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Ryuu-Anima's request shoppy!


Sera Kureseria
Welcome to my first ever sprite shop!
Anyway, I've been doing varous types of recolors and splices for a few years now, and decided I should finally open a shop. I can do any of the following, and nothing else:

My Workers:

When requesting, please say who you are requesting to. That way, me and Rizadon don't get our lines cross. (because crossing the streams causes big explosions) Rizadon works with Fourth Generation, and I work with mostly thrid generation.


Angels or demons:
Workers: Me
I have a very small gallery of these, but I can also do trainer versions too.
State Angel or demon, and what Pokémon/trainer you want me to use.


Workers: Me
Heres my gallery for revamps. Just let me know which Pokémon, and which game's sprite you want revamped into the 3rd gen. I've got PE2K on my favorites, so I can get most sprites easily.


Trainers as Pokémon:
Workers: Me and Rizadon
state what trainer sprite, and what Pokémon, and if you want the shiny version included.

Pokémon as other pokémon:
Workers: Me and Rizadon
I kindasorta got rid of my gallery for these, but I was making them for a while before I stopped.
State base Pokémon, what you want it to be disquised as, and if you want to both of them disquised as each other. If you want the shiny versions, please ask.


Trainer sprites as characters from other series:
Workers: Me and Rizadon
I can do anything I want with these, as long as I have a picture to work from for images. I could find them on Google, but I would prefer if you give me a link to a picture of who you want. (these are really fun, and were the main reason I opened up my shop) If you want your own character done, I would REALLY like it if you linked me a picture, or a good description.
State characters full name (or most commonly used name), series, and link to a full body picture.


Trainer cards:
Workers: Me and Rizadon
I only have this template for cards. However, I can use a custom trainer sprite. I have access to shinies and items, though I've yet to use an item in one. My badges are recolored by me, and I could do a Pokémon with the trainer. Oh, and I have to search to find Symbols, so please try not to request them.*** Rizadon has mre backrounds, I jsut don't have them up yet.***
State: Which Pokémon on team (up to six), which league badges (up to two leauges), what trainer sprite (and custom if you already got one from me), name, and if you want a Pokémon with you on the side.


Those are all the things i do as of now, and It should also be noted that I will not be hiring any further. Most of my work will be done on weekends, so don't expect me to get back to you right away.
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Where is the rum?...
MEW PUDDING...KISHU...can i have a pokemorph

Trainer:any d/p girl with red cloaths (but not the main chara)
Pokemon:smeargle (with red paint on it's tail)

please and thanx ^^;235;


Sera Kureseria
two requests done!

Sunflorazumarill: Here are your two sprites!

May I ask who they are?

umbreon*masta: I don't work with D/P sprites yet... not quite at the level with that much of shading/detail. However, I have previously made a FR/LG painter as a Smeargle, so here she is:

Hope you both enjoy!


Sera Kureseria
Enperuto Rulez: Here are your Dragonites!


EDIT: Combusken1994, here are you Dragonair!

Have fun!
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Well-Known Member


Sera Kureseria

Sunflorazumarill: Here ya go! :collapses panting: Iv'e bene working on these for about and hour now, since I had to scratch so much of them. But it was fun, doing characters I've never really seen before! ^.^



Sera Kureseria
Delivery for Trouble440

Trouble440: Here's your 'Stawile'! :cheesy anime wink and grin:
EDIT: Whoops! Forgot to put in the picture. ^^;...
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~sparkle and shine~
Ooooh your spriting is very good! Could I get an aroma girl (like the very top right in your big example picture) but blonde, as an Espeon? And also one in the pose of Nayru from Zelda you just made (the girl in the blue) as a Delcatty? Hope that's enough info, let me know if not! :)


Sera Kureseria
Delivery for Silverstar

Thanks for the compliment, Silverstar! Here are your girls!


.:Time Lord:.
can i have this as an angel and devil

and these sprites as a kinda wolf hybrid

you know wolf ears wolf tail and white silver hair



Sera Kureseria
Delivery times three!

CutE PokemOn MastEr: Here is your trainer sprite!

flyogn_rocks: Here are your three.

Cavalry: Here are your angels!

Sunflorazumarill, i'm getting to yours. Scratch that, here she is. Couldn't post earlier because Photobucket was down for maintenence.

Enjoy, all!
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