool - Weak against Smart, Resistant against Beauty
Beauty - Weak against Cool, Resistant against Cute
Cute - Weak against Beauty, Resistant against Tough.

I can't think of anything else necessary ATM.
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King Shuckle

Don't be daft
But what do we use for attack cost? And since it's new blanks, we should be able to put 'Cool blablabla' so the Guests and new fakers can know what they are who are only familiar with the basics of the card game and know nothing about Contest blanks.

Nice rules ^^ and a very nice concept


Neo Redux
I agree. Well thought-out, Katsuya!

Off topic, but you know what I realized today? Serebii is one of the greatest faking communites. All of us are creative and great fakers. We should all give ourselves at pat on the back.


Like I said, you can tweak it abit to add "Cool _____" or whatever, it's upto you really. There just basic outlines.

ILK has the Energy Symbols, that's attack cost.

King Shuckle

Don't be daft
Yes. But it's a shame that we have to go away from Sereb'''s site to get blanks....not that the site that there on is bad, it's just that it would be convenient if they were here. But Serebii he wont have them up because he said he doesn't have enough banwidth....

*pats himself on the back*


May I suggest another Status Condition.How about


It would be like Confusioon.What od ya think.


Celebi94 said:
May I suggest another Status Condition.How about


It would be like Confusioon.What od ya think.

Tis a good idea, but in a way it's kinda the same to Scared. I'll def. think about it though.

EDIT - Oh yeh...maybe someone might want to pin this, just because it'll help people find it.
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I'm bumping this up simply because it needs to be pinned IMO, it might help get the mods attention.


Platium Rank
;037; Maybe instead of stages, the should be ranks.
Basic (Normal) -> Stage 1 (Super) -> Stage 2 (Hyper) -> Stage 3 (Master)

You'd just need to change the 'Stage X' to 'R: (N,S,H,M)'

To go along with that, you could have 'Ribbon Counters'
Each rank requires X # of Ribbon Counters to go to the next rank.
When the pokémon deafeats another in a contest battle, put one ribbon counter on that pokémon. Normal (0 Counters), Super (1 Counter), Hyper (3 Counters), and Master (4 Counters) ;038;
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