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Sandbag in super smash bros melee

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Mightyena Master
ok I started this thread because I want to get some of the trophies on super smash brothers melee for gamecube.
I keep on trying the sandbag competition but I cant get anything higher than 316.8 metres.
Can anyone help me?
oh yeah,I got 316.8 with Fox Mcloud using his laser gun(b button) until the sanbags at like 60 damage, and then Smack with the homerun bat.
I want to know how because if you get a record of 400 metres with any character you unlock the past stage of yoshis island and If you get a combined record of 5,000 metres you get the unown trophy.
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Super Gamer
Use Roy from Fire Emblem. First use his Up + A attack several times until you get the damage kinda high. Then take the Home Run Bat and swing it at the bag and it will go flying really far.

Hope I helped you.



Mightyena Master
Yes Ive done that MidnightScott,what was your record?I got about 214 with him.and does anyone know how to get a good result from captain Falcon?I can only get like 30 with him.


Super Gamer
hell - I don't remember. I haven't played the game in so long - I know that it was really far though.



Monkey Dragon
Yoshi's down+A move. Start by grabbing the bat, then jump up VERY slightly, so you are right above the bag, then rapidly press down+A. Do this about three or four times, then when the timer is on one, knock the hell out of that bag.

I've got almost 2000 meters, don't take my word for it though, I haven't played in a while...


perpetually tired
You need Yoshi to beat it. The goal is to do damage without moving the sandbag. Yoshi works well. Down-A.


Flip me to the side!
Use Ganondorf, it is pure power if you know how to use him against the sandbag!.

zonic the hedgehog

The Yoshi trick always works. :D

Also try using Link and use his B + Up move back and forth repeatedly, or stab the thing to death.



Gyarados Hunter
If you use Mario or Mr Game and Watch correctly, you can take the sandbag along the track about 20 metres with the up+A smash, and then hit it with the bat! But it is really hard. I recommend Jigglypuff, up+A lots then hit it with the bat, I got 400m.
Well, with Ganondorf, grab the bat, then us Up and A, and when it's coming down, use Down a A in the air. Repeat it maybe, then smash it one ^_^


Rising Trainer
Use Roy. Up + B until the damage is high and the sandbag is close to the edge. Hold down B for the sword charge up. Let it charge up all the way. You should get about 700-1000m.


If you just use the ice climbers up+a move and you should get very high damage. Then finish it off with the bat before time is up.


Super Gamer
Wait - nevermind. Do what CoolTrainerTerry said - that is the way I did it, I just totally forgot about it. That will send the bag over 1,000 meters.



Mightyena Master
ok its not working,do you have to land on it doing down+A?
if so how many times?
and after that do you smack it with the home-run bat or a technique of yoshis?
I did what blues said and I only got it about 256 metres.is there something Im missing?
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Ex_Kyogre said:
ok its not working,do you have to land on it doing down+A?
if so how many times?
Of course or else you won't do any damage. Make sure you hit it with the bat at least two to one second(s) before time is up.

Wobbuffet fan

You can do it with Yoshi's Down+A attack like everyone else said. It's where Yoshi's feet come down hitting it rapidly and if done correctly should inflict about 26%.

Don't expect to do it so easily, though. It took me days to hit it the minimum distance, over 100 tries.


Irate Pirate
The Yoshi way doesn't work in all versions, they took the power of the move down for the European SSBM's. I found Ganondorf the easiest to do it with, I grabbed the sandbag chucked it in the air then threw the bat up to hit it, catch the bat on the way down, hit it a few more times and right on the buzzer smash it


Mightyena Master
Yes it worked!but I could only smash it approximately 410.6 metres,which was good enough to unlock yoshis island 64,but it took me forever!Are you guys sure you can get up to 1000-2000 metres distance?
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