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Sad moments

Well, this rank has forced me to remember the saddest moment in my games

This was in gold I was in the cave that leads to blackthorn, searching for all the pokemon that seemed good to me then, and a shiny swinub appears, I almost cried when i saw it(1st shiny other than red gyardos) i caught it with a pokeball at full health, it was in my team from then, i felt sad that i couldn't trade it to ruby, i gave the game to my friend and he restarted it

Talk about your sad moments here

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
I caught Latios without masterball (after a HARD chase!) and a shiny psyduck at my friends ruby.

My friends brother restarted the game by mistake.
If I find my Gold version, I'm probably gonna burst out in tears, cause I believe it's time for that to die out ;_;


My only shiny <3
I was walking around in my Ruby version and I come across a shiny Magneton but I had nothing to catch it with.


-swampert used gasp!
aah,back in the goo ol' days of,r/b/y, i was playing pokemon red,it was plugged into my n64,so that it was on the tv.
(that was cool ^^) and i made it save the game,then a friend who was with me (well,ex-friend) decided "i'm going to be a complete idiot and turn the n64 of while it's saving!" i wasnt angry when i saw what they did,as i thought it wouldnt do any harm (foolish me, i thougth it would take the last save back) then when i turned it on it said "game data was terminated" and i went berserk, i think i spent the rest of the day crying my eyes out XD. THAT WAS MY FIRST EVER POKEMON GAME ASWELL!


Well-Known Member
ShinyManafi said:
If I find my Gold version, I'm probably gonna burst out in tears, cause I believe it's time for that to die out ;_;
Likewise with my Silver version. I'm going to mourn the loss of my first Sneasels and Misdreavus dammit. x.X
When in my Firered I caught Mewtwo (it took my whole team to take down and it has broke out of 6 ultraballs) but didnt save. I was playing it on my ds and my hand hit the power button. It shut off and when I turned it back on I was at my previous savepoint with no mewtwo. It took me an hour to go through the cave and catch mewtwo and I had to start all over. I almost cried and didnt play it for weeks.


In pokemon Leaf green, I got up to Koga's gym, the batteries ran out and I hadn't saved it since Silth scope.


Well-Known Member
i had a level 100 jiarachi and deoxys but i left it at my cousins and she somehow "accidently" erased it
when they made ledian and hoppip near impossible to get my hands on~


well life goes on. plus they invented DP

edit: I too mourn the loss of my silver cart~
sometimes I restart it again just in the hpes that it'll be alive again...

sometimes i cry
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Pitch Black Soul
Aw man....that must have sucked so bad. I will cry for you.
Ok Im better, but if you gave the game to your friend, its his to do crap with, isnt it?


Well-Known Member
collosseum battle mode.

i was on battle 92 and my mother calls me out of the room. Then, my sister steps on the Reset button!


Pitch Black Soul
no way, if my sis did that, she would end up like Teri Shivou!


I remember back on blue version, I made it all the way through rock tunnel, without using Flash. Then I dropped my gameboy and it turned off. I hadn't saved since Misty's fight. I didn't play again until Gold version came out. Which, might I add, just died out.


Fear the Deer
Losing the Lv.100 Venusaur that was only defeated by my brother's Lv.100 Mewtwo. But he lost that too.:p
Had my Gold for 7 years, 208 pokemon caught 238 pokemon seen. Had Celebi and Mew. 5 pokemon at level 100. Internal battery died. I will never forget the numbers. Waaaaa