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Safari Zone map?


Superluminal Porygon
According to Wikipedia...

Wikipedia entry on Glitch City said:
The Safari Zone was not included in the Gold, Silver and Crystal versions, and since the Safari Zone is needed to complete this glitch, it is impossible to do it in these three versions. Players have theorized that the Safari Zone wasn't included in the Gold, Silver and Crystal games because of Glitch City since there is code and a map of Safari Zone in the three games.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glitch_city to prove it.

Does anyone have a picture of this alleged G/S/C Safari Zone? Is it just a copy of the R/B/Y one or does it have improved graphics? This is something I would like to see.


breathe, spit, walk
there is no safari zone in GSC, and I don't think Glitch City exists. :/


Burn bright & strong
It does exist, but I only saw It in Red and Blue.

I know, because I went there.


Superluminal Porygon
Yes, but read the quote, would you? Wikipedia says that there is a map of the Safari Zone on the G/S/C cart and they took the entrance out to avoid a glitch city type thing in G/S/C.


breathe, spit, walk
Psychic Wynaut said:
Yes, but read the quote, would you? Wikipedia says that there is a map of the Safari Zone on the G/S/C cart and they took the entrance out to avoid a glitch city type thing in G/S/C.

If there is one, I don't have it, and I don't believe Wikipedia all that much. ^^
You cant use the walk threw walls code because you wont be able to go any further.

;003;Dark Venusaur;003;


Well-Known Member
PikaPikaChu said:
is there any wild pokemons there?

No, there isn't.

I've tried countless times on a R**, but nothing there.

The Safari Zone... I wish they had in in GSC without using a Teleporting code. It used fair amounts of the tall grass that you see in the National Park. I had the feeling there was more to that grass in the Park... They should have used it in more places IMO.

with a R**hack, you can put a door there and go into it. I'll get pictures and post 'em


Well-Known Member
This is interesting...

There goes the rumour that it was cut because of a lack of space.

Why keep the map in the game though? Laziness?


Well-Known Member
Even if there was a safari zone in GSC, nintendo would've made precautions to get rid of that glitch in RBY. They got rid of all the glitches in RBY.


Fear the light.
A rumer is that the programers wan'ted to put the saferi zone in GSC but there wasn't so much room to keep the whole thing so they had to Delete it but they didnt >____>


ph334r me!...Please?
I don't know why but that pic seems too much cut 'n' paste to me. Has anyone tried to use that GS code to confirm it?? I mean, that lake doesn't even have a shore >_>


Well-Known Member
Phreack said:
I don't know why but that pic seems too much cut 'n' paste to me. Has anyone tried to use that GS code to confirm it?? I mean, that lake doesn't even have a shore >_>

Here I'm in it right now:

With a R**hack, I was able to place a door on the safari zone building:

The water looks like that because they probably dropped the Safari Zone before they put more detail into it.


As you can see, the second pic shows water that isn't in the MAP of the SZ. That is becuase that part of the water is not part of the same MAP layer (It's actually in the same layer that the Sprites are in)
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Mightyena Master
to me it looks like the national park above goldenrod just screw up,like the waters in the top right,the chairs and weird objects to the south,the big grass at the bottom,the trees surrounding every where.

but nonethe less that place looks awesome...have you tried using sweet scent there?