Soquid Fpoon
Amazing Trainer
Road to Kiges
Well my first fan fic and I think it's good, but first the Prologue:
It was a hot summer’s day in Lavender town. Cody a young boy with ambitious dreams of becoming a Pokemon professor like his aunt Claude had been anxiously awaiting the arrival of his brother Kiges. Kiges was an official Pokemon master who had conquered the Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn region. Cody was just waiting to tell Kiges everything that went on while he was away, like how Mom’s Roselia evolved and how he caught his first Pokemon a Magnemite. Then around 6:00p.m, a man that wore a brown trench coat and carried a Black suitecase that on the side had a pokeball inprint coming up to the house. He ran with all his might to Kiges, but the man wasn’t him. He looked up to see his dad who looked a lot like Kiges. Cory’s dad came down to his level and looked at Cory with a saddened face. “Cory I’m sorry to say this, but Kiges is died.” At that Cory’s arms flung to his dad and tears started flowing down his face because of the one thing Kiges said to him, “The next time I head out for a journey you can come with me.” Cory asked his dad in disappointed way, “How did he die?” Cory’s dad didn’t know any better way, but to tell Cory the truth. “Cory, there was a train wreck this morning in Goldenrod from where your brother was coming from. They found his suitcase with his wallet in the debris on the wreck.” After they had gone through some more talking they went to go tell mother. She didn’t take it well, but not as bad as Cory. That night Cory wondered all night what if Kiges didn’t die. What if he never got on the train, but they found his suitcase. What if he jumped out of the window, but Kiges was a third class passenger and wouldn’t been able to jump out a window in a crowded seat and probably wouldn’t have survived the jump. All of these thoughts made Cory madder. The next day his dad sent him out to go tell his aunt Prof. Wolff that Kiges had died for she was close with the boys too. She always sent Pokemon to Kiges for Christmas, but had only sent Cory one Pokemon, Korinku, and that had been for his birthday when she heard he had caught a Pokemon. He was getting ready to go and to the new airport by Pallet Town, where he spotted a picture of Kiges and him pretend battling last time Kiges came home. After that he remembered to put the plane tickets in the suitcase as well as his Pokemon which he adored so much. And so Cory set of to tell his aunt. Could there be any surprises? Who knows until next time? Bye.
Corys Pokemon so far: ;081; ;403;
Well my first fan fic and I think it's good, but first the Prologue:
It was a hot summer’s day in Lavender town. Cody a young boy with ambitious dreams of becoming a Pokemon professor like his aunt Claude had been anxiously awaiting the arrival of his brother Kiges. Kiges was an official Pokemon master who had conquered the Kanto, Johto, and Hoenn region. Cody was just waiting to tell Kiges everything that went on while he was away, like how Mom’s Roselia evolved and how he caught his first Pokemon a Magnemite. Then around 6:00p.m, a man that wore a brown trench coat and carried a Black suitecase that on the side had a pokeball inprint coming up to the house. He ran with all his might to Kiges, but the man wasn’t him. He looked up to see his dad who looked a lot like Kiges. Cory’s dad came down to his level and looked at Cory with a saddened face. “Cory I’m sorry to say this, but Kiges is died.” At that Cory’s arms flung to his dad and tears started flowing down his face because of the one thing Kiges said to him, “The next time I head out for a journey you can come with me.” Cory asked his dad in disappointed way, “How did he die?” Cory’s dad didn’t know any better way, but to tell Cory the truth. “Cory, there was a train wreck this morning in Goldenrod from where your brother was coming from. They found his suitcase with his wallet in the debris on the wreck.” After they had gone through some more talking they went to go tell mother. She didn’t take it well, but not as bad as Cory. That night Cory wondered all night what if Kiges didn’t die. What if he never got on the train, but they found his suitcase. What if he jumped out of the window, but Kiges was a third class passenger and wouldn’t been able to jump out a window in a crowded seat and probably wouldn’t have survived the jump. All of these thoughts made Cory madder. The next day his dad sent him out to go tell his aunt Prof. Wolff that Kiges had died for she was close with the boys too. She always sent Pokemon to Kiges for Christmas, but had only sent Cory one Pokemon, Korinku, and that had been for his birthday when she heard he had caught a Pokemon. He was getting ready to go and to the new airport by Pallet Town, where he spotted a picture of Kiges and him pretend battling last time Kiges came home. After that he remembered to put the plane tickets in the suitcase as well as his Pokemon which he adored so much. And so Cory set of to tell his aunt. Could there be any surprises? Who knows until next time? Bye.
Corys Pokemon so far: ;081; ;403;
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