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.Sayonara. - .A Preview.


The Compromise
...This preview is a little different to other people's. While they have quotes from the piece, I'm doing something a little different...

...You get to see the deleted scenes. XD

I've really enjoyed writing Sayonara, for I've chosen to write it in first person and I can just jump write into the piece. The problem is, I went into a lot of detail in places, unneeded detail, and the only way I could make myself feel better about getting rid of anything was by posting them seperately as deleted scenes.

...I suppose I'll post a bit of the actual story here too. XD

Well, here they are! =D

From the beginning said:
Slowing down to take a smooth left turn, I set my all-too-hungry brain onto digesting what had happened that day.

It was pretty uneventful, to tell the truth. We skimmed over Orre’s recent history in our free period with a lecturer from Cerulean, (the rise and fall of Cipher, yada yada yada), and spent another gruelling ‘fitness fun!’ lesson running from our gym teacher, who has as fiery a breath and as harsh a bite as the Houndoom she so dotes upon. I went about the rest of the day drifting from one classroom to the other, studying literacy, natural geography, and attempting to figure out what on earth indices were and how they could be used in the real world. I’m sure that will save my life one day.

...Also from the beginning. XD said:
I pulled to a stop at a red light, wincing as the car came to another jolting halt. Stinky woke with a start, yawning widely and blinking blearily out the window. My frown receded as I watched him sniff the air half-heartedly. He was so adorable! With his button eyes, sharpened snout and delicate paws, the very sight of him always melted my heart. I crooned at him, reaching over and scratching his fuzzed forehead. He purred loudly, snuggling deeper into the seat and tiredly licking my outstretched hand. I smiled.

A loud honk tore my eyes away and I glanced up to see the green light beaming down at me, annoyingly cheerful in the too-bright sunlight. I hurriedly urged the car forward, waving a quick sorry behind me. Man, do I hate this car. It should have been recycled years ago, its scrappy pieces of metal remodelled and put to better use in shopping trolleys pushed by little old women instead of it being resigned to breaking its last legs here on the road. I grumbled silently as I scanned signs for my turning. We were in the suburbs of Goldenrod, half an hours drive away from anything and everything. I suppose some people enjoy the isolation, but I must admit, I’m not one of them. Too silent, for one thing.

And a quote or two from the actual piece. =D

A silver convertible raced along the motorway, windows down, roof back, sunlight glinting off its sparkling surface as it headed towards the distant sunset with headlights aglow. I wish I could say it was me in that BMW, my golden hair tossing in the wind that blew in my wake, the arm of my football jock boyfriend wrapped securely around my shoulders… I sighed, feeling more than just a twinge of jealousy as I sank back into my patched car seat. Welcome to my life.

I glanced up and around, drinking in my surroundings. The clouded skies, the daisy filled meadow… They just seemed so… familiar. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck prick up as a shiver ran down my spine. What was going on? I was getting some serious Déjê vu here. I jumped as a loud cry arose from the forest beside me, breathing hard as the harsh call faded into silence. I scowled. It was just a magpie, jeering happily from its hidden roost in a bowed oak tree.

‘One for sorrow…’ I found myself remembering. I shuddered.

There were more deleted scenes, but they were fragmented pieces. XD

I wanna fancy title! *cries* But the dots were all I could do. *is sad* XD

I haven't yet finished Sayonara, but decided to post the preview as I'm 20 pages in. It should hopefully be finished by Christmas, but it might take longer... It is a long, but hopefully interesting story. I'll post some more info on it later. And yes, this is a Pokemon story. =D


Well-Known Member
Looks promising so far!

The description of the main character's routine (at least it came across as routine to me, given the language) school day was interesting to read, but if it holds no real relevance to the story then you were probably right to trim it out. Of course, I'm only working with what you've given, so you're in a better position than I am to make that call. :)

The over-description of the car seemed like a good trim, but it did afford you an introduction for Stinky, which I hope is still in there somewhere, similar to how it appears in the trimmed-out section.

Thanks for the preview, katie! You have my attention. :)


The Compromise
=D Thanks! I'm glad I have your attention... *grabs it and runs far, far away* XD

Yeah, Act helped me cut down the beginning. *hugs* I'd already introduced Stinky, but I went into more detail here. I just couldn't bear to get rid of the part completely, for the 'car to shopping trolley' is one of my favourite parts. XD

As promised, I'll give you another little tibbit about it...

Sayonara is kinda the real world with pokemon in it. It has the same problems, but not as some people portray it. Not as serious. I had to create a little explanation bit because I felt that I'd have a hard time encorporating some parts into the story...

I do slightly poke fun at the show, and at some nowaday things, but you'll have to read it to find out what. ;)


Hehe so you are showing deleting scenes of Sayonara? Hm, interesting. Eh, I always thought that deleted scenes should not be shown until AFTER the story. ^^;;;;;

Anyways katiekitten, good preview here. I agree with Isfahan that you have good reasons that those are your deleted scenes.

So you are going to poke fun of the Pokemon anime ey? Tell you the truth, I am okay with it, even though I really like the anime. ^O^

Well, let me know when you get this story done! ^^

;134;~Good night, and good luck~


The Compromise
XD Thanks Bay!

I is different. =3 XD

XD Only a little... I just have a little problem with the 'ten year old trainers' thing. XD You'll see... =D

I'll PM you, don't worry. =D And you, Isfa, if you'd like. =D


Well-Known Member
*katiekitten begins to show the fateful viewers the preview of her fic. Unfortunately, she leaps upon us with the deleted scenes!*

Yeah...there. Interesting to see how much of the real world problems you included in with the fic. That's just something that fascinated me.

Anyhow, I wanna read more of Stinky! Now. (Just kidding. *hides pitch-fork behind back*)

So, PM me when ya get this up. All right? I'll be waiting to see more of this character with the good-bye name.

The Pokemon Master

Master Trainer
Hm. I actually am liking the looks of this... It should be an interesting read when you're finished. Think you could PM me when that happens?

Until we meet again...

Timid Kyogre

Endangered Creature
XD Katie, you have one mind...


Well, it sounds interesting so far. And I agree that you had a good reason to delete those.

One question: what gave you the IDEA to post deleted scenes? XD

Good luck! Oh and, can you PM me when it's up? ^^


I should do that sometime, you know.

~Timid Kyogre


The Compromise
XD Thanks guys! *hugs and cookies for all*

Hanako: XD I love Stinky too. I love all of my characters, actually. *huggles them and narrowly dodges assorted kicks* XD

...I don't think they like me, though. XD

*notes down* I'll PM you! =D

TPM: Thankies for coming! *huggles* I is glad you like the look of it so far... I'll PM you! =D

Timid! *hugstacklessmushes* XD How is you?

XD It was the bunnies. *points* They insisted, ya know, and I couldn't let them down... XD

*notes down* I'll pm ya too! =D

I finally got the evanescence CD! *boogies* I is going to listen it later... *can't wait* XD

Guess what? =D

'TIS MA BIRTHDAY IN TWO DAYS! *runs around in random circles screaming my head off*


*Removes cookie gun, blows off dust and loads it*

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a onestar to deal with. *aims* XD


Codenumber 242
Wow. I'm gonna melt any moment.


Memories in the Rain
Sayonara, huh? Sounds like a rather final title. Wonder how it'll be like. ^^

Anyway, the exerpts were excellent. Made me even more excited to read this fic of yours. ^^ Very well written (even the deleted secnes, yes) XD AND GEE, WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF PUTTIN' DELETED SCENES?! *bangs head on wall*


Heh. Anyway, I'll be lookin' forward to this. PM me when this up, will ya? ^^

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, Katie! *waves rusty sword plushie* XDXDXD

*handsoverLuciedandIfritDollaswellasColalollopopsandpineappletarts* XD


Knightblazer ;262;


The Compromise
Wow. I'm gonna melt any moment.

Melt in a good way? XD


Knnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiiigggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhht! *hugs and salutes with rusty sword plushie*


I'm glad you like the look of it! =D I wuv my deleted scenes... *snugs them* XD

Thanks for the pressies! *hoards* XD


The Compromise
XD *huugles Eju* Thankies! =D I wuv it...

=D *hugsto oblivion* Luckmage! Thanks for visiting! =D I'm glad it sounds interesting. =3

A little tibbit of information...

Stinky is based on a furret I had in Gold version, named Stinky because he nearly wiped me out in the process of catching him. I'd picked up the game randomly and saw him there, and deccided to include him. =D

I have another deleted scene to post later... =D


Always watching...
Hm. You had me wondering for quite a while just what Stinky was. It's nice to finally know the answer. :) Although, I have to question why Sayonara would name her favourite Furret "Stinky". Never toilet trained, perhaps? XD

Man, if these are the deleted scenes, the main fic must be heaps good...
Too bad we won't know what's in it until after the judging!


The Compromise
XD That bit I stole from my dog... You see, he has major farting problems. He can easily stink up a room in a matter of seconds. And we can't do anything to stop it. XD Thankfully they aren't as bad as they were when we first got them, but whether that's because he has stopped a little or we've just got use to it, I have no clue. XD

I can't wait to post it... *has to finish it first*

*wriggles fingers* 22 pages and counting!

...I keep on putting it off. XD


The Compromise
XD *picks up pen* Aye aye, cap'ain! XD

Another deleted scene. =3

This one was deleted because even though it came out well, I didn't like the way the scene was going. It was too close to what had happened in an earlier scene, and I didn't want to seem repetitive. XD

The she at the beginning is her mother. =D

“Working late again?” She asked, disapproval clear in her voice. I briefly considered not replying, glaring instead at the multiple shadows that spread across the tan carpeting from her feet. But I knew she’d get an answer eventually, either the easy way, or the hard way, which usually involved guilt-trips and complaining about you when you were standing beside her. Both effective, infuriating ways that I’d prefer not to deal with in my tired state.

“I went to the Daisy Queen.”

“Who with?”

“The usuals. Theo and Joan.”


Well-Known Member
Ah, the Daisy Queen. My favorite place for flower-flavored frozen desserts.

I'd love to see the marketing for that place in the Pokéworld. The TV commercials alone would be hilarious.

Girl: I just love Daisy Queen!
Boy: Me too!

*they run up to the counter*

Hyper-friendly Daisy Queen Counter-Jockey: What can I get for you kids today?

Girl: A dandelion sundae with pollen topping!
Boy: Make mine a nectar smoothie!

Fast-talking Announcer: New at Daisy Queen! Special pistil-shaped spoons!

Jingle Chorus: Daisy Queen, Daisy Queen! The plantiest treats you've ever seen! Yeah!