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Baby Mew

When I was playing mystery dungeon and got to the end it was REALLY sad it was so sad that it started to actually make me cry. And that was the second time I beat it to and it me even more than the first time. Don't you think it is sad


Beginning Trainer
Not really, But thats my opinion.


Strawberry fields.
Sad? No. Bittersweet? Most definitely. Your "partner" knew that is was only a matter of time before you had to return to the human world, so it was inevitable. Still, it did feel somewhat bittersweet when he (you ><) did leave.


I wanted ketchup!!!
I was sad but i didnt cry though


herd u liek mudkips?
I cried.

It was so sad...

My favorite ending out of all the games I've played.

But it was so happy when you returned at the end.


I was sad at some parts, but I didn't cry.

the legend master

Well-Known Member
i cried.............
im such a noob...................
but agreed on the partner thing


herd u liek mudkips?
You're not a n00b. Why would you be a n00b for expressing your emotions?

Although, come to think of it, it's strange that we're feeling emotions for a bunch of pixels. I was trying to understand why today, and I decided it must be, at least in my case, because I feel it's something more than just pixels in my mind, with me having made up so many stories about the main characters. Yes, why we are obssesed with those pixels is the same reason we write fanfics.

But I can't understand how some of you didn't cry.

the legend master

Well-Known Member
^im just like that.
I was sad at the ending too....;.; I didn't actually start bawling, but I shed several tears. I don't ever think of a game character as a bunch of pixels, I pretend that I'm in the game with them and they're real. It makes videogames so much more fun when you put yourself into it. Mystery Dungeon was a perfect game for just that :3

It was not only the emotion that got me to shed tears, but the music. The sad music is what really got me.


The ending? Well I saw the ending of the game after you defeat Raqyuaza. I did cry but I thought it was pretty sad having to say goodbye to a really close friend and leaving him/her. Really good game but a little bit too short...


herd u liek mudkips?
I don't ever think of a game character as a bunch of pixels, I pretend that I'm in the game with them and they're real. It makes videogames so much more fun when you put yourself into it. Mystery Dungeon was a perfect game for just that :3

My sentiments exactly, except for the part about pretending to be in the game with them. I pretend to be them. (I've thought up my own things that they say, in addition to what the game makes them say. Also, since I never say anything, I've given some of the text to myself.)

And MD has created Fanfics, more fanfics, and even more fanfics, because with Mystery Dungeon everyone knows how a Pokemon lives. (For example, know we know they can understand Pokemon of other species.)

And I started to cry when Caterpie, Metapod, Jumpluff, Jumpluff, Diglett, and Pelliper saw me off. It was so touching that someone still cared about us...

The music always seems to reflect my characters mood, and that's what makes it so effective.
My sentiments exactly, except for the part about pretending to be in the game with them. I pretend to be them. (I've thought up my own things that they say, in addition to what the game makes them say. Also, since I never say anything, I've given some of the text to myself.)

And MD has created Fanfics, more fanfics, and even more fanfics, because with Mystery Dungeon everyone knows how a Pokemon lives. (For example, know we know they can understand Pokemon of other species.)

And I started to cry when Caterpie, Metapod, Jumpluff, Jumpluff, Diglett, and Pelliper saw me off. It was so touching that someone still cared about us...

The music always seems to reflect my characters mood, and that's what makes it so effective.

XD That's what I meant to say. I pretend that I am the character, and that I'm with the others in the game. I should have worded that better.

Yeah, I've seen lots of Mystery Dungeon fanfics. Sadly, I haven't seen many decent ones. The best one I've seen so far is on the forums here, by Isfahan. His fic is called Displacement and so far I really like it.

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
I was sad, too.......I wish it wasn't that sad.......


Onions? Where??
well, that fugitive thingy was kinda sad :(