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Safari Zone


Real-life Gothorita
Hey, anyone have any tips for catching what i want in the safari zone? specifically chansey... I figure there must be a set order you have to do things in but i can't figure it out. thanks.


Well-Known Member
Well, different pokemon appear in different areas so make sure you are looking in the right area (chansey is in area 3 i think).

All my rare pokemon I just caught by throwing safari balls at them and hoping for the best - they run most of the time anyway so at least you have a chance that way.

Good luck

Legendary star

Well-Known Member
Chansey can appear almost anywhere in the Safari Zone, you just have to look hard enough. If you do encounter one, here's what I do: I throw a couple of Baits, then a Rock, then a Safari Ball.


Powerplay Champion
yeah... i gotta agree with throwing the rock...
higher chance that it'll run away.. but better chance of succesfully catching it...
i flat out don't use the bait...
all it does is keep the other pokemon around longer...


When trying to catch a Chansey, just throw Safari Balls at it until it runs away or you catch it(hopefully the latter). Throwing rocks is risky seeing as there is a high chance of Chansey running away and unlike throwing a Safari Ball you don't have at least one chance to catch it if it runs away first turn.


Natsu no Maboroshi
Why don't you use a pokeblock?


its fr/lg

just throw balls