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Sam`s skarloey railway stories


Team Aqua Admin
Spooky Skarloey

Skarloey is a small red engine no 1 who lives on the Island of sodor, Working on the narrow gauge railway owned by Mr. Percival who from now on I’ll just call him The Thin controller. Any how some of the other engines are Rheneas no 2 another small red engine,Sir.Handel no 3 who is Small Dark blue engine, Peter Sam no 4 a small Green engine, Rusty no 5 The only Narrow gauge Diesel who is Orange, Duncan no 6 a small Yellow engine,Fearless Freddie no 7 a grey engine, Duke A brown engine And MightyMac a strange Two ended engine. This story is about when Mighty mac Thought he saw a ghost!

One evening Mightymac was taking the last carriages of the day because Skarloey was taking a Train of lime to the Farm. But Skarloey was going to quick to notice that a Tractor had stalled on the line. One minute It was silent the next there was a horrid CRUCH!!!! Skarloey was covered from Buffer to buffer in Lime! Just down the line Mightymac was waiting at the Transfer Yards For James and the express. When a low moan was heard But of course we know it was Skarloey But MightyMac did not"Whats that?" Cried Mighty Just the Lime covered Skarloey Rolled in. It’s a ghost!!"Screamed Mac and they raced away."Well well well" Giggled Rusty who had pushed Skarloey to the Transfer yards “They look like they`ve seen a Ghost!"

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