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.::{Sakim's Sprites}::.


Darkness Is Rising..
Alright I just started spriting about a week ago. NOT COMICS! But anyway, I think I am doing good. What do you all think of my sprites? They are mostly mixes.





More will be added after I make some. Please do not spam here. I only do mixes for now. I do not do scratches but I do, do revamps and devamps.


First off, the Alakazam/Machamp's head looks like it has a giant yellow bump because the ears look like they don't attach. The Machop/Abra's outline look weird.


Darkness Is Rising..
Yeah when I tried to do Machamkazam's head it got all mixed up. I will fix it sooner or later and what's wrong with the outline?


Oh nevermind, I got a closer view of it... it's all right stupid me lol

EDIT: What I mean by it it the Abra/Machop


Chaotic Dreamer
The Machop's ears and tail don't look as if theyre connected correctly, and the same goes for the Machamp. The middle one looks pretty good though. What's with the green one's feet...?

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
They are quite copy and paste-ish, for the bits that you've added the shading doesn't link up with the body/base. Try to scratch parts; this helps when positing parts and the overall look of the fusion. But, a good try to say you haven't been spriting long.