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Rurouni Kenshin


Aim for the Top.
It was good, until it died of filler. ='[


My only shiny <3
I love Rurouni Kenshin. I think my favorite Manga character is Yukishiro. Oddly enough, I like the manga arc that is basically Samurai X but I can't stand the Samurai X anime.


Well-Known Member
I have all the volumes of the manga except ch1 and 11 in Japanese. Which I can't read. D: Oh well.

And.. I didn't really like the anime as much as the manga, too many fillers and the art was ... all over the place, to say the least. It didn't have a very consistent style and it was kinda obvious when there were fillers.

BUT OH WELL! I still <3 it despite its oldness. I really enjoyed watching the OAV Samurai X movies too. They had heaps good animation.


Cool Lander
This series owns!!!! I own the 1st and second box sets and all the english manga except the last 2 issues. I alsohave the trust&betrayal dvds and reflections. DO NOT BUY REFELECTIONS if you havent already got it. It completely ruins the story of poor kenshin and kaoru!!! T^T I didint buy the 3rd set because I heard it's all fillers. BUT, I did see a clip on youtube of kenshin fighting a european knight and that was pretty awesome.

I wish they animated the jinchu arc though, that would have been sexy.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of which, Australia is getting Samurai X on Pay Tv (Foxtel and Austar) thanks to their new channel Sci Fi; which is launched next Friday.

But back on subject, i've only heard of Rurouni Kenshin/Samurai X from other people, and haven't seen the actual series at all.
This series owns!!!! I own the 1st and second box sets and all the english manga except the last 2 issues. I alsohave the trust&betrayal dvds and reflections. DO NOT BUY REFELECTIONS if you havent already got it. It completely ruins the story of poor kenshin and kaoru!!! T^T I didint buy the 3rd set because I heard it's all fillers. BUT, I did see a clip on youtube of kenshin fighting a european knight and that was pretty awesome.

I wish they animated the jinchu arc though, that would have been sexy.

only decent fillers during 3rd arc were the ones before the Shinabara christain saga. The episodes there believe it or not, if you actually look into it, hinted many things that would foreshadow to the jinchu arc they were going to animate. Let alone the ending 1/3 no Junjo na Kanjo.